20. Distraction

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Chapter 20: Distraction


The house was quiet, which was exactly what I needed right now. I had one more test to take before I got my GED, finally. It was still a couple days away, but I needed to study as much as possible for it to make sure I passed. And today was the best day to focus all of my attention on it.

Sam was napping, Allen was at work, and his parents had gone out somewhere. They could be back any second now, considering I had no idea what their plans were, so I was using every bit of time I had now to study as much as I could.

Having them here was weird. They were weird. I still doubted that they were even Allen's parents. I mean, yeah, they looked alike, but they way they acted was so different from anything I've ever seen Allen do. They constantly bickered with each other, sometimes over tiny things, other times it was a larger issue, like Allen being with me.

Man, that hurt to just watch Edwin hit Allen yesterday. What kind of father did that to their son? I hated to think what his childhood was like if the hit seemed to barely faze any of them. If I had any say in anything - which I still wasn't entirely sure of - Sam will never in his life get hit by either one of us. That isn't how anyone should raise a child. Not like I would know, but I do know that, since I guess Sam is kinda mine now too, he needs supportive parents in his life.

And I plan on being there for him; as weird as that seems to me still. But I love him - and Allen. I do. I don't know how it is even possible, but I guess there's just something about those two that can really bring out the best in me. And I'll forever be grateful to Allen for seeing whatever it is in me long before I could.

Look at me, I'm getting sappy. This isn't me, having emotions and shit like that. Is this what happens when you fall in love? You start feeling more things? I didn't think I liked it very much. I've spent so much time blocking emotions from myself that I no longer knew how to handle them.

I hadn't even thought of the possibility of me blocking my emotions for so long until Allen mentioned it last night, right before we went to bed. He suggested it, and, at the time, I shrugged it off. But now I was actually thinking about it and it made sense. It could be the reason why I was never really bothered by what I needed to do back then to earn enough money for both of us to survive. Now I just hated thinking about it.

The door in the kitchen opened and I sighed. Allen's parents were back. So, hoping to avoid them a little longer, I focused back on the laptop in front of me, figuring they might leave me alone if I looked busy enough.

I knew my planned failed as soon as I felt arms wrap themselves around my neck and warm lips pressed against my cheek. I slowly looked at Allen, not amused.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked.

He smiled, kissing my cheek again. "Figured I'm come home and save you from the torture that is my parents."

I shook my head. "That was pointless. They're not even here."

"No, but you are."

Rolling my eyes, I shifted my position so that I was facing him as he backed up. "No duh."

His smile never fell, even when he pulled out his phone and started typing away on it. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but judging by the smile, I wasn't sure I was going to like it. Sure enough, barely a minute later, he placed the phone on the desk behind me and pulled me to my feet just as a slowish Christmas song started playing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, even though the answer was obvious as he placed his hand on my hip while still holding onto mine with his other hand. I sighed. "I don't dance, Allen."

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