33. Siblings

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Chapter 33: Siblings


"You were there again, weren't you?" Amy asked, turning around in my arms to look up at me. "The bridge?"

I leaned back in the chair, letting her go. "Don't worry about that place anymore."

"But Meeky, you smell like the bridge. You said you'd never go back there. Why'd you go?"

I sighed. "Amy..." I didn't know what to tell her. She was too smart and she asks too many questions. I also could feel Allen's eyes on me, not that that made me feel any better about this situation. I didn't want him to judge me. "I had to take care of something, but I promise, that's the last time I'm going back there. Okay?"

"You said that last time!"

And I said it repeatedly to myself the years she was gone too, and yet, here we were. "This is for real this time."

I hoped it was true. I didn't really need to go back there anymore - the place that was my home for too long before I found an actual place; the place police were afraid to even talk about, let alone go to, because of how dangerous it is. And yet, I couldn't seem to keep myself from there for too long. Something always made me go back.

This time, I was determined to stay away. There was no reason to go back anymore. I had Allen. I had Sammy. I had Amy. People who loved me. And that's why I had to go back there and do what I had to do this morning - to protect those people.

I didn't want to think about it anymore, so I pushed the thought from my head. "So, what are you doing here, Amy?"

She gasped excitedly before reaching down and grabbing a tiny little backpack that was under the chair. She then dug through it for a moment before pulling something out, but kept it hidden from me.

"We had to make these things for out parents in school." She then held up the small box that looked like she painted it herself with red and green paint. "I wanted to give it to you instead, Meeky."

I couldn't pinpoint the emotions flooding through me as I took the little box from her hands. She's never given me a present before, mainly because she never had the means to. But this was completely unexpected and I loved it.

"Thanks Amy," I said with a smile. "It's amazing."

"You have to open it! Open it! Open it!"

I chuckled as I did so, discovering that it was filled with small candies. "Perfect," I told her, meaning it. Then I put it on the table and grabbed her hand. "Come with me."

I brought her into the living room and had her sit down on the couch, right where Allen and I had been sitting when we did presents yesterday. On the windowsill next to the tree was the one present I set aside just for Amy, for if she happened to come by. I grabbed it and went to sit next to her.

Without saying anything, I passed the box to her. I watched as she took the lid off the box and pulled out the little stuffed elephant.

She squealed. "Meeky! It's prefect! I love it! Thanks so much!" She then reached over and hugged me tightly.

It was the first actual present I've ever given her too. I saw it in the store and I instantly knew I had to get it for her since it was her favorite animal. I've seen little elephants like that for years, but I've never had the money to get one for her. This year, I could. And the smile on her face right now made it all worth it.

Especially because I had to break the news to her that we weren't staying in the city, so she probably wouldn't be able to come with us. At least she'd have that little toy to remember me by.

Ugh. That makes me sound like I'm dying. It wasn't going to be that bad. I've made it through the last two years without her in my life, I could survive being apart from her how ever long this would be. Although it might be different knowing she was actually alive this time. 

I didn't know what to do. On one hand, I wanted to go to cooking school and keep Sammy safe at the same time. On the other, I had Amy to protect here. I thought I knew what was going to happen, how it would all work, but then she came here today and shattered everything. I didn't think I could leave her again. Except I had to.

"Meeky?" Amy asked quietly, pulling me from my thoughts. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I nodded. Then I shook my head. "Amy, there's something I gotta tell you. I-" I sighed. How could I tell her I was leaving her?

Before I could form the words, Sam crawled into the room, by himself. I wasn't sure if he knew I was in here or not, but as soon as he saw me on the couch, he came right over. I picked him up and placed him on my lap, eyeing the doorway to see if his father would come after him, but I didn't see Allen.

"Amy, I got into a cooking school," I finally said. "But it's not in the city. I have to go about two hours from here. And Allen and Sammy are going there too. We're leaving here."

"I always wanted to see outside the city! I've heard about other places in school this year! When are we going? When can I officially live with you?"

I didn't know how to tell her she wouldn't be able to come, so I stayed quiet. And I watched her face fall as she figured it out on her own.

"I'm not coming? Mika, you promised I'd live with you!"

There were tears in her eyes. I couldn't do this.

Handing Sammy to her, I stood up. "I... I'll be right back. Watch him."

I practically ran out of the living room, my mind a frantic mess. And I ran straight in Allen, looking as frantic as my mind was.

He stopped me, his hands on my shoulders. "Where's Sam? Have you seen him?"

I nodded. "Amy has him."

He visibly relaxed. "Thank god. I lost sight of him." Allen studied me for a second. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "I can't. Allen, I can't lose her again. I can't do it."

The next thing I knew, I had my arms around his neck and he was holding me in a tight hug.

"We'll figure something out," he whispered into my ear. "We'll take her with us. We will. I'll do everything in my power to make this work out."

"Thank you," I mumbled against his skin. I loved how much this man loved me. He was too good to me. I didn't deserve his love.

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