Guess Who??

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~Author's Note~

Okay, okay. So it's been some years since you saw this fanfiction update. I get it, you forgot all about it, right?


In my last chapter, I mentioned not really being a fan of Mark anymore, and how I was discontinuing the fanfiction, but throw all that in the trash:


(More explained at the end).


Helen's POV

        @QuietPsycho Get better soon, love. We sickos are supporting you!!!

        @QuietPsycho No worries girl! Videos don't trump your social life; take a break!
          I sighed in contentment as I read through all of the supportive tweets about my last video; I was truly blessed to have such an amazing platform, and decided that I would make a video where I went out to meet some of them.
          As I sat up in bed to flip to another channel, there came a violent scratching sound at my front door, causing me to flinch violently. I planted a hand firmly on my chest and and tried to calm my breathing as I wrapped up in a cardigan and opened the door to...Chica?
          "What are you doing here sweet girl?!" I said in a babyish voice, receiving wet kisses to the face from the sweetest dog on the planet. One she had stopped licking me, she nudged a bouquet of sunflowers and roses toward me with her nose. I gasped and picked them up lightly, holding the flowers delicately as my mind immediately wandered to Mark.
           Mark, I felt hot tears burn the corners of my eyes. I had probably hurt him the last time I saw him, and I hadn't even taken a second thought in doing so. And here was a bouquet of my favorite flowers sitting on my doorstep, delivered by Chica herself. Where was he? How was he? Why hadn't I apologized sooner?

Would he even want to see me?

"Good girl, Chica!"

            I tried not to look too surprised as my eyes slowly followed Chica into Mark's arms.
            Mark rubbed her fir playfully and made kissy faces at her as she planted wet kisses all over him. When he finally looked up at me, a smile layed softly across his lips, and he urged Chica to come back to me. Chica ran back, licked my hand, and bounded inside, where she prompted herself to sniff everything that existed in my home. I laughed, and so did Mark, his light and airy laughter snapping me back to reality and making me face him. He was now standing right in front of me, hands shoved in his pockets, smile still in place, but notably nervous.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I answered.

          There was a silence that caused us both to look off into space before he said anything else. "It's been a while," Mark finally said, scratching the back of his head. "I, are things?"
          "Things are fine." I replied too quickly, cursing myself for it. Everything about Mark being there made me nervous and self-concious about myself. My disheveled hair, my navy blue cardigan covering my black tank top and pajama shorts, my entire being--it was the most pressure I'd felt ever, and it was being caused by a guy.
          "Oh." he replied, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Well, I uh..just wanted to stop by, see how you were." Another beat of silence went by, and then he cleared his throat. "I'll just, uh, get going then. See you around." And he turned.

            No wait, my brain screamed to him as he called Chica to him. Don't leave. Don't leave me, Mark!

"Wait," I squeaked.

            It was barely audible, but the lone tear that streaked my face was clearly visible, and Mark's face crumpled at the sight of me. "Helen..." he whispered.
            "Mark." I whispered back. In an instant, he was hugging me, holding me like I was going to slip away at any moment. "Oh Hels," he nuzzled into my neck. "Hels, the past week was literally hell for me."
            The tears fell even faster, and my nose was quickly becoming a snotty mess. "I'm sorry!" I cried into his shoulder, gripping him tightly. "I shouldn't have ever shut you out. I hurt you, but I'm so sorry!" I couldn't contain myself anymore. I wanted Mark, no, needed Mark to be a part of my life. He was so important to me, and I'd never even realized.

Time Skip

Home seemed like home again.

          Mark and I sat on my couch, snuggled close to each other with hot chocolate in some cheap mugs that I owned, watching an up and coming YouTuber by the name of CoryxKenshin. He was hilarious, I'll admit, but I was mostly focused on Mark, and how nice his presence felt. I had missed him. I looked at him; he was so amazing.
           At one of the jumpcuts, Mark laughed heartily. "How have I not heard of this guy yet?" He sighed, glancing at me, his eyes deciding to rest on mine. "Everything okay?" he asked with a soft smile. It was the smile I'd like to think was just for me, but I could have been wrong. I shrugged, "Nothing, I just...nothing." I chuckled, finding my eyes on the screen again.
             He lifted my face softly, looking me in the eye once more. "I really missed you, Helen." Mark whispered, finally planting his lips on mine. They were velvety soft, and aroused in me a feeling of happiness that I hadn't felt since forever.

             I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer, causing him to kiss me harder than before, his hands moving roughly from my face to my waist. Is it happening? My brain thought lazily, too high on dopamine to think coherently. If it was, it didn't care very much.
              "Mark," I breathed shakily, his lips moving from mine to the tender spots of my neck. "Yes?" He replied low, the base in his voice making my body ache. I forgot what I wanted to say just as quickly, and shook my head nevermind. Mark eyed me, a sly grin on his face. "Maybe...maybe that's enough for now." he smirked, making all the heated parts of me go cold.
             I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest as Mark found another video to watch. "You're a tease, and I hate it." I pouted.
             Mark laughed. "Aww, I love you too." he sat back again as the next video began.


              I never really thought myself to be a crazy person, but I'd never felt more insane than that moment. "You...what did you say?" My mouth was an unnecessary flytrap, and Mark paused the video again, realization flashing across his face. "Oh...I said...I said I love you too."
              Time froze for a moment, and I took a deep breath.

" you."


Wow. It's been a long time, right?

Completely Off My Rocker has to probably be one of the best fanfictions I've even written on Wattpad, and I just want to say thank you for 2.8k reads. I'm blessed.

And that's why I want to continue this fanfiction.

Well, that and I'm actually starting to love Mark's videos again! I mean, have you seen Wilfurd Motherluving Warfstache??? That was a MASTERPIECE.

But anyway, thanks so much! I look forward to writing for you!

So, with that being said, updates to come! But until then, keep on misadventuring. Bon voyage!


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