chapter twelve

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Vivian Rose

That night I couldn't sleep so I got up early and decided to go on a run. I throw the covers off and stormed to my closest and grabbed a pair of running shorts and a blue sports bra and quickly put them on. I pulled my messy brown hair back into a tight pony tail and grabbed a pair running shoes.  I pace down the stairs to see I'm not the only one awake, I see a half naked Liam standing in the kitchen. Liam was wearing gray sweat pants that barely clung to his hips. 

I couldn't help but let my eyes travel down his very muscular body. Liam is definitely has more muscle that Harry. I mean Harry is still very toned but Liam is a lot bigger then Harry. I silently curse myself for making the two comparison and Liam turns around and a smirk plays across his face and he obviously saw me just gawking at him. I quickly avoid his gaze and clear my throat "What are you doing up so early?" I ask while examining his face more, he facial hair makes him look a lot older then he really is. His hair is all ruffled and messy I can tell he just woke up "I just woke up, but it looks like your going to go on a run. Can I join?" Liam asked stepping closer to me. " Sure" I respond giving him a shy smile. 

A few moments after Liam goes to get some running clothes on another shirtless man comes walking down the stairs followed behind him was a skinny blonde obviously in the clothes she wore last night. I roll my eyes at him and avoid looking at him. 

"You're up early." Harry's raspy voice sounded causing me to look at him and I just nod my head. Liam finally comes back just as the the tension in the room grows. The blonde kept giving me dagger eyes and I could feel my blood start to boil. 

"Ready?" I ask Liam ignoring Harry's glares at me Liam just nods and we're out the door. 

"does he always do that? Bring home random girls?" I blurt out after Liam catches up to me. Liam looked at me "Yeah sometimes. He usually does if he's been drinking." he says I can see a thin layer of sweat on his forehead and arms. "Why don't you tell him how you feel?" he questions while putting his hand and on the small of my back. 

"I don't know what you're taking about." I spit and continue running. Liam keeping at a close distance behind. I feel his arm grabbing me stopping me in my tracks "You know what I mean." He says in between breaths.

"Me and Harry are friends, nothing more. I don't approve of him sleeping with whoever he likes." I say with conviction in my voice, Liam studies my eyes and his eyes softened. "I know I hate it too, he's hurts many girls by that because he never calls them again after." He shakes his head in disagreement. Relieve floods over me as he drops the subject of me and Harry. 

"Well that's good on my part than, I don't think he deserves you anyways." Liam smirks at me.

I turn and give him a questioning look and before I had a chance to react his lips are pressed to mine. 

 Harry Styles

I watched as Liam and Vivian left and I could feel the anger bubbling inside me. I wanted to punch him in the face for being anywhere near her. Jessica, I think that was her name, wrapped her arms around me and I push her away "Not now Jessica." I hissed and walked into the living room and walked out out the patio and I hear faint steps behind me "Its actually Jocelyn.." She whispered her eyes flushed with pain. "Yeah same thing" I bark back at her. Why won't she leave? 

"Didn't you say you have somewhere to go?" I insist hoping she gets the point. 

"Uh, no I don't." she responds and crosses her arms over her chest. 

"Well, I do. I need to get ready. You can find your way out right?" I say as I head back inside I hear her sigh and walk toward the door just as I see it swing open. I really hope its Vivian but to my disappointments it was only Bella. She looked at me then at the girl and shook her head as Jessica or whatever the hell her name is, left. 

"Harry, you're so bad. Where is Vivian?" She asked while searching the room. 

"How the hell should I know? Ask Liam I saw them together." I say bitterly and walk up into my room. 


A few hours later Vivian and Liam have not returned yet and I start to grow more mad by the second. I decide to take a really long shower in hopes that when I'm done she'll be back. After my shower I step out in my towel just as I hear the door again. I sprint down stairs to see them both back. Vivian usual happy face is unreadable. 

Vivian Rose

Liam's lips where gentle and soft, my heart was screaming at me to stop and my brain was telling me to just enjoy it.

I hesitate for a second then kiss him back, Liams hand grabs my hips to deepen the kiss. I let me heart win and I pulled away from him, placing my fingers on my lip where Liams lips still lingered. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, uh." I stumbled over my words. 

"Its okay, I'm the one who kissed you. I've always had a thing for you Vivian. Since the very first time I saw you." He confesses stepping closer to me. 

My mind begins to get cluttered with thoughts and I just start walking back to the house. 

Liam looks at me from time to time giving me a confused look and I just give him a small smile as we walked silently. 


Once we reach the house I see Harry in a towel in the living room I glance over at him then at Liam and I just walk to my room. 

Bella comes running out of Nialls room and runs into me "Viv! Finally you're back, I've been waiting for you. " She smiles at me. Bella is wearing light washed skinny jeans and a cute pink sheer sheer tank top. I look at her and grab her by the arm and drag her into my room. 

"Geez, you're a little feisty today!" She teases and plops down on my bed and I close the door behind me.

"Liam kissed me." I blurt out. I watch her as her smile fades and her eyes look they are going to pop out of her head. 

"He what?!" She half yells before I cover her mouth. "Shhh! I don't want them to hear you." I whisper before I uncover her mouth. 

"What? I'm so confused. I thought you and Harry where an item. Then I saw him this morning that that girl and I got all confused." She says 

"We're not an item? I don't even know what we are. He sleeps in my room every night usually.." I confess and Bellas eyes go wide again. 

"You what?" She half yells again before I silence her again. 

"Not like that! usually I'm already asleep and he just comes in here and falls asleep next to me. But I'm so confused. I don't know why Liam kissed me? It was just so random. We where on a run. I don't even know if I like any of them that way." I confess and sit down next to Bella on my bed. 

"Harry just does whatever he wants yet I find myself drawn to him. But with Liam, Its different because I know he already likes me and I don't know how I feel about him." I blurt out as I brush hair of my face. 

"Just admit it." Bella demands

"Admit what?" I question

"That you're catching feeling for Harry! That's why when Liam kissed you it only made you feel more confused." She says and swats at my arm. 

"No, cause  I don't!" I argue back. 

"Vivian! I can see it all over your face." she mocks.

"No. I don't. I refuse to admit something that I don't even know if its true." I say with conviction behind my voice and I cross my arms over my chest. 

I see Bella shake her head as she stands up. "Well you should pack up the rest of your stuff and just come back to our condo. At least that you can remove yourself from this situation." She says and exits my room. 

I stand to my feet and decide to take a shower and pack up the rest of my stuff hoping it will silence this restless mind. 

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