7. Not Such An Absurd Notion

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Chapter 7: Not Such An Absurd Notion


Mika was late and I was starting to worry. He was never late, tending to be more on the early side than late. I didn't have the kind of time to just waste waiting for him, but I couldn't leave Sam alone.

I even tried calling Mika, thinking perhaps he overslept or something, but it went straight to voicemail. With each minute that went by, I was getting more and more worried that something was wrong.

"I am so, so sorry, Allen," Mika said as soon as he rushed through the door, almost forty minutes late.

I could tell what had happened before he could even explain. His hair looked like he had just rolled out of bed, and the fact that he was wearing the exact same outfit as yesterday, plus the addition of a rather large hickey on his neck told a lot.

"Here," I said stiffly, handing off my son. "I need to leave. He's fed already."

"Allen, I really am sorry. My alarm-"

"Doesn't matter," I spoke over him, grabbing my jacket and my keys. "I'll see you tonight."

I could tell Mika wanted to say more, probably to apologize more, but his mouth just opened and closed a couple times, but I shook my head every time it opened. I didn't want to hear excuses. I needed to leave.


When I finally made it into work, I was over an hour late because traffic was a bitch. This is why I needed to leave before six thirty in the morning, otherwise I'd be with everyone else trying to get to work.

"Allen!" Melissa cheered when I walked by her desk. "I was getting a bit worried."

"Why were you worried?" I asked, although I didn't stop, just pushed open my office door to put my stuff down at my desk.

She followed me though, the way I knew she would. "Because you have never once been late. Sam giving you trouble this morning, Allen? You look a bit worn out. A baby will do that to you, as I'm sure you're quite aware of by now, aren't you, Allen?"

I really did not feel like listening to her chattering to me all day, but unfortunately, I needed to, although it didn't have to be personal. "Mika was late, actually. But enough about my life." I started demanding her to grab me the files I would need for today.

I was sure she would have gotten the hint, but when she returned to my office about ten minutes later with the requested files, she started back up.

"You don't seem to be in a very good mood, Allen. It's more than that your nanny was late or Sam kept you up all night. Something's on your mind. What is it?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Nothing. I'm fine."

Melissa sat down in one of the chairs on the opposite of my desk. "No, Allen, you're not. Talk or you're going to end up being miserable the rest of the day. Or a week. Remember when Sarah left you? You wouldn't tell anyone that for weeks, which almost sent you over the edge because you wouldn't talk about it."

Sighing, I remembered that feeling. I was so depressed back then and I didn't want anyone to know how I had lost the love of my life because she didn't love me the same way. Melissa had known I wanted to propose, so telling her we weren't together anymore didn't seem right. But, I have to admit, talking it out with her did help a little bit.

"It's Mika," I started. "He was late because he had sex with someone last night."

Melissa cocked her head to the side. "He told you this?"

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