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This fanfic is brought to you by everyone that has followed me, voted on this story, commented, and added this story to a reading list.

Am I being lazy because a lot has been happening in the story and I don't want to have to list everyone? Absolutely.

Also, the hiatus will be addressed, but later. 

And now, the story continues.....


~Mark's POV~

"Oh, Laeh, he's wonderful,"

     I turned over, stretching an arm where Helen should have been, only grabbing a handful of blanket. Opening an eye, I groggily trained my eye on the Rainbow Dash pajama shorts that paced the room. 

     "Absolutely. His mom is sooo great, and they all treat me like family here. I'm so freaking lucky, Laeh, so freaking lucky. I love him so much," even though it was dark in the room, I could see her smile wide. Giddy. I smiled, turning over again and pretending that I was just waking up. "Babe..?" I called, my voice thick with masculinity. 

     I saw Helen tense up. "Hey, Laeh, lemme call you back. He's waking up. Yeah, I'll call you. I promise, I promise. I said I promise! Okay, okay, bye girl." she hung up. "Mark? You awake?" I heard the her feet pad across the carpet, then her warmth as she got in bed next to me. "Stop messing around." she whispered with a smile in her voice. 

     "I'm not, I'm not," I whispered back, drawing her closer to me. "Were you on the phone just now? Who was that?"

     "Oh, that? It was Laeh, one of my best friends." she gave me a small kiss on the nose. "Are the Fischbachs early birds or nah?"

     I laughed, "Not even a little bit. Why?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Looking for some unprecedented fun? How cliche," I leaned up to kiss her. 

     "Not that type, sir." She rolled her eyes. She was so cute when she did that. "Boning someone in their mom's house is so uncool."


Time Lapse


~Helen's POV~

     "Please be sure to come back ANYTIME, hear me?"

     I nodded and smiled, giving Ms. Fischbach a huge hug. "Thanks so much for having me, Ms. Fischbach, it was a pleasure!" we smiled at each other. Mark smiled and looked between the two of us expectantly, then rolled his eyes. "Ugh, can I at least hug my own mother?" he glared playfully at me. 

     I rolled my eyes, "All your's, Your Highness," I answered, taking a step back. She gave him a bear hug and tried to discreetly whisper "She's such a sweetheart; don't ruin this, son."

     I saw Mark tense up and stifled a laugh as he let go. "Sure thing," he laughed nervously. "Okay, Helen, all ready?"

     "Yep, all the stuff is already in the trunk. 

     "Well then let's get going."

     I nodded excitedly and began to follow him to the car until someone caught my hand. I turned around, "Yes, Ms. Fischbach?" I smiled.

     She gave me a warm smile. "Please take care of him. Mark is such a fragile thing, and I don't think he could take any heartbreak." she managed without a single tear. I nodded, holding her hand in mind. "I wouldn't dream of it. Thank you for everything."


Time Lapse


     I paced my apartment. This was not good. This was not good at all. 

     I'd finished setting up my recording equipment in my recording room for today, and I was ready to start shooting a few episodes of Outlast 2. However, I kept a small ritual every time I got ready to record: I'd call Laeh and tell her to wish me luck, and she'd always answer. But this time, I had to leave a voicemail. A freaking voicemail. 

     My phone began to buzz in the back pocket of my white shorts, and I pulled it out, answering without checking who it was. "Laeh?" I asked.

     "Sorry, I didn't think you were waiting for someone to call," Mark's voice came through the receiver. "Is this a bad time?" he asked. I sighed and smiled small. "No, you're good. I just have this thing that I do before I record, and I was hoping that the person I do it with would actually pick up the phone. You remember my friend Laeh, right?"

"The one who went to New York? The Starbucks barista?"

"Yeah, her."

"Oh boy. You haven't heard."

     I frowned. "Heard what?" I questioned. When the receiver remained quiet, a spike of anger rose in me. "Mark, answer me. Heard what?!" I caught my voice before I could start yelling. I heard him sigh.

"Laeh's in the hospital."


Well, well, well. 

What do we have here. 
A crappy update.

After a freaking hiatus that lasted almost a year.

I am most sorry.

But, whaddup Misadventurers, it's Ty here, and I am back at it with the updates! This year was my senior year, and I've been super busy with senior stuff, which is why I haven't been updating as regular as I used to, and I apologize for that! But I just graduated from high school, so I should be pretty free to update now, and I hope you stick with me!

Thanks to all the Misadventurers who have stuck by this story, even though its freaking lame, and ohmigoodness, how do we have 1.4k reads up in this piece?! Im so lucky to have you guys as an audience, so thanks so much!

Updates to come! But until then, keep on misadventuring. Bon voyage!!!

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