4. What is Love?

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Chapter Four: What is Love?


I felt like such a flustered mess back there. Who was I to get flustered and just start talking and not stop? That wasn't me. I wasn't some schoolgirl trying to talk to her first crush. And I'm pretty sure he noticed my behavior, too. He probably realized I think he's attractive and now he's regretting hiring me.

God, I'm getting fired from yet another job. And to think I actually thought I'd be able to keep this one, considering he'd have to find a quick replacement to watch Sam.

Roughly pulling my hood over my head, I stuck my hands into the front pocket of my sweatshirt as I headed back home. I just wanted to forget about the stupid mistakes I just made. Over an attractive guy. No one's ever had this kind of affect on me. I didn't like it. It would be better to just forget.

I had been walking for maybe twenty minutes when I heard a voice call me out from behind me. I didn't turn to look. I told him I was done with him last time I saw him, but I guess some people just can't get the hint.

I groaned inwardly when he ran up next to me, slapping my left ass cheek. "There's that sexy ass!"

Stopping, I turned to face the person I would have been more than happy never seeing again. "What do you want from me, Zak?"

"What do you mean, what do I want? You know what I want."

I scoffed, turning around again to walk away. He could be so annoying. Why did I ever let myself get involved with him?

"Come on, Meeks," he whined, falling in step next to me. "I'm clean. You trust me, right?"

I stopped walking again. "No, Zak. I don't. And I told you that I can't keep doing this. I know you sleep around, and I know you don't use protection very often. After that scare a couple weeks ago, I told you I can't keep taking the risk. Go find someone else to give your STDs." I started walking again, planning on leaving him behind me for good.

Unfortunately, he had other plans. Appearing next to me again, we walked together, the silence heavy between us. At least this was better than him talking my head off or trying to get in my pants. He was still here, but he wasn't talking.

"So where have you been, Meeks? It's like you went MIA."

I outwardly groaned this time. Why did he have to start talking again? "I've been around. Working. Avoiding you. You know, the usual."

I heard him scoff, not even needing to face him to picture him shaking his head, but smiling nonetheless. He probably thought I was joking. "Funny. You still working at that place?"

I wasn't sure which place he was referring to, but either way, my answer would be the same. He didn't know about the nanny job, and he wouldn't ever know. "Nope."

"Got a new job then?"



"None of your damn business, Zak."

"Ouch." The silence fell between us again, but only for a minute. "You know what you need, Mika?" I didn't answer. "You need to get laid. When was the last time you had sex?" He paused again, but I refused to answer. "Wait. Don't tell me it was with me! It was, wasn't it? Damn, you definitely need to get laid. That was like, two weeks ago!"

I spun around to stand directly in front of Zak, shocking him with my sudden movement. "You leave me the hell alone, okay? I don't need you and I sure as hell don't want you."

I was really hoping he'd finally realize what it was I was saying and leave me alone. But, instead, he took a step forward and crashed his lips against mine.

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