How you meet

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How You Meet

Harry- "Do I have too?" You asked Eleanor who sat in the drivers seat. She gave you a look of disapproval.

"I thought you wanted to meet my boyfriend." She whined.

You frowned slightly, "I do, but there's others. I thought it was just going to be us."

"Don't be a baby its only Harry, come on." Eleanor got out of the car giving me guilt you sighed getting out of the range rover. She sent you a smile, taking your hand with a reassuring squeeze. You smiled uneasily. You hated new people, they make you nervous and worried that you will say something stupid. Before you knew it you were at the door of their apartment.

"Just breathe (y/n) there not going to bite." You nodded, watching nervously as she tapped on the door.

Just breathe (y/n). You told yourself. The door opened revealing a cute brown headed boy with crystal blue eyes. "Baby." He brought her into a kiss.

They broke apart still a spark in their eyes. "Louis, this is my best friend, (y/n). The one I told you about."

"Hey (y/n)." Louis greeted with a hug. You hugged him back still nervous.

"Hi." You mumbled tugging a piece of hair behind your ear. Louis invited you guys inside a beautiful home. Eleanor led you to a dinning table. You both sat down, waiting to be served. A curly haired lad with bright green eyes walking into the room in a blazer that fit him nicely.

"Oh, Harry this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Harry." Yours eyes caught with his. It felt like it was just you two in the entire universe.

You talked all night, soon exchanging phone numbers before you parted. It was the start of the best and last relationship of your life.

Louis- "Lottie what did you get for number two?" You asked running your eyes over the math paper. That you frankly did not get.

"I haven't got it yet." She mumbled her concentration face hard. "I give it up." She threw the pencil on the ground.

"I agree, too much math for one day." I giggled even though we hadn't even finished the first two problems. Lottie was my new best friend, since I was new to Doncaster, new to London even. You grew up in the states, and Lottie befriended you on the first day.

"Want food?" She asked getting up from her bed. You nodded following her downstairs. We walked into the kitchen seeing a boy stand at the bar with another boy just laughing. "(y/n) this is Louis, my brother, and Adam his friend."

"Hey." You chirped waving slightly. Lottie got out a pack of tea, and it wasn't sweat tea which you drunk on a daily basis, and pulling out a two bagels. She cooked the tea, and heated the bread with Louis still standing there. He is by far the cutest boy you've ever seen.

"Here," Lottie handed you a cup of tea.

"Is it good?"

"Of course its good, have you never had tea love?" Louis' eyes went wide. You shook my head blowing away the smoke that sat on top of the drink.

"I'll drink it with you then. First time is everything, but its good." He chuckled making himself a cup. At the same time both of you took a swig. Louis with a smile on his face but you ended up gagging.

"Worst thing ever." You gasped washing water in your mouth. Louis just laughed at you.

Lets just say you went to Lotties house more often. Don't worry you didn't ditch her, you are actually best friends to this day. Louis finally grew a pair and asked you to a movie. It was the start a relationship that everyone wishes they had.

Niall- You worked part time at Nandos, you've had your eye on this boy, Niall. Who came in at least twice a week and ordered the same thing every time. One Day you finally got the courage to take his order.

"What may I get you?" You asked happily looking at the blond Irishman.

"The usual, and your name." He smirked up at you.

"(y/n) and yours?" Even though you already have known it since last week.

"Niall." He smiled again, you smile back your heart fluttering.

You went back to get his lunch after you talked to him for at least twenty minutes. Silently glad that your boss wasn't there today. You sat the tray of food in front of him, walking away.

"Wait (y/n)." You turned to see Niall up from his seat. "Have lunch with me?"

You nodded heading back into the booth talking for hours.

You and Niall were forever friends until he asked you to be his girlfriend. Niall was your prince charming that every girl wanted but you got him and you guys had the best - and still do - time of your life with Niall.

Liam- You were waitingpatiently waiting for tickets to see the new Toy Story until this asshole in front of you cut.

"Hey, you cut!" You yelled. You were getting grumpy waiting here for a few hours.

"You can come with me?" A hot boy asked holding two tickets up.

"You sure?" He nodded with a smile. You got out of line walking in with a boy you never met.

"What's your name?" You asked smiling.

"Liam, and yours?"


You enjoyed the movie especially with your new best friend, Liam. He soon asked you out, becoming a beautiful relationship.

Zayn- Zayn was the quiet boy in the back of your science classroom. He was hot but quiet. Your teacher assigned you to be with him to dissect a frog. First, you hated dissecting. Second, you would rather eat the frog than dissect it.

"Hey Zayn."

"Hey (y/n)." It was silent after that making you wish the class would end soon. Luckily it did.

*Second day*

You picked up your tray of food, searching the lunch room for a seat. Suddenly your eyes connected with Zayns. You sent him a smile and wave moving over to the table which he was sitting by himself.

"Why are you sitting with me?" He silently asked.

"No on deserves to sit alone." He smiled, watching you shake up your milk.


After the science project, you two started hanging outside of school. Not long after dating, he wasn't the quiet boy you thought he was, he was your Bradford bad boi with the sweetest heart you've ever known, He was your favorite person, with a beautiful relationship that holds you two love birds together.

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