#8 Someone walks in on you guys

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#8 Someone walks in on you guys

Louis : "Mmm," Louis moaned as you kissed his neck. You were staddling his lap in his dressing room. It was about an hour before the show, so you didn't have much time together because he'd have to get ready in a few minutes. "Lift." He sighed and you lifted your arms up so he could remove your shirt. You quickly pulled his off as well. Your hand traced up his defined abs as you moved your lips from his neck to his lips. His left hand was on your lower back and his right hand swiftly unhooked your bra. "Hey, Lou," Fizzy, Louis' younger sister, was standing in the doorway of the dressing room. Louis quickly covered you up. "Sorry! I was just going to say that Stan is here. I didn't mean to interupt." Fizzy ran out quickly. You buried your red face in your hands. "Oh my gosh, your sister just totally saw my boobs." "My sister just saw me mauling your boobs." Louis laughed. "It's not funny! That was humiliating!" You groaned. "Just be happy I hadn't pulled it out yet." Louis smiled cheekily and started unbuttoning his pants. "The mood is dead, Lou." You smirked and picked up your bra. "Oh come on!" He whined. "Stan is here anyway. Now help me put my bra back on since you took it off." You turned around so Louis could hook your bra on. He started kissing your back. Suddenly the door opened. "Lou!" Stanley, Louis's best friend, had barged in. "Shit." You sighed and covered yourself yet again. "Looking fit as always, Y/N." Stan smirked. "She's mine, mate." Louis kissed you before walking to his best friend to give him a hug.

Harry : You were at your boyfriend Harry's mother's wedding reception. It was a small gathering, just close friends and family. It was the first time you'd met most of Harry's extended relatives. Harry was the best man to his new step father. You couldn't help but notice how gorgeous Harry was looking in his tux. You were a little tipsy as was he and you kept giving each other looks from across the room. You knew you were in for a good night. "Please take your seats, dinner will be served shortly." The DJ announced to the reception. You took your seat next to Harry, across from the lovely bride and groom, and Harry's sister Gemma, along with Harry's cousins and Gemma's boyfriend. You were on your second glass of wine and nearly finished with your meal when you felt hand on your leg. You looked over to Harry who smirked slightly, but didn't break his conversation with his cousin. His hand moved slowly up your leg and under your dress. He was cheeky for sure, but you weren't expecting what happened next. He slid his finger into you quickly. You nearly spit your food across the table. "Y/N, you alright?" Anne asked. "Yeah, babe, are you okay?" Harry asked. "Fine." You managed to get out. You decided to to get Harry back. You moved your hand up his leg and began palming him. He let out a soft moan. "What's going on?" Harry's stepfather asked. "Nothing." Harry smiled. As soon and Anne and her husband left the table to go to the dance floor, you and Harry ran out of the reception hall. You found the room that had been used by Anne to get ready and he pulled you in there. You knew you didn't have much time, you quickly pulled off your dress as Harry took off his tux as quickly as possible. Your lips met in a lustful kiss as your hands tangled through Harry's curls. He lifted you up with your back against the wall. The party was loud, so nobody would hear you, so you guys didn't both being quiet. You didn't even hear Gemma calling for you both. "Harry, Y/N, are you in there? We are cutting the cake, Mum is looking for you!" Gemma busted through the door and caught you both in the act. "Oh God," She quickly slammed the door shut. You heard he chuckles as she walked away. You and Harry quickly put your clothes back on and fixed your hair. "I can't go back out there." You complained. "That was pretty embarrassing." Harry agreed. "I doubt Gemma told anyone. It will be fine." Harry assured you. You both hurried back to the party and when you entered, all eyes were on you and Harry. Snickers and laughs were heard everywhere. "Nice, mate." Harry's cousin patted his back. Anne gave both of you a disapproving look. "I think she may have said something." Harry whispered to you.

