Cute moment as a couple

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Cute Moment As A Couple


You and Louis were sitting on the park on the wet grass caused by the rain that stopped about 10 minutes ago. The park was quiet, like nobody bothered to come out they all wanted to stay at home in the warmth. The cold didn't stop you and Louis at all, being the little child he acted as you'd both practically do what y'all wanted basically whenever y'all wanted. "Don't you think this is the best time to come out?" Louis asked looking at the sky in amusement while laying on the wet grass. "Yeah, its nice.. The peace, quiet and just the whole park to ourselves" You said lying down beside him. He put an arm around you and held you close to him. "(Y/N) Look!" Louis suddenly exclaimed. You got up quickly looking to where his finger was pointing. You were stunned by the beautiful bright rainbow in the sky. "Let's go follow it" Louis said getting up and running around like a 5 year old child. You laughed and stood up with him. "Ahh (Y/N), we might even see some of Niall's family and a pot of gold at the end of it" Louis said and you laughed. You both spent the rest of the day looking for the end of the rainbow to get your money and to meet some of Niall's "Relatives".


The guys are on a break and instead of spending time with his family Zayn decided to spend some quality time with you. "(Y/N) let's go outside for some fresh air, we've been inside for long now" you refused to get up so he picked you up and carried you over his shoulder. "Zayn put me down I'm not a bag of potatoes, I can walk on my own" you said, while hitting him. "Okay fine I'll drop you" he puts you down and runs into the house to get the camera and starts taking pictures of you. "Hey watch it Mr, you'll have to pay me for that I am the girlfriend of a very famous guy" You said. "(Y/N) you dating Thomas Parker from The Wanted?" His eyes got big "Yes! Him the funny looking guy" you reply "isn't he Sid the sloth's brother from ice age?" the two of you start laughing. "At least his long arms can keep me warm at night" "yeah but he still smells like garbage" you stood in front of him. "Eww get away from me you smell like trash told you to spray before you visit" Zayn jokingly says and you stare deep into his brown eyes "Another mans trash is another mans treasure" and y'all kiss "We bad at making jokes love" you say as he stands behind you and holds you "Its sort of better than Harry's" you hit his hand "That's our friend when you done, but you are right about that" You said.


As December creaked in, snow fell onto the ground and your boyfriend Liam always wanted to play in it, but he never found the time to because of his work. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Can we please go play out in the snow, Me and you?" He asked. "Liam, its freezing cold outside" You stated. "Yeah I know, I just really want to go play, please" He pleaded. "Okay, Okay then let's go" You said grabbing your jacket and gloves. You put them on as you walked towards the door with Liam. He opened the door to reveille a huge thick white blanket of snow. "C'mon, let's go play" He said running like a little kid and dropping himself onto the snow. "Liam, what are you doing?" You asked. "I'm making a snow angel" He said happily. You smiled to yourself and walked to the porch steps of your house, where y'all were both staying. While you were walking though Liam through a snow ball at you. You turned around and looked at him. "Oh now you're gonna pay, you're such a Payne" You said and he smirked at you. You picked up some snow and transformed it into a snow ball. "Take that" You said throwing it exactly that it would hit his hair. "How you like me now?" You asked. He picked up another and threw you with it. "Same as I've always liked you" He smirked. Before y'all knew it y'all were in a snow ball fight. "Okay, okay let's stop now" Liam said. "Why?" You asked and threw the last ball you had at him. "Because I said so" He said. Y'all both walked closer to each other until your noses were touching. "You know, I never kissed you in the snow" He whispered. Then he leaned in and gave you a kiss.


A few months ago when you and Niall were at your dating stage he planned a nice little dinner for you. "Niall this looks so good" You said going into his kitchen. "Thanks, I cooked it myself" He said. You smiled at him. "Okay, take a seat and I'll be right back" He said leaving you alone at the dining room table with the food in its dishes. Suddenly the power went off. "Niall?!" You called. "(Y/N), I'll be there now" He said. "Oh damn the power got cut" He said. He came back with candles and laid it on the table and a little box in his hand. "This is for you" He said handing you over the little box. "Thanks Niall" You said. You saved the box to open later. "Hmmm.. A candle light dinner I love it" You said and looked into his eyes with the light the candle is giving. He stared back into yours.


You and Harry decided to have a nice day all by yourselves. "I have the whole day planned for us" said Harry while he held you from behind. "Firstly movies" "Wait let me just put on something nice before we go" You said "Okay my angel, I'll be waiting" said Harry, You were finally done and you left. When you arrived at the cinema Harry bought some snacks for you. "Ok, so we're watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" Harry said "Can't wait" you added. While watching the movie Harry whispered into your ear, "Let's throw popcorn at those people and look away" You giggled and nodded in agreement. While throwing popcorn at the random people you couldn't take it any longer, you laughed so hard that you had to get out of there. "We should never do something like that ever again" You said "Ok (Y/N) but that was fun" said Harry. "So what's next?" You asked "Its a surprise, so you have to put on a blindfold" Said Harry "Ok but don't take me to any dark places" You said. Knowing you were afraid of the dark Harry laughed "Don't worry, I'll protect you" Said Harry. When you arrived Harry took of the blindfold and shouted "We're here! Surprise!" He took you to the park it was all empty there was a picnic set with a blanket and candles with pink roses all over it was so beautiful. "I love it " You said while hugging him "Thanks I tried my best, firstly I'm gonna feed you everything" said Harry "Yeah I'm so excited" You said. You were finally done eating then Harry suggested that you play a game. "Ok what are we playing?" You asked "We're playing tag I'm gonna give you a head start" Said Harry. You ran as fast as you could "I'm gonna get you" said Harry while he ran after you, he finally caught up to you and you both tripped and fell, "I had the best day ever and thank you for that" You said "Anything for my angel I love you (Y/N)" said Harry "I love you too cupcake" You said and he pulled you into a kiss.


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