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Louis: "How are you feeling, babe?" He mumbled, brushing some hair away from your face. You had been in a minor car crash but you still had a few broken ribs and a concussion. "I'm okay. I've been a lot better though." You chuckled but stopped since it hurt to laugh. "I'm so sorry y/n." He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to each knuckle before he intertwined your hands together. "I'm so sorry this happened. I hate seeing you hurt like this. You don't deserve it." "I'm okay Lou. It could've been a lot worse." You said, "But thank you for being with me. I'd hate to be alone right now."

Liam: "How do you manage to break your wrist, Liam? The only thing you were doing today was recording?" You took a seat next to his hospital bed, entwining your hand with his unharmed hand. "I honestly don't even know, babe. I think I fell? I don't remember..." He was slowly falling asleep but trying his hardest to stay away with you. "Li, I'm going to go see what the boys say happened to you. I'll be right back." You tried to stand up but Liam tightened his grip on yours. "No please, please stay with me. At least until I fall asleep." You sighed but nodded. "Of course, Li."

Niall: "I only fell down the stairs y/n." He said through the phone since he was away on tour. "I'm okay but everyone else didn't think so and they brought me here to make sure I'm okay." "How did you manage to fall down the stairs, Nialler? I thought you and the boys were just relaxing today?" "We were but me and Louis decided to look around the arena that we're playing a tomorrow night and I didn't realize there were stairs..." He trailed off. "But you can talk to Harry. He'll explain everything that happened but don't forget that I'm okay y/n. I know how much you can worry." "I know, Nialler. Just let me talk to Harry then." You sighed.

Zayn: "You scared the crap out of me baby. I get a call saying that my wife was hit by a drunk driver but that's all they tell me. They didn't say if you were dead or alive so naturally, since they didn't say anything, I thought the worst. And I-" "Zayn!" You cut off his rambling. "I'm okay. I've been better but nothing major happened to me." "Major? You were hit by a drunk driver! I'd say that's pretty major." "Seriously, Zayn, stop it. I'm fine. I have a few cuts but I'm fine. But you should shut up for a bit because you're giving me a headache." You giggled. "Ha-ha. Very funny, y/n." He sat down next to your bed and moved hair out of your face. "Get some sleep, love. Hopefully you'll feel better afterwards."

Harry: "Harry, I have to tell you something but you have to promise to not get mad at me..." You trailed off, afraid of his reaction. "What is it babe?" He mumbled into the phone, only paying half attention to what you were saying. "I'm kind of at the hospital right now." You spoke quietly. "What?! You're where!? A-are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh gosh I'm coming to see you and I'll-" "Harry!" You interrupted, "I'm okay I just broke my ankle earlier because I'm so clumsy and I fell down the stairs." You heard Harry sigh on the other end. "What am I going to do with you babe?" He mumbled, "I'll be there in a bit. Don't get in any more trouble until I'm there!"

A/N: hey guys it's been a while since I last updated. I've been really busy the past couple of months. I went to some One Direction concerts over the past week and they've been pretty amazing so far. I get to go because I'm family friends with Cal so I think that's been enough fun for a week now. But I've been busy because my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have this stomach virus that made me lose about 45 pounds because of it.

Beside that, how's everyone's summer been so far??

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