chapter thirteen

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Vivian Rose

After my shower I throw on a pair of leggings and oversized light blue t-shirt and take out my bags and start neatly folding my clothes and put them in the bag. I have almost have the closet cleaned out when I hear a knock on the door "come in!" I say without thinking. 

"Hey Viv." Harry says softly causing me to turn and look at him, his eyes green eyes where soften when I gave him a small smile. "What do you want?" I ask plainly. 

"I just wanted to see what you where doing. Bella said you packing up your things. Did you need any help?" he questioned his voice remaining soft and quite. I looked around the room "You can throw all the stuff in the bathroom into this bag?" I say and hand him a small bag. He nods and takes the bag out of my hand.

I want him to apologize for yesterday when he ditched me and then acted like a completely different person.

I'm trying to forget about the part where he brought home that trap from the party who couldn't separate herself from him longer then five seconds. I roll my eyes at the thought of that. Harry returns and hands me the bag with my belongings in it. I smile at him and he nods and sits on the bed. I decide to lighten the mood "So, are you going to miss me?" I remark as a smirk plays on my face. Harry rolls his eyes and but couldn't hide his smile. "Not with an attitude like that I won't!" He teases "Whatever Styles now you don't have anyone to sneak into their beds while they're sleeping!" I say as i throw one of my shirts at him. He caught it at threw it back at me. We both sat quietly for a second while I continued folding I stopped when I found at few shirt that belonged to Harry.

"Do you want these back?" I ask showing him the shirts. He shakes his head "Keep them, ya know, as a parting gift." He says and smiles, I return the smile and avoided his gaze. 

"You know where I'll be living, its not like your never going to see me again." I say and glance at Harry, hes wearing tight black pants and a white T-shirt exposing all his tattoos underneath of it. He ruffles his hair before speaking "Yeah, but we're going on tour soon." He says and looks to the floor. My heart sank, I knew this day was coming but I didn't know when. 

I try keeping a straight face "When do you start your tour?" I ask avoiding his eyes. "Less then a week." He says while looking down at his feet. I zip up my two suite cases and Harry stands "I'll get them." he offers and grabs the two bags while I carry the smaller one. Harry places the big ones in his car and I slide into his car. I still have a few more things to pack but I'll come back in the morning to get the rest.

 We pull up to my new house and knock on the door. I don't exactly have a key or it  yet. 

Bella  opens the door and I can immediately smell some kind of pasta. The smell washed over me and Harry "That smells amazing!" I exclaim, while walking inside. The house has more of classic feel with the dim lights from the kitchen. 

I see Naill seated at the table awaiting for his food patiently. 

"Well I figured since its your first day at our new condo I wanted to make you feel more at home!" she said while gently taking the apron off and going into the kitchen to get some plates and silverware.

I follow behind her and help her set up the table. 

Bella comes around putting pasta on our plates. She made stuffed ravioli with meat sauce over it. She always made a side of salad and bread sticks. 

I look over at Niall, who is shoveling pasta down his throat "Naill! Slow down this isn't a race. Geez" Bella scowled and rolled her eyes. Niall smiled awkwardly with a mouth full of pasta. I starting laughing at him and every one joined including Niall. I stopped suddenly when I felt Harry's hand on my thigh causing my cheeks to turn red. I looked over at the cheeky Harry who had a smirked on his face. I slowly move his hand from my high and continued eating enjoying everyone's company. 

As soon as we finished Harry went to the car to get my suitcases and brought them into my room. I collapsed onto my bed. "I've missed my own bed so much." I say as stare at the ceiling. I feel Harry collapse next to me. "can I stay here tonight?" He blurts out.

His question catches me off guard, I turn to look at him. I see the tenderness behind his eyes. He's emerald eyes piercing into mine. "If you want too." I reply and turn back to look at the ceiling again.

"Why did you start sneaking into my room and sleeping next to me anyways?" I blurt out before really thinking about what I was asking. But it was too late now the words where already filling up the space in my room. 

Harry paused before answering, furrowing his brow "er, well." He starts, searching for the words.

"I have a hard time sleeping most nights. But every since that one night I slept next to you I can actually sleep. I don't get nightmares and wake up every few hours." Harry turns on his side and cups my face with his large but gentle hands meeting my gaze, sending a shiver up my spine. 

"I thought you just liked sleeping next to someone. But you do that with lots of other girls though. So I don't know sleeping next to me made so much of a difference. " I say with a too much venom behind those words. He looks at me almost hurt "That's what makes it so weird to me Vivian. I've never felt such a need for someone like I have for you." He breaths pulling me closer to him.

I let the words seep into my skin, replaying it over in my head and inhaling Harry's sweet sent. My heart feels like its going to beat out of my chest at any second and my stomach filled with butterflies. 

I look down at Harry's lips that are slightly parted and he slowly inching closer to mine.

My head is screaming at me telling me to stop to him but I feel paralyzed by his touch. Harry's softly tracing my bottom lip. I keep my eyes locked on his. They where darker then normal and filled with lust. 

Harry leans in all the way and closes the space between us. 

I feel his soft and supple lips crashing onto mine. His kiss if very deep and passionate making every hair on my body stand up.

As soon as our lips touched he ignited my body with his kiss. 

Suddenly the image of Liam kissing me this morning popped into my head and I pulled away. 

"I'm sorry, I just, um. I'm going to go change for bed." I fumbled with my words and flew off the bed so quickly you would have though I was thrown off it. I quickly open a one of the suit cases and grab a shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts and make a bee line for the bath room door. 

I close the door shut and walk over to the sink and splash water on my face. I look hard at my reflection trying to think straight.

I still feel intoxicated from his kiss. But what about Liam? But Harry's so much more complex then Liam. 

Did I really just compare those two again? If Harry founds out Liam kissed me he would wring his neck! I can't tell him what happened.

Ill just have to play it off as if nothing happened. Harry and I relationship is too complicated to deal with right now. He's also leaving to go on tour soon too. 

I weight my options and decide to just let it be, its the best thing to do right now and Harry isn't the type to actually have a girlfriend or a serious one at that. 

Quickly I slip out of my clothes and throw on the ones I grabbed and walk back into my room.

I see Harrys clothes scattered on the floor and his back facing me. I walk to the other side of the bed and climb in. Silently thanking the gods he still has his underwear on.

I lay quietly next to him listening to his slow breaths while replaying that kiss over, and over again in my head till sleep kicks in. 

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