Chapter 4

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Peter had found his way out of the tunnels and back into the forest, and from there the roaring sounds of river rush was near. Peter couldn't help himself and smirked at his navigational skills. As he led the group towards the river, he had stopped dead in his tracks as he looked down to see the river hundreds of feet below. Elizabeth enjoyed the smirk leaving his face.

     "You see, over time water erodes the earth's soil, carrying deeper..." Susan had begun her educational lesson.

     "Oh, shut up." Peter snapped.

     "Is there a way down?" Ed asked.

     "Yeah falling." I say walking up and kneeling towards the edge, a few pebbles fell off the edge and everyone watched them bounce off the cliff's walls and plunge into the water. Standing back up, she ignored the stare Peter gave her and walked back beside Trumpkin and Edmund.

​      "There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?" Trumpkin suggested.

     "Better that than walking." Susan replied. Just as everyone turned around to follow Elizabeth and Trumpkin, Luy had given a small gasp.

     "Aslan?" Lucy asked.

     "It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!"

     Elizabeth swung around, and saw a blur of gold for just a moment before it was gone. Whether it was the light, or the leaves on the trees, she didn't get her hopes up. She hasn't seen Aslan since the day when the Pevensies went back to England, she's been alone since with no guidance.

     "Don't you see? He's right..." Lucy started saying but paused, "...there." ​

     Supposedly no one else had spotted him.

     "Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asked.

     "He was there. He wanted us to follow him." Lucy said.

     "I'm sure there are any number of lions in these woods." Peter tried to reason with her.

​      "I think I know Aslan when I see him." Lucy told Peter sternly, he looked at her guiltily.

     This was just like when Lucy first went to Narnia in the wardrobe. Once again her siblings weren't on her side. Elizabeth knew Peter was thinking the same exact moment when the two had fought that day.

     "Look, I'm not going to jump off a cliff for someone who doesn't exist." Trumpkin stated.

     "Last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." Ed mentioned, bringing up the same day. It was the day that changed our lives forever.

     "Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter asked Lucy.

     "Maybe you weren't looking." Lu said.

     "I'm sorry Lu." He sighed, before walking off along with Susan and Trumpkin.

     "I'm sorry Lucy." Elizabeth gave the girl a small smile. Ed smiled at the two of them, and the three trailed behind the group.

Making it to the ford, Elizabeth gasped at the group of a thousand Telmarine soldiers cutting down trees, making weapons, and building a bridge. In the back was lined up a bunch of huge wooden catapults. Finding a quick hiding spot behind a pile of trunks, Elizabeth tried to peek over to observe. Susan, Trumpkin, Ed and Lucy got up and walked away. Elizabeth sighed and agreed that retreating was what was right.

     As her and Peter were about to leave, a horse had rode up with a rider on the other side of the trunk pile the two were hiding in. Peter grabbed Elizabeth's hand and pulled her close to him, placing his other hand on the hilt of his sword. Elizabeth ignored the action, and glanced up to see Miraz, leader of the Telmarines, watching over the soldiers. Miraz had eventually rode away, the hooves of the horse fading away, and Elizabeth pushed herself off of Peter and followed the others back into the forest.

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