B O N U S | two

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"Wanna stay daddy!"

Chamony pinches the bridge of her nose and places a hand on her hip. "Isaac!"

The young mother steals a piece of chicken off her daughter's plate. The same chicken that she took her time to cut up only for the child to decide to throw a tantrum.

Chamony readies to call for her husband again when he walks in with his overnight bag over his shoulder, hair a mess, and eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" He looks back and forth between his favorite girls.

Chamony releases a sigh of exasperation and gestures to their child.

"She won't eat her food." Ledicia pouts and crosses her arms. "All because I told her she has to come with me to the office bec-"

"Wanna stay wif' daddy!" Ledicia interjects while slapping the tray that confines her to her high chair.

Chamony's eyes widen as she points to her daughter. "You better get her."

"Hey now," he sighs while dropping his bag to the floor and approaching Ledicia. "Dici, you know better." He removes the objects from her tray so that he can remove her from her chair. Almost immediately, she wraps her tiny arms around his neck.

"I go wit you!" Isaac looks over at his wife who throws up her hands.

"Dici, you know that daddy has a game tomorrow, right?" Still pouting, she nods to indicate a 'yes.' "So then you also know how this works." Both parents release small smirks when her pout lets up as defeat settles in."Daddy goes to the hotel tonight, you and mommy stay here, get ready and then we all meet before daddy has to play."

She stays quiet for a while. "Beat pates?"

He lets out a hearty laugh and snuggles her against his chest. "That's my girl."

"Will your girl eat her dinner though?" Chamony interjects while watching Coco play with her chew toy.

Ledicia suddenly frowns. "Not hungwy Mommy."

Chamony mimics her expression. "But you've barely eaten all day."

Isaac checks her forehead. "She still feels a little warm."

"I wanna give her some Benadryl, but she can't take it without food in her stomach."

Isaac's eyes light up before he whispers something in Ledicia's ears before the little girl breaks out with a large grin and wiggles out of his embrace to run over to grab her mother's legs.

"I eat mommy!"

Chamony, already knowing what just happened, picks up the child and starts to secure her back in her seat.

"Our house is about to become the inspiration for the next Toy Story reboot." She mutters while grabbing Ledicia's plate so that she can reheat the food.

Isaac chuckles and grabs her from behind while placing a litany of kisses against the side of her neck. He squeezes her side before looking over his shoulder at his daughter. "Dici I think mommy feels left out. You think we should get her some toys too?"


"You know what," Chamony turns around so she's backed against the counter adjacent to the humming microwave. "Mommy could use a few toys. After all, she's been pretty bored."

Isaac, catching her implication, decides to play along. "Really? You didn't seem bored last night."

"What, snoozefest?"

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