Pregnancy scare

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Niall- "Shit." sitting on the bathroom floor, you realized that you might be pregnant. How were you going to tell him. Should you just wait and see if you are. And if you do that, should you even tell him? "Shit, shit, shit!" you cried. "(Y/N), are you okay?" Niall knocked on the door, you didn't answer. "(Y/N), let me in. Please." he knocked again. Opening the door, he saw the tears falling down your face. "What's wrong?" he asked holding you. "You don't want to know." you said crying even more. "Yes, i do what's wrong." He pulled your chin up making you look at him. "I think i'm preg-preg-" he cut you off. "Pregnant." he answered for you.

Liam- "Liam..." you walked in afraid to tell Liam what you needed to say. "Yes, babe." he said not paying more attention to the television. "Liam.." you said, but this time getting his attention. "Are you okay?" he said getting up. "I need to tell you something." "What is it?" he was worried. "I'm waiting on the results, but umm.. i may or may not be pregnant." you said leaving his gaze. "Wait. Pregnant. Like Pregnant, Pregnant?" he looked terrified, "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. Look there's a chance you're not pregnant, so don't worry until we know okay." he tried to comfort you. "What if i am pregnant?" you asked. "Then you're pregnant. I'm here with you no matter what. I love you." he said.

Louis- "It's ready." you told Louis. You looked down on the strip to see if you were pregnant or not. "What does it say?" Louis asked just as scared as you. You didn't want to see what the results were. You were to scared to find out. Not that you don't love Louis, but you're not married. You're not ready for this, and neither is he. "(Y/N)? What's it say?" he asked again. You turned to face him. You could definitely see how scared he was. You looked down revealing the answer. "Negative." you smiled, so did he. "Not pregnant?" he asked. "No!" you pulled him for a hug. You could feel him sighing, happy that you aren't pregnant.

Zayn- "I can't read it. You read it." you handed Zayn the results, afraid of what might be. "What's it say?" you asked, he didn't answer. Great your pregnant. What are you going to do. What is Zayn going to say? "Zayn?" you asked again. "(Y/N), i don't understand what these colors and strip things mean." He made you laugh, which you haven't done since this whole thing started. "It mean negative." you said. "It's negative. I'm not pregnant!" you said hugging him. "That's good, but just so you know. If you were pregnant, i would still be here."

Harry- "Are you okay? I thought this was what you wanted?" Harry asked you. You were laying on the bed cuddled up in each other. You thought you were pregnant until this morning. You found out it was a false alarm, which is good. Harry's to busy with his work, you both aren't ready for a child either, so you were relaxed when you found out you weren't pregnant. "Yeah, it is what i wanted, but i just feel bad for feeling like this." you said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I mean, should i be this happy that i'm not pregnant?" you asked confused. "(Y/N), if you are happy that you aren't pregnant then your happy. i mean i think we are to busy for a baby, so i'm happy that you aren't. I love you no matter what, but you know." he said. "yes, i know."


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