He Makes You Feel Insecure

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Today was you and Harry's one year anniversary, and he had planned a whole dinner out for the two of you. You were going to a fancy restaurant to have a romantic night out and you were extremely excited. Earlier in the day you had gone out with Eleanor and Perrie to find the perfect outfit and you had fallen in love with a classy white dress. Standing in front of the mirror you smoothed down your dress and smiled at your reflection. The outfit you picked complimented your figure and your hair was perfectly curled, your face was makeup-free and you were satisfied with the way it looked.

"Y/N? Are you ready babe? We're going to be late." You heard Harry call from downstairs. "I'm coming!" you grabbed your purse and slid on some white heels, you walked down the stairs and smiled at Harry. "Oh, do you need some more time to get ready?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow and frowning. You looked down at your outfit and started to feel a bit worried, didn't it look good? "No I'm all ready." You laughed and started walking to the car. He followed you and frowned. "Y/N this is a really fancy place and there might be paps, don't you want to fix your face?". You felt your heart sink and your stomach tightened. You weren't normally so confident with the way you looked, but tonight you thought you looked good, even without makeup, obviously that was a delusion. Your heart broke. Without saying a word you started to walk back into the house, wiping away the tears that escaped your eyes.

"Y/N where are you going?" Harry called out from behind you. "I'm going to fix my face." You said, your voice wobbling with emotion. You slammed the front door shut and slid down it, crying your heart out.

Liam: You were on tour with Liam and one of their concerts had just finished. You had been in the crowd with some of your friends who lived in the area and you had a great time. You were walking into the hotel with your best friend and you were going to go hang out with the boys. You loved hanging with Liam and his band members, they were always such fun and they made you laugh all the time. You walked into the hotel room with your friend and waved at the boys.

"Great show guys." You smiled at them as they thanked you. Niall came over to you and made a puppy-dog face. "Y/N can you please make me some food? None of the other guys will do it for me." You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair, laughing. "Of course Ni, nachos are coming up." You walked to the kitchen and began making them, you hadn't actually talked to Liam yet, when you walked in he seemed distracted and wasn't looking at you, you made a mental note to talk to him later. When the nachos finished you took them out of the oven and was about to walk over to the living room when you heard them talking quietly and almost urgently. You hesitated in the doorway and listened for a moment, hiding behind the wall.

"I'm just sick of it, she's always here and it's so annoying. She's so clingy." You heard Liam groan and your heart stopped. He was talking about you, who else could it be about. "Mate, she's your girlfriend, and she's awesome. Why are you saying this? All she does is support you." You heard Niall say and you smiled a little bit, it was true all you did was love and support Liam, you sacrificed everything for him. "But all she does is follow me everywhere, she's borderline stalking me." You sighed and placed the nachos down on the kitchen table, before walking to your room and grabbing your bags, filling them with clothes, and walking into the living room. "Y/N where are you going?" Liam asked, eyeing your bags and looking at you worriedly. "I'm going to a hotel, I heard another celebrity is there and I'm going to borderline stalk them as well." You said, walking out of the hotel room as Liam's face fell.

Zayn: You were currently at the club with Zayn and the rest of the band and their girlfriends. The music was pumping and everyone was dancing and having a great time. You were on the dance floor with the girls, laughing and joking. Earlier that day you had gone shopping and picked out a great black party dress. You had spent the day with Eleanor and Sophia, getting ready for the club. You wanted to surprise Zayn with wearing something sexy, you had planned tonight to be perfect and you were going to have fun. Zayn and the boys were over near the bar and they looked like they were in deep conversation. You and the girls finished up dancing and began to walk over to the guys.

"Why does Y/N wear dresses like that, I don't get it. I nearly cringe every time I see her. The tightness does not look good, why doesn't she see it." You hear Zayn say to Liam, sigh and down a shot. Your eyes filed with tears and your hands started to shake. You saw Liam's eyes widen and he hit Zayn's chest, motioning behind him. Zayn turned around and his mouth fell open, he was at a loss for words. Tears ran down your face as you looked down at your dress and covered your stomach with your hands, before running off to the bathroom, Eleanor right behind you.

Louis: You were hanging around the house with Louis, watching movies, just relaxing before he goes on tour. You guys had been just snacking on junk food and playing video games the whole day, it was a ritual between you two.

"Y/N lets go outside, lets go for a walk, lets just do something instead of sitting around all day." You heard Louis whine and you laughed but didn't bother moving from your comfortable position. "But this is what we always do before you go on tour, sit around home and relax. We've been doing this for years." He looks down and mumbles something under his breath, you raise your eyebrows. "What was that Lou?" He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, looking extremely irritated. "I said, you always do this. You're so lazy all the time, I just wanna go out and do something, but no you always have to drag me down. I don't even get how you have a body like that when you do absolutely nothing." Your mouth fell open in shock and you bit you lip to stop it wobbling, you blinked back the tears and stood up. "Well I'm sorry I'm dragging you down, is it a crime to actually want to continue a tradition we've had for many years? But if you want to go out, fine lets go out." You stormed upstairs and wiped away tears. It wasn't your fault you wanted to relax today, you just wanted to spend some quality time with Louis, but he wanted fun. So you were going to give him fun.

Niall: Y/N have you seen my good jeans? The ones without holes in them?" You heard your boyfriend call from the other room. You laughed and got up, pulling them out from under a pile of clothes and handing then to him. "Here you go, why do you need them anyway? Aren't we just ordering pizza?" You asked, sitting down on the end of the bed. Niall pulled them on and walked into the bathroom to do his hair. "Oh yeah about that, theres been a change in plans. I'm going to Louis and Eleanor's party." You frowned, a bit hurt that they didn't invite you. Eleanor and you went shopping nearly every weekend, you were the best of friends. "Oh." Niall came out, looking around for his top. "Yeah I would invite you, but you're so socially awkward it's kind of embarrassing." He laughed and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer. Okay, you had to admit, that hurt. Socially awkward? It's actually called social anxiety and it only happens when theres a large crowd of unknown people, you would know everyone there. Your heart ached and you looked down at your feet. Were you that embarrassing to take public? You felt tears pool up in your eyes and you hastily wiped them away. Niall walked back into the room and glanced over at you, sitting down next to you. "Hey.." He said softly "Whats wrong princess?" You suddenly got angry and you stood up walking to the bathroom. "Whats wrong? Whats fucking wrong is apparently I'm to embarrassing to be seen with in public? It's called social anxiety you dickhead." You slammed the door shut and sobbed into your hands.

Hey guys, it's been awhile hasn't it. Well I'm back now and I'm doing well. How's everyone been lately? Anyone heard FOUR? I've heard little clips of most of the songs and it's honestly so good. I'm so excited for November 17. 😍😍

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