19. Parents

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Chapter 19: Parents


There was a knock on the door. That better not be Sarah or else I was going to be mad. After what she did to Mika the other day, I didn't trust her anymore. If she decided to show up tonight demanding to see Sam again, it wasn't going to happen.

Mika managed to get to the door first since I had just put Sammy to bed. I was just rounding the corner to the front entryway when I heard her voice, although not of the woman I was expecting.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I think we have the wrong address. He would have told us if he moved, wouldn't he, Edwin?"

I stepped behind Mika before he said anything. "Ma?" I asked, too confused to say more. They weren't supposed to get here for another three days.

She smiled widely, glancing at my father behind her. "I knew we had the right place - it's the same as last year. This should teach you not to doubt me."

The next thing I knew, she was pushing past Mika and me, Dad right behind her and dumped their suitcases on the floor. Mika looked up at me, a hint of worry on his face. I was probably just as worried - maybe even more so - than him. We were supposed to have more time to prepare for this.

"I didn't realize you would have a friend over, Allen," Dad said, motioning towards Mika. "Your mother and I thought you were still hiding away in here, ruining you life by sulking over that Sarah girl."

Why did I never notice how loud his voice was before? If he kept talking, I'm sure he'd wake up Sam. "That was a long time ago," I said. "And can you please keep your v-"

"What's this?" Ma said, cutting me off as she peered into the living room. "Why are there toys?"

All eyes turned to me. If my parents had come when they were supposed to come, I would have made sure everything was cleaned up so I could tell them about Sam properly. Now that plan has flown straight out the window.

"Ma, I, uh, I didn't know how to tell you this over the phone," I started awkwardly. "I'm a father. I have a son."

Dad's mouth dropped open in silent exasperation. Ma shrieked. "I'm a grandmother? How could not tell me?"

And then, of course, Sam's cry started up from down the hallway. I sighed. Great. Just great.

Before I knew what was happening, my mother took off down the hall in search of her grandson who she barely even realized she had just woken up.

I ran after her. "Ma, stop," I said just as she reached the nursery. "He needs to sleep."

"He's crying. Let me sooth him."

I wasn't sure if I should have been more concerned with her newfound mothering instinct or the fact that she wasn't even questioning who his mother was or anything about him.

I didn't say anything, moving into the room to pick Sam up. He got quiet immediately, and this would normally be when I'd put him back in his crib, except I could tell he was wide awake now. Might as well meet his grandparents. It might tire him out.

"Let's go to the living room. All of us." Without waiting for her to respond - because I had a feeling she would agree anyway without question - I headed back to the entryway to inform my dad of the plan and make sure he didn't do anything to Mika.

"How exactly do you know Allen, Mika?" Dad was asking when I walked up. "You don't look capable of being one of his colleagues."

"Dad, enough," I cut in, making them both look at me - him with confusion and Mika with relief. "I'll explain everything. Come on."

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