Zayn : Zayn invited you to spend the week in Bradford with him to meet his family. You and Zayn had been dating for a while and he wanted to introduce you his family. All of Zayn's cousins were coming over tonight for a big family dinner and you were pretty nervous. "What if they don't like me?" You asked Zayn. "Babe, they'll love you." You and Zayn were in his old bedroom getting ready for dinner. "I'm nervous." You admitted with a laugh. "Don't be," Zayn kissed you passionately. "I know that they will love you as much as I do." You kissed him back and deepened the kiss. "I love you, Zayn." You pulled away quickly and then continued the kiss. Zayn then kissed down your neck. "I," kiss. "love," kiss. "you." kiss. He trailed kissed down your neck to your chest. "We can't do this now." You told him, but you didn't mean it. "We have time, it will be fine." Zayn pulled off your dress and unbuttoned his pants. You laid down on his bed and he moved on top of you. He burried his head in your neck, nibbling softly as your bodies moved in sync. "Zayn," Suddenly, the door was open. Zayn's mother was standing in the doorway looking horrified. "Yours cousins are here." Her face was pale and she backed out of the hallway. "That was the most embarrassing moment of my life." Zayn said. "Your mom definitely hates me now." "She doesn't hate you. I think she was just shocked. No mother wants to see her son having sex in his childhood bedroom." Zayn laughed slightly, but he was definitely humiliated.

Liam : Liam's family was taking their annual trip to Florida and he invited you to go along. This was your first trip with his family. You'd met them several times before and you got on really well with his sisters, but you were nervous to go away with them. You tended to get pretty awkward in nervous situations. But Liam really wanted you to go, so you did. The first day of the trip went really well, but you got wicked sunburn. That night when you and Liam returned to your shared hotel room, you had him rub aloe all over you to relieve the pain. "Y/N, you need to wear sunscreen! You look like a lobster." Liam laughed. "Oh thanks, Li." You said sarcastically. "A beautiful lobster." He smiled and kissed you lightly. "More aloe on my back!" You demanded in pain. "I'm going to have to take your shirt off." Liam gently pulled your shirt up and began massaging aloe vera onto your super burnt back. You felt him gently kiss the sides of your neck as he rubbed in the aloe. "Mmm, Liam." You moaned lightly. He moved in front of your and gently laid you down and he held himself up about you. He removed his clothes and your remaining clothes. He kissed all over your body. "Liam," You moaned kind of loudly as his kissed your inner thighs. You moved so your were on top and you trailed kisses down his abs. He moaned louder and louder as your kisses moved lower. "Y/N! Yes, Y/N! Fuck!" He moaned once you where right where he wanted you. He flipped you back over and you guys were at it. You didn't even realize how loud you were being until you heard a knock on your door. "Liam, could you please keep it down. We can hear you very clearly from our room." Liam's mother spoke through the door. "Sorry!" Both you and Liam yelled. "Um, that is awkward." Liam sighed as he rolled off you. "I don't think I'm going to be able to face your family tomorrow."

Niall : It was the last night of the Take Me Home tour and you and Niall had gone out with the boys to celebrate. You had to be up early the next morning, so you stuck to one drink, but Niall on the other hand, was wasted. He was a funny drunk. You laughed as you watched him dance awkwardly with a drunken Zayn on the dancefloor. "Y/N!" Come here!" Niall yelled across the room. You laughed and headed over towards him. "I love you so much, Y/N. You are the best and you are great in bed." Niall hugged you and put all his body weight onto you. "Alright, Niall. I think it's time to go." "Say you love me." He insisted. "I love you." You told him and kissed his cheek. "Come on, Nialler." You supported him with a struggle as you walked to the taxi. The whole ride, Niall had tried to make out with you, and you finally gave in. He was sloppy, but still hot. The taxi brought you to the hotel and you hurried into his room. He pulled off his clothes and almost tumbled down in the process as soon as you closed the hotel room door. Then he began removing your clothes. You were making out on the couch when things began to move further. Niall pulled you on top of him. He was a moaning mess. Then before you could cover yourself up, a very drunk Harry and Louis were in the room. "Holy shit!" Harry laughed. "Nice, Y/N." Louis yelled. "Fuck." You groaned and covered yourself with pillows. "Let us join!" Harry suggested. "Get out!" You yelled. Niall was too drunk to realize what happened and he was soon fast asleep. You hoped Louis and Harry wouldn't remember what just happened in the morning.



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