You self harm part 2

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Harry: "I...uh..." you stammer on the ground but then your attentions get the best of you "What the bloody hell Harry!" you scream back at him. Harry's face falls and goes blank he's still on the doorway and it looks like his face went pale. "Bloody is right." he mumbles under his breath. Your appal by what he says and let your face fall too. "I'm...I'm sorry." you choke out. You breath in and out heavily trying to prevent the tears from falling. "No your not." he says. You look up about to question him. "Or else you wouldn't have done it." Your silent because you no it's true. "Was it me? Was it something I did?" You shake your head. "Was it your insecurities? Do you hate your body? Because y/n you're beautiful and don't-" "I don't hate my body." you interject. Harry sighs deeply. He finally finds the courage to look in your eyes. "Was it the fans?" he manages to choke. He knows the answer and you know the answer but he has to know for a fact. You nod not able to hold your tears any longer and burst out crying. Harry runs over and cuddles you. "Shhh...shhh..." he says soothingly stroaking your hair. "I...I can't take it Harry....I thought I was strong but...but I'm not. The won't stop...I'm sorry for not telling you...I...I just didn't want to upset you..." Harry helps you by telling you everything's going to be ok and once your calm his face gets serious again. "I wish you did tell me y/n. I would've helped you. I would've stop this from happening from before. Listen I love you and will do anything to protect you and the fans are just going to have to deal with that." You nod and he gets up to retrieve the razor and throws it where it belongs in the garbage can. "Now I came here for a surprise and sure got a surprise. So would my lovely lady the love of my life like to go out for lunch?" He takes out his hand and you accept it and get up from the bathroom floor. You laugh. "Why of course sir." you say while curtsing. "But first wipe off that blood I can't stand seeing it anymore." You do what he says and wash the blood away. You're both heading off to leave for lunch but Harry stops you. "Y/n promise me you won't do this again?" he asks. You nod. "I promise." "Good." he says while pecking your lips. "Now onward my fair lady!" he shouts walking to the car, you laugh but follow his lead.

Liam: You wake up hearing faint cries right next to you. You turn you head to see a very upset Liam. "Liam?" you question just to makes sure it's actually him. "Y/n!" he says worried. You notice that you're in the hospital."Oh y/n I thought I lost you." he runs up to your side and hugs you. You wince at the pain all on your arms. Liam notices and backs away. "Wh-what happened?" you ask. You feel very light headed and exhausted. "Well I don't know you tell me. All I know is I came back because rehearsal in the studio ended early and I went in my room to see you and saw you laying in the bathroom in a puddle of blood." You see him getting teary and you know that must've been hard for him. "I..I just can't take it. I thought I could but I guess I'm just not strong enough." you say. "Strong enough for what?" Liam asks concern. You clear your throat and look up at the hospital ceiling. "For the hate." you say. Liam tenses up and clunches his fists. "I knew I should've said something. I shouldn't have gotten you into this. I'm sorry. This is all my fault." he rambles on. "No!" you croake. "This is my fault Liam. I'm not strong enough." you repeat. "That's the thing y/n you are strong enough. You're so strong and I love you but please don't hurt yourself over this. Things will get better." he says determined. "Promise?" you ask. "Promise." he says. You smile and lean up from your bed so that you can hug Liam only you can't because you have all sorts of tubes contected to you to prevent you from moving much. "You lost a lot of blood." he explains and you nod. Liam stays with you for the rest of the night until the doctors tell him to go. They want you to stay an extra night for recovery. They do allow you to go on the laptops that they have, you're hesitate at first but you go on twitter again and see this: Real_Liam_Payne: Want to know where my girlfriend is? She's in the hospital because of you guys so stop the hate. Attached to it was a picture of you and him that he took earlier today with you in the hospital gown and tubes contected to you.You notice that he spelled everything correctly and you could tell that he was serious. You check your mentions and see that they're flooded with "get better and I'm sorry" For the first time in a while you smile from Twitter. "Thank you Liam." you whisper.

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