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I've learned...

A relationship riding entirely on the back of a certain font isn't a healthy one.

Regret doesn't help anything; you can't change the past. All it is is negativity duct taped on your mind. What happened happened. You need to come to terms with this and decide to change for the better so you won't make the same mistake again.

You can't just decide you want to find yourself and do it. To "find yourself" takes a lot of time and work. Stepping out of your comfort zone. Being open to new. Accepting/realizing you and your own flaws.

Always keep goals and continue to find ways to work toward them.

Nobody is perfect. Nobody is happy. Nobody is satisfied with themselves. Everyone has their faults and flaws. You shouldn't be jealous of someone; they're jealous of someone else.

Not everyone understands sarcasm. And not everyone thinks sarcasm is funny. So cool it with the sarcasm Chloe.

You are happiest when you are proud to be yourself. To wear this body you were given without any worries. To love your personality even though most don't. To just do you. So you do you girl.

Nostalgia is the most beautiful, amazing, and affective emotion you can have. Cherish the nostalgic moments as they come and go, but be careful not to dwell on them.

Even though many boys have stolen your heart, it doesn't mean you belong to any of them.

Don't listen to the mean, negative things people say to and about you. People are idiots. Ignore idiots.

Even though you mimic people, don't forget who you yourself are. Express your individual personality with everyone; those who can't handle it, you don't need in your life. 

Always remember to be nice. You don't know what others are going through.

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