Chapter 9

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A decree was made that Peter was to challenge Miraz to a duel. As Edmund was once the head of foreign affairs within Narnia; it was he, Glenstorm, and a giant named Wimbleweather who were chosen to deliver the request. As Edmund left to armor up and Glenstorm to go and retrieve Wimbleweather, Susan, Lucy and Elizabeth set to prepare for their departure.

     The girls were at the entrance of a cave in The How that was to lead them to a back entrance escape route. While awaiting for Caspian to fetch them his horse, a set of footsteps was coming near. Elizabeth looked over to see Peter in his old suit of armor. His sisters noticed him shortly after.

     "May I speak with Elizabeth for a moment?" He asked his sisters. The two looked to each other for a moment and nodded with smiles before shuffling out.

     "We'll go fetch Caspian." Susan said before they left. Their footsteps echoed into nothing as the two remaining stared at each other.

     "It's been a while since I've seen you in armor." Elizabeth tries to bring up a conversation, a sheepish smile on her face. Peter never replied, and only stared intently at her. It took a moment for Elizabeth to notice the daze in his eyes, and that he was deep in his thoughts about something.

     She couldn't help herself. Taking a few steps forward, she met Peter and wrapped her arms around him. Peter instinctively did the same, and the two held each other tight.

     "Please be careful." Elizabeth started as she spoke into his chest. Peter released her a bit to look down at her face, and Elizabeth began to tear up.

     "Telmarines are known for their barbarian tactics, their strategies are full force with little time to -"

     Peter leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, leaving the girl gasping. Yet still, she returned the gesture with just as much passion if not more.

     "I'm so sorry." Peter whispered as he pulled away. Elizabeth only stared up at him confused as she looked over his guilty face.

     "All this time. I've held this image of you as you were. Back when we were here the first time. Still so young, and fragile. Here I am back again trying to act like I've never left this life, trying to grasp onto some sort of control since returning. All while completely neglecting the fact that you have grown into this brilliant leader. One that has outshined me and made herself a Queen. My Queen.

     "Seeing you earlier today has made me realize it all. And all I needed to do was to step away from the light so you can do what these people have chosen you to do. To just trust you." Peter explained.

     Elizabeth's heart melted at his words, and his words of acknowledgement have brought a warm smile to her face. She hummed while pulling away only to place his hands with hers.

     "Thank you, but they look up to you as well, and your siblings. This is something we all can be in the light together."

     Peter brought their hangs up towards his face. Giving her hands a kiss, he smiled at her.

     "We'll both be okay."

     Hooves began to echo down towards the two, and the two looked over to see Caspian with his horse. Lucy and Susan follow behind. The sisters smile at the scene, and approach the two who have released each other from their grasps.

     "I should be up by the front. Be careful... all of you." Peter states, looking over at his sisters, and back towards Elizabeth. She gave Peter a confirming nod before he walked out of the tunnels.

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