11. After Sex Muffin

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Chapter 11: After Sex Muffin


"Somebody had a good night."

I rolled my eyes at Melissa's comment as I made my way past her desk and into my office. I was hoping she wouldn't follow me, but she did, just like every morning.

"I'm glad you finally found someone to help you move on, Allen."

I stopped next to my desk and faced her. "What?" She couldn't possibly know about Mika and me. That only just happened, literally a matter of hours ago.

"It's pretty obvious what you were doing last night, Allen. I mean, you can't just walk in here with that and not have us assume you had sex."

Immediately, my hand was on my neck, trying to hide the spot that I was pretty sure I didn't see before I left this morning. Mika mostly left them all on my chest, not my neck, so I didn't think I'd have a problem today. Apparently not.

Melissa started laughing. "So it's true, isn't it, Allen? You had sex last night?" I nodded my head, completely embarrassed. How could I have not noticed it? I should have asked Mika if he could see any before I left, but then again, he might have let me deal with it. It was his mark after all. Maybe he did this on purpose. "There's no mark, Allen. Don't worry about that."

I lowered my hand, but went behind my desk to check my reflection in the black computer monitor. From what I could tell, she was right, there wasn't anything visible. "How?"

"Because I know you, Allen. I also could always tell when you and Sarah were together. Then there was nothing this past year. It's good to see you happy again."

I sighed, placing everything I was holding on my desk before shrugging off my jacket and sitting down. Was I really that obvious? I never thought I was. "Seriously, how did you know?" I didn't want to broadcast how often I have sex with my office. What I did in my personal time was my business, not theirs.

She pointed at the bag containing a blueberry muffin that I had placed on the desk in front of me. "You always buy yourself something from the bakery the morning after. I put it together shortly after I started working here, Allen. It was quite obvious."

I sighed. I've never thought about it before. I passed by the bakery this morning and realized I haven't been in a while. There was no other thought process behind it. Unless there was an unconscious one.

"So who is she, Allen? Is this an official thing you have with her?"

I rolled my eyes, turning on my computer. Why did she have to be so nosy? "Who said it was a girl?" I wasn't sure why that is what came out of my mouth. Maybe it was because I didn't care. What difference did it make if I dated a man or a woman? It shouldn't matter.

I realized Melissa was being uncharacteristically quiet, so I looked up at her, only somewhat worried about her thoughts. I had no idea what her viewpoint was on homosexual relationships.

Melissa was staring down at the tablet in her hand, urgently tapping away. I don't even think she was paying attention to me any more. So I waited until she finished up a minute later.

"Sorry, Allen. You were saying? When are you going to bring her by? I'd love to meet her; the woman who was finally able to melt the ice around your heart."

"It wasn't frozen," I mumbled, not sure what to make of that. Sure, I haven't been with anyone since Sarah left, but that didn't mean my heart was cold. Guarded, maybe, but not cold.

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Allen, you haven't been yourself recently. Honestly, between you and me, some of these people were complaining about how you've turned into such a - excuse my language - hardass ever since she left you. Hopefully this new woman will lighten you up again, Allen. You, especially, need a break from all that heartache."

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