(BSM) Your boyfriens is abusive and he finds out

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(BSM)Your Boyfriend Is Abusive & He Finds Out

Harry: (age 16)You had finally managed to slip out of your boyfriend's house. Your nose was bleeding, but luckily you had escaped before he could do any further damage like the other times. Now the only thing you had to worry about was slipping past your brother Harry. You don't know how you managed to slip past him the other times, but surely you could explain a bloody nose. When you got home, of course, Harry was in the kitchen waiting for you. "Hey (Y/N), how was your- what the hell?" he said, looking at your nose. "(Y/N) what happened to your nose?" "Nothing," you grumbled, walking over and grabbing a paper towel, pressing it to your nose. "I'm pretty sure 'nothing' makes your nose bleed," Harry said sarcastically making you shoot him an icy glare. Suddenly he got serious with you. "It was (Y/BF/N) wasn't it?" he said through gritted teeth. Your heart beat sped up. You couldn't lie to him anymore so slowly you nodded your head. "I knew it... Don't think I never saw through the lies before (Y/N). I knew you were hurt. I just figured you weren't ready to talk about it. But I can't keep waiting. He's going to do more damage than he already has. And I refuse to let him. I'm going to kill that boy. Nobody hurts my little sister and gets away with this." You smiled genuinely. You didn't have to hide anymore. And Harry would always be your brother. The one man who you knew would never lay a finger on you.

Liam: (age 19)The minute you were born, Liam knew that he was going to be a protective over brother. Since he was 8 years older than you, he had never failed at that job. You remember when you were ten and a girl in your dance class pushed you over during a performance, Liam spoke to her parents. It was embarrassing but secretly you really appreciated it. It was times like this where you really needed a male in your life that you could trust. Because your boyfriend was definitely not that male. He had just tried to take advantage of you, something he never did. But he said that he had waited long enough and was going to get what he wanted, weather you wanted to or not. You just barely got out of the house. And now you needed Liam more than anything. You hoped from the bottom of your heart that he was home. When you got there, there was no car in the driveway. "No..." You started to cry and curled up on his porch. You were determined to wait there until you could talk to him. You weren't sure how long you were there, but when his car pulled into the driveway, you were on your feet and anxious for him. He got out and walked up to you. "What are you doing here (Y/N)?" he asked, unlocking his from door and inviting you inside. "Liam, I need to talk to you please..." You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and when he noticed, his attention was all on you. "(Y/N) what happened?" His face was serious, and worried. "(Y/BF/N)... he tried... he tried to rape me..." You were bawling now and Liam looked horrified. "Are you serious? (Y/N), are you being fucking serious?" he said with angry tears streaming down his cheeks. All you could do was nod as you ran up you him and gripped his torso. "I'm gonna kill him... I swear to god I'm going to kill him." He was growling and holding you tightly. You weren't going to stop Liam in whatever he did either.

Niall: (age 15)Niall had always had his suspicions about your boyfriend. There was a hidden anger in your boyfriend that nobody saw though, only you got to witness his violent outburst. Niall had every reason to suspect something was wrong, you just denied it. What you didn't know was the next time your boyfriend was over, Niall was going to be watching the date closely. This would definitely turn out to be a good thing in the end. When he got to your house, you two settled on the couch and started what you hoped would be a peaceful movie date. But things went down very quickly when he asked for some food. "Can't we wait until the movie is over?" you asked, looking up at him. "No, I want something to eat. And since this is your house, you can get it for me, thanks." It was an order, he wasn't even asking. "No, (Y/BF/N), I want to finish this movie." He gritted his teeth, another violent outburst working its way to the surface. "(Y/BF/N)..?" You were scared now. "Bitch I asked for something and you're gonna do it!" he roared, picking you up by the arm tightly before throwing to the ground. "Stop!" you cried, but he was having none of that. "He straddled your body and you began fighting him. He struggled to grab your hands and keep them still. You were screaming for someone to help, and just when you were about to give up, the weight was thrown off of you. You opened your eyes to see your older brother yelling at your now cowardly boyfriend, who was luckily on his way towards the door. Once he was gone, Niall came next to you, cradling you in his lap, just like he used to when you were younger. "(Y/N)... are you okay baby?" he asked with worry. Your face was hidden in his t-shirt, and you were too upset to talk. He seemed to get the message so he left the questions for later. You would always be grateful for your brother being there that day.

Zayn: (age 16) "(Y/N)," your older brother asked, peeking his head into your bedroom. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked, taking a couple steps into your bedroom. You set your phone down and nodded, moving so you were resting against the head board. He came and sat on the opposite end, crossing his legs and facing you. "What's up Zayn?" you said, turning your full attention. You and your brother had always had a close relationship. Yes, you two argued, but what siblings didn't? What mattered is that you never let it ruin your relationship. "I just... I'm going to be straight forward with you. Last night at dinner, I saw your arm. I saw bruises and cuts (Y/N) and I just want you to know that I'm here to talk right now." No matter how hard you searched your brain for an excuse, there was nothing. "I... I didn't cut myself Zayn... I'm telling the truth with that..." You rolled up your sleeves and Zayn gasped. "My boyfriend..." was all you could get out, before the lump in your throat wouldn't allow you to get any more words out. You could see the intense anger in his eyes, but he pushed it aside for now, nodding. "I kinda figured..." he said in a low tone. "Zayn... please don't hurt him," you whispered tearfully. "Why not? He hurt you! Look at your arms (Y/N). You honestly don't expect me to just let this slip do you?" He was angry. "I'm not letting him get away with this. You need to understand that." All you could do was nod. As much as you were scared of what your now ex-boyfriend could do, now that Zayn knew about it, nothing was going to get past Zayn.

Louis: (age 17)"GET OFF MY SISTER YOU TWAT!" you heard a familiar voice shout. Your boyfriend, who you were fighting so desperately to keep out of your pants, looked up and was ripped off of your weak, tired body. You fell limp onto the couch, the bruise around your eye throbbing. You were panting heavily as Louis gave your 18 year old boyfriend a physical warning of what would happen if he ever came near you again. Your boyfriend, being the coward he is, got up off the floor and ran out of the house, leaving you and Louis alone. "(Y/N), baby, c'mon..." He helped you sit up and you put a hand to your forehead, the headache pounding in your temples. The thought of what could have just happened if Louis didn't show up rushed through your mind and you broke down. Your sobs were scary for Louis to listen to. He had never heard or seen you so broken apart before. "(Y/N)..." He pulled you into one of his best brotherly hugs. The ones he always gave you when you two hadn't seen each other in a few months or when you were upset. You accepted the hug, gripping onto your brother as if your life depended on it. And it kind of did. He had just saved you from being raped. You knew your life would've never been the same if Louis hadn't come home at the time he did. "Thank you... thank you, thank you..." you kept repeating and his grip just kept getting tighter. "I'll always protect my baby sister."


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