What he does when you're upset

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Harry: Cuddles."Hey ba-" Harry just got home and found you in your room crying. "What's wrong?" he asks. You look up and get up. You don't say anything, not even to answer Harry's question you just throw yourself in his arms.Harry doesn't know what's going on but he puts his arms around you as you cry in his chest. "Shhh...shh...it's ok y/n" he rubs your back calming you down just enough until you stop sobbing and it turns into snuffles. Then he grabs your face lifting it up so that he's looking into your eyes. "Now what's wrong?" he asks again. You look down, then back up at your boyfriend and answer his question. Halfway through your story you break down into tears again remembering what happened. Harry pulls you into his arms again. Then he sets you down on the bed and the two of you just cuddle as he reassures you that everything is going to be ok.

Liam: Takes you out. You've been crying in Liam's arms for over an hour, you were pretty sure you ruined his shirt but he didn't seem to notice. It seems like every minute you cry the worse it gets and only makes you cry harder. Liam's trying to talk to you but you can't listen not now. He finally takes you out of his arms and you stare at him wondering if you've annoyed him too much with your crying. He gets up as your lip quivers, once he's gone you sob deeply into the pillow of your couch. Liam comes out minutes later with shoes on, a new shirt and his wallet and keys. He comes over to you and rubs your back. "y/n, y/n, come on look at me y/n." he whispers to you. You look up. "Liam?" you ask. "Let's go, I'm taking you out." he walks over to the door and opens it. "I can't Liam." you say. "Why not?" he asks clearly confused. "I'm upset and I look like a mess." you respond. "Y/n you can't stay in here forever remembering your mistakes, it'll only make it worse. You need to get out, besides you look beautfiul like always." This makes you smile, you give up trying to argue because it'd just make matters worse so you take his hand and go out the door. He takes you out for icecream, then you go to the park and then the movies. He did take your mind things as you both had a wonderful day.

Louis: Makes you laugh. Obviously the main guy who's made video diaries history tries to make you laugh when you're upset. "Come on love cheer up, smile, I want to see you're beautiful smile." he plays with your hair and you slap his hand not in the mood to be mess with. You're head is on the kitchen table and you're been upset/crying all day and Louis's notice. "Hey y/n! Why did the mushroom go to the bar?" When you didn't answer he answered himself. "Because he was a fun-guy!" he laughs histerically. You don't laugh or move just mope. "OH come on love that was gold!" he goes over to your side and tickles you. You head snaps up laughing. "See this is what I want to see and hear!" Louis says tickling you. You laugh and laugh. "Louis....stop...." you say. Louis puts his hands up in surrender and you giggle. "Now I have plenty of more jokes want to hear them?" he asks and you nod. Louis sits in a kitchen chair and you go over on his side and sit in his lap. He puts his arms around you and you put your head on his shoulder. Then he starts telling jokes making you laugh at every single one of them soon enough you forgot why you were upset.

Niall: Sings. You were on the laptop and you saw/read something that you didn't want to. You slam the computer shut and run into living room. You were on your way to the kitchen to get water for your throat but you stop halfway through unable to make it there. You put your face up against the couch and cry. You're still crying as Niall walks through the door whistling. He stops when he sees you. "Princess!" he screams running up to you. "Oh princess." he repeats. "Please stop." he says after a while but you can't and it just makes things worse only making you want to cry more. Niall goes over to the corner where the guitar is, picks it up and plays a song. He sings your favorite ed sheeran song, A Team. "White lips, pale face, breathing in snow flakes." he sings. You love Niall's voice and the way he sings and he knows that. You try to concetrate on your boyfriend's medolic voice and soon enough it does soothe you down. When the song's over, he sings another one and it says like that for the rest of the night until you both fall asleep.

Zayn: Talks it out. "Y/n tell me what's wrong?" he asks for the third time this night. You had an awful day and just cried when you walked through the door. Zayn heard you from another room and came up to find out what was wrong, so far it wasn't working. "I...I can't." you say. "Y/n you can tell me anything and you know that. I just want to know what's wrong so I can make it better so what's wrong." he looks in your eyes and you know you can't resist. You take in a deep breath and tell him everything that's wrong. He listens taking in everything and nodding occasionally. "I'm sorry that happened y/n" he says when your done. You think that's it and your eyes start to get watery again but Zayn continues. "But you can't bring that down that's the wonderful thing about life sometimes it brings you down but you have to get back right up. Think of this as a good thing to show you that you're only human and that you do make mistakes. Tomorrow will be better, I promise." He takes your hand and kisses it. You giggle. "How did I get so lucky to have such a Zen boyfriend." Zayn shrugs and you kiss him.


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