Chapter 11

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Before Elizabeth could enter the How she stopped for a moment. It all came to her in slow motion, just like the last time she was in a battle with the Pevensies. The Narnians raced past her while she stayed still in time, and like blurs they went to make final preparations for the real battle to begin. Her breathing echoed in her head as Elizabeth whipped herself around back towards the outside plane.

What am I thinking?

     The blurs continued as she walked back up towards those ruins just beyond the entrance of the How, and she held a look of determination as she re-approached the two brothers.

     Caspian, as if he stood still in time also, passed her on a horse. Elizabeth gave him only a glance as she gripped her sword at her side. The Prince only gave her a nod before continuing his duties and waiting for Peter's call.

     As Elizabeth appeared beside the two brothers, Peter whipped his head to her. He gave her a bewildered and concerned look, but Elizabeth could only stare at the retreating Telmarine General and Lord. They ran to join with their unfortunately large army, but that didn't matter.

     Numbers mean nothing when it comes to strategy.

     "What are you doing? You're supposed to be with the other archers!" Peter panicked.

     "What type of leader am I if I'm not at the front lines, Peter dear?" Elizabeth smirked at him. Unsheathing her sword, she continued to watch as the Telmarine Lord turned himself around at the front.

     "To arms, Telmar!" General Glozelle had shouted, and the army began to shout. From his command, they had begun the catapults.

     Large balls of smooth rock came flying towards the Narnians, and although the aim was terrible and random, their hits on the earth uprooted the ground to explode.

     "Just be careful, alright?" Peter mumbled, looking beyond at the flying rocks.

     "Only if you will do the same."

      "I'm still here, you know." Edmund piped up, and although his comment brought a smile to Elizabeth's face, the three still stood in their places as rocks landed only yards away from them.

     The cavalry then began their charge, and now it was only a matter of time until the countdown began.

     "Archers to the ready!" Susan yelled from behind, and the archers prepared for their attack.

     The cavalry reached halfway through the field, and in sync both Peter and Elizabeth turned around. Locking eyes with Glenstorm, Elizabeth gave him a nod. The Centaur, along with Caspian turned and raced into the How.

     Adrenaline began to bubble in Elizabeth as the time was coming nearer and nearer. For centuries she's had this planned out, waiting and itching for the moment it finally comes to a good use. She couldn't help but laugh a little getting herself worked up for the fight.

It's been too long.

     Elizabeth admits that she misses the feeling of battle, and couldn't wait a second longer before she pounces on those Telmarines.

     The fanfare had been blown from below, and Peter begins to count.

"One, two..."

     Elizabeth's hands begin to shake in excitement as she twirls the sword around her palm once. Giving the handle a firm grip. She double checks where her other assets are. She had left her bow and arrows back in the How when she first arrived back from the forest. Although it was her first mastered weapon and very sentimental, she had learned other skills that would benefit in close hand combat.

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