#4 You're clumsy

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#4 You're clumsy

Louis: Louis completely enjoys the fact that you're clumsy. He'll watch as you stumble down the stairs, trying not to trip over your own feet. He finds it adorable how you're always dropping things but he'll always help you pick them up. "You're too cute baby." He bends down and begins to clean up the mess on the floor from your attempt to cook. "I'm so sorry, Lou! I only wanted to make us dinner but, of course, I had to drop the bowl." You sighed, helping Louis clean up the sauce on the floor. "Why don't you just go sit down, love? Before you drop something else." He joked. "Louis! Don't be mean now. I was trying to be nice before but it sort of backfired." You laughed nervously. "I've got this, babe. Just go sit down, I'll clean this mess up then I'll order take out for us."

Liam: "I can't believe you fell down the stairs and broke your arm 1 1/2 months ago and you didn't even tell me about it until now!" Liam sat down next to you on the couch. "I'm sorry Li. I was trying to get ready to surprise you on tour but I tripped and had to go to the hospital instead of the airport..." You looked down, embarrassed by your clumsiness. He placed his fingers under your chin and pushed you head up so that you looked into his eyes. "I'm not mad at you." You left out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. "But, I wish you would've told me. I always worry about you when I'm on tour and, now, I know that you won't even tell me if you do get hurt and that worries me a lot more." He mumbles and rests his head in the crook of your neck. "I'm said I was sorry already. But I'll tell you if I get hurt from now on." You mumble. "Good." He pressed a kiss to your lips. "Now I have to take care of my favorite girl."

Niall: Niall and the rest of the boys were relaxing and playing video games in the living room while you were in the kitchen, trying to make something for them to eat before you go to shopping. You had everything ready, you made them popcorn and chips and had gotten them all a beer from the fridge for each of them. You considered bringing them out individually but thought that it would be faster to do it all at once. You had the popcorn and chips in one hand and the beers in the other. "Okay now I seriously have to leave before it gets too late." You say as you walk out into the living room. You had managed to put down the chips but one of the beers fell out of your hand and as you went to catch it, the popcorn bowl flipped over and spilled all over Louis. While you were apologizing and cleaning up your mess, Niall was sitting in the corner smirking, "Babe, I'll clean this up. You can go before cause any more trouble." He joked. "I'm seriously really sorry." You said. "Don't worry about it y/n. But I'm not cleaning this up." Louis said as he brushed some popcorn away from him.

Zayn: Zayn decided to take you out to the club for a change. He hated the fact that other men are always watching you but since you were drunk, you needed to lean on him for support. "C'mon babe, let's head home before it get any later." You nodded and allowed him to lead you through the club. You both walked home since you were only a few blocks away. "Careful there, babe. I don't need you to fall now." He wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you up. You mumbled a quick 'thanks' and leaned onto him more. You were extremely close to your home but your heel got stuck in a hole and broke which caused you to fall to the ground before Zayn had time to grab you. He quickly lifted you back up and brushed the dirt off of your dress. "I'm sorry babe. Let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?"

Harry: This morning you both were in a rush. He had to go to the studio and you had to go to work. As you tried to put on your heels, you made your way towards the stairs. You managed to put one heel on and you were about halfway down the stairs but you fumbled ended up tumbling down the stairs onto an awaiting harry who was standing at the bottom of the stairs for you. You squealed as you landed on Harry. He groaned but ended up laughing. "Are we going to make a habit of you falling down the stairs every morning, love? This is the 4th day in a row that you've landed on me." He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, still lying on the floor. "I mean if you really wanted me this badly, you just had to ask, y/n."



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