Good Vibrations

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Truthfully, Chamony didn't care whether they won or loss. Why should she? It didn't affect her.

But, she had a feeling they would win.

She didn't know how or why; she just knew.  

And as she went through her Snapchat stories and saw nothing but partying and drinking, she knew she had been right.

Reading the recap of the seasoning opener on the school's athletic website, a strange feeling overcame her when she saw Isaacs roster picture and read how he had scored two touchdowns. One of which ended up securing the victory for the team.

It was brief, but she even smiled.

Then, she remembered her last encounter with the rude senior and slammed her laptop shut.

He was such an a*s.

A condescending and pompous a*s.

She didn't necessarily care about him bluntly informing her she wasn't his type. He wasn't hers either, but she hated how he had dragged Dana into it.

Sure, her roommate was drop dead gorgeous, but she certainly wasn't a ho* like he had categorized her as.

What made matters worse was that when Chamony told Dana what he had said, the girl laughed.

She found it funny, even going as far to say that she and Isaac had been cool since freshman year and he had only used her as an example because she was there that night, he knew she wouldn't take the comment to heart, and that he tended to speak without thinking.

All Chamony had gotten from that explanation was that he got a pass because of his complexion and his social status.

Neither of which Chamony could care less about.

Dana found the whole argument hysterical, claiming the two fought like an old, married, couple.

It didn't help that Vashti shared similar sentiments, even going as far to say that Chamony overreacted and both of them owed the other an apology.

Elisha was the worst though. She cussed the younger girl out for being so "stupid" and "hard headed."  She ranted about how she was wasting her time trying to resist.

Whatever that meant.

Chamony didn't care though. She didn't care what any of them thought, not even Elisha.

Well, technically she did care, but she wasn't about to admit that to any of them.

Isaac was a privileged, egotistical prick who was sadly mistaken if he thought Chamony Wells was about to play into his stupid, little games.

She had been caught in a moment of weakness and exhaustion that night. That was it. It had to be, or else she would have stuck to her word and handled him like she had planned to.

Nevertheless, she wasn't prepared to make that mistake again and was practically itching to give him a piece of her mind on Monday.

That was until he didn't show up to class nor was he in the library.

It's like trying to keep up with a toddler.

She should have known he would be MIA. Most athletes were too hungover after a big win to bother showing up to class. Why would he be any different?

Still, it bothered Chamony that once again, her showing Isaac Gardner she was no average chick had to be put off yet again.

She was in the library trying to get through the reading for her Ethics class when she was interrupted.

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