10. Moving Forward

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Chapter 10: Moving Forward


I woke up with my head on a pillow that wasn't mine, in a room that wasn't mine. I didn't remember last night, but I was pretty sure I didn't go out to the club. I haven't done that in weeks.

I blinked a couple of times before rolling over. As soon as I saw the sleeping form next to me, everything came back to me.

"Fuck," I whispered, rubbing my eyes. I went out to dinner with Allen Carr, my boss. Then I came back and had sex with him. I had sex with my extremely sexy boss.

I heard Allen shift beside me, then suddenly his arm was wrapping around my body, pulling me closer to him. I've never been much of a cuddler, but then again, I usually either didn't know or didn't like the guys I slept with. Apparently, Allen liked to cuddle, and for some reason, I found myself not minding that my naked back was pressed up against his bare chest and his arms were holding me tightly.

I had no idea what time it was, but it didn't matter. Even though it was probably getting close to the time I'd normally get up, I was already at work. Technically. Because I slept with my boss last night.

I felt disgusting and dirty, but not from who I had sex with. It was because, in that moment, I realized just how covered in cum I was. We didn't even clean ourselves up last night, not having the energy to do so. But now I could feel where it had dried on my skin, and I wanted it off. The only problem was that Allen was holding me down and was still fast asleep.

Being as careful as possible, I lifted up Allen's arm and slid out from his grasp. Thankfully, Allen seemed to be a pretty heavy sleeper, so I was able to get out of the bed, find my clothes that were scattered on the floor, and head into the bathroom without him even stirring.

By the time I finished my shower, Allen was still asleep. It was probably close to the time he should be getting up for work, although I didn't know exactly when that was. All I knew was that he was always awake by the time I got here at six each morning. It was nearing quarter of.

Instead of being creepy and watching Allen until he woke up, I headed to Sam's nursery to check on him. He didn't make a peep all night, at least, I didn't hear him so I'm pretty sure he slept through the night. Good thing we didn't wake him up with our noises.

He was awake already when I walked into his room, but he wasn't complaining at all. He was quite content just looking around the room.

"Hey, Sammy," I said gently. "Good morning." Picking him up, I continued talking to him as I changed his diaper and his clothes. The whole time, he watched my face, occasionally smiling or giggling at me.

When I finished getting Sam dressed, I lifted him up, kissing his belly, earning another giggle from him before I turned around. Standing in the doorway, blocking my route to the kitchen, stood Allen, a small smile on his face, even though it looks like he just rolled out of bed after a night of sex. Oh, wait. He did. At least he managed to put pants on before leaving the bedroom, although he was still missing a shirt, which shouldn't bother me, but I couldn't help but smirk at the marks I left last night across his chest.

"What are you doing?" he asked me, gesturing towards his son in my arms.

"My job?" I answered, the smirk falling off my face in confusion. "You did hire me to take care of him, right? You were sleeping, he wasn't."

He shrugged. "I did. Just thought that-" He stopped, shaking his head. "Never mind."

I smirked again, enjoying his discomfort right now. "What? Thought that I'd stay in bed with you until you woke up? Thought that I'd just go home sometime during the night and come back here like nothing happened? Thought I'd leave and never come back?"

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