Your son finds out you use to model

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Harry: "Do you boys need anything?" you yell from the bottom of the stairs. "No mum!" your 15 year old son yells back. Your son had his friend over and they were suppose to be studying but you knew that they weren't being teenagers and all so you went up to check on them. Without knocking on the door, you slip in. "Are you sure? because I just came from the grocery store. "Yeah I'm sure." your son says as he and his friend are looking on the computer. "Is that your mom!" his friend screams mouth drop. As curious as you were, you went over and saw an old photo of you when you modeled on Sugarscape. Instantly you blush. "Yeah, I use to model." you say. "Since when?" your son asks still looking at the computer. "Oh it was back in the day a long time ago. It's actually how I met your father see we were-" "Ok mom I don't want to hear your love stories, I have homework to do." he says not taking his eyes off the computer. You chuckle at your son's remark. "Obviously, well get that homework done and I'm serious." you say backing out of the door way. "Dude your mom was hot." you hear his friend whisper then you hear a slap. "Quit it! That's gross, she's my mom." he says in defense. "Doesn't mean she wasn't hot." he whispers. "Let's just go do our homework." your son says and you go back downstairs to prepare dinner after an eventfull evening.

Liam: "Mom! Mom! Quick hurry!" your son yells from downstairs. You quickly go downstairs worry that something happened. In the process you trip over your own two feet sending you flying down the stairs. You groan getting up but quickly hobble over to see if your son is ok. "What? What's wrong?" you ask panick, clenching your side. "Who is that attractive woman?" he points.You go over to your side and see a huge picture of you from when you use to model. You lightly laugh and blush while looking at the ground. "That's me." you say. You look up to see your son blushing too because he just called you attractive. "Oh." he says. "You use to model?" he asks as if that picture wasn't proof. "Yeah, I guess your dad must've gotten one and wanted it hung here." you say. "Well can you hang it somewhere else? I don't want to come in the living room everytime seeing this now that I know it's you." You can tell he's uncomfortable and is trying to advoid eyecontact with you. You laugh. "Yeah sure we can just put it in my bedroom or better off take it down." You and your son then take the poster down and you roll it up and put it in your closet. When Liam came home he was a little disappointed but you told him what happened between you and your son and he agreed that it was best to just take it down.

Louis: You lightly knock on your son's door trying not to interupt him and his friend but you wanted to let him know that his friend has to go soon. You got no answer so you try again. Nothing so you just decide to barge on in. "Hey-" you start but see your son and his friend quickly hide something under them. "What you got there?" you ask coming closer. "Nothing." they say in unison. "Let me see it." you say strictly. "Mom it's nothing-" your son starts before you interupt him. "I said let me see it." you say more firmly. Your son sighs but hands it to you. You gasps at what's in your hands. It's a porn magazine you use to model for and on the front cover was a picture of you when you were 20 in a short, tight police outfit with a hat, you were on a motocylce and had a whip in one hand. Not to mention you were posing very sexily and the picture was in black/white. "Now Mom I know I'm not-" he starts trailing. "Where did you get this?" you ask a little too quickly. He looks surprise at first but then answers. "From Dad's closet." he says quietly. His friend nexts to him snickers and your son gives him the death glare. "Louis..." you say angrily. "Why...why does Dad have this?" you son asks. "because...because that model on the front cover" Your son's eyes go wide and his friend starts laughing so hard that you thought he was going to die. Both you and your son were in full out blush mode. You don't blame your son for looking at this he is 16 and this was the most sold copy, mostly because you looked sexy in this. "I should go." your son says to his friend, you nod and his friend gets up and leaves. It was an awkward night for the both of you but before Louis came home you made sure to burn the magazine.

Niall: You, Niall and your 12 year old son were all having a family dinner like every night. "Mom what do you do for a living?" your curious son asks. "Um...random but I'm a stay at home mom." you say simply. "What does that mean?" he asks. "It means exactly what it says, I stay at home. I don't have a job." you say. "Then how can we afford this house?" he asks. So many questions you think. " has a job you know international popstar." you say teasingly. You look over to see Niall blushing and grinning. "I know but we live in a really big house and there's only three of us. Plus you spend money all the time. You must've work." he says. "Well I mean...I use to work and-" "Your mom use to model." Niall says finally. You didn't want your son to find out that you use to model because to admit you found it embaressing and you wanted it behind. Anger strikes through you for him telling your son that but you slowly calm down realizing he was going to have to find out sooner or later. "Really?" your son asks in awe. You sigh and slowly nod. "Wow...that so..." here it comes you think. "!" he finishes. You look up at him amazed. You thought he was going to get uncomfortable, awkward or silent but he looked genuinly happy. "Yeah my mom use to be a model! How come your still not one?" he asks and you blush. "Because I haven't had an offer in years and I wanted to stay calm and focus on my family." Your son nods and Niall speaks. "Maybe she can show you some of her old photos." Niall knew you still had some of your photos for memory sake but you never thought you would actually see them again. You see your son all excited so you knew you couldn't say no. "Ok." you says feeling a grin on your face. After dinner you all spent an hour reviewing some of your old photos.

Zayn: "hey look Missippi!" you say. You, Zayn and your son were all in the car on a rode trip to visit your family. You were playing the different license plates game. So far you were winning 5 to nothing. "Mom not again!" your son complains. "Not fair," Zayn mumbles. "Besides I'm driving, I can't look off the road to focus on something else" "You guys are just wimps." you say giggily. "No your cheating!" your son exclams. "I agree!" Zayn echos. "How?" you shout wanting to hear their answer but there was no answer and you all just laugh. Suddenly there was traffic making Zayn groan. "Ugh traffic now we'll never get there in time." he complains. "Sure we will sweetie just relax." you reassure him. He looks over at you and smiles. "Urg gross lovey moment." your 13 year old never-been-in-love son says. He looks out the window and sees a billboard. "I wouldn't mind having a lovey-moment with her." he says pointing out the billboard. You roll your eyes at the undergarment model for Victoria's Secret but then you take a double take and see that it's you in the white lacy undergarments from when you were 18. You immediantly blush, you see Zayn following your eyes and he burts out laughing. Your son, clearly confused wants to know what's going on. "What? I might have a chance." he says and suddenly Zayn's laugh becomes louder. "No you don't. Trust me." he says still laughing. Right now your face is as red as a tomato. "Uh...son that model is me." you say quietly. "No way!" he gasps. You nod a little offended. "Well can we just forget those last few minutes ever happened." he asks embaressed. You nod but Zayn never let it down. When you arrived at your parents hour your son got to see more photoshoots of you that he's never seen.


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