Chapter 14

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"I chose you."

     "But.. Narnia's your home." He choked out, "I want you to be happy."

     "And I am happy Peter, as long as I have you in my life you are my home." Elizabeth confesses to him. He finally gives out a small smile and pulls her into another hug. One that was tighter, more secure, one that screamed in thanks. Once he released Elizabeth, he tried to conceal his emotions again as Elizabeth walked over to Glenstorm to say her own goodbyes.

     The Centaur bows down to her as she gives him a curtsy. The two stand back up straight before reaching out and grabbing each other's arm in a respectful way as war partners.

     "Thank you for staying by my side and aiding me for the war. You and your family line will never be forgotten in my heart." Elizabeth tells him. Glenstorm gives her a smile while nodding to his Queen, honored to be the final warrior to watch over the Queen.

     "It has been an honor, my Queen." Elizabeth nods to him and moves on saying goodbye to the other Narnians before moving to Caspian.

     "It was a pleasure fighting by your side, my King. I believe you will lead Narnia to greatness." Elizabeth tells him truthfully, yet his goofy smile comes out and he pulls her into a hug.

     "Don't be so posh." He laughs and Elizabeth hugs him back.

     "I will miss you, my friend." He says.

     "As will I, but we will see each other again. I know of it." With that the two release each other.

     Elizabeth's smile falters once no one else but Aslan stands before her. Without hesitation she throws her arms around him and hugs him close. Tears once again falling down her cheeks. Aslan leans into her and places a paw on her back.

     "My brave child..."

     "Thank you... for everything." Elizabeth mumbles so that only he can hear. With that the two release each other as she smiles at him once more before turning around and walking to stand by the Pevensies.

     Standing next to Peter, Elizabeth wipes the tears from her eyes and grunts. She needed to remember how many people were watching the scene.

     One by one starting with Edmund did the Pevensies begin to walk through the tree and out of Narnia. Holding hands with Peter, Elizabeth turned around once more to have a last look at the land she loved. The Narnians, the nature, Aslan, she gave a smile to it all and turned back forwards to walk through the portal with Peter.

     Appearing in an underground area with train tracks, it must have been in London. Elizabeth looked around frightened by the instant change in volume around her. It was loud, large masses of people either running, walking, or shoving. People screamed, whistles were blowing, and trains rumbled around her.

     Elizabeth looked behind her to see Narnia gone. She looked down at herself seeing she was in a uniform much like Susan and Lucy's. A train zoomed to a stop in front of the group and more people appeared as they poured out of the train.

     Elizabeth tried to settle her breathing, but it appeared she was panicking on the spot.

     "This is a lot to take in." She gasped. Susan, Lucy and Ed chuckled a little as a boy walked past us and into the train.

     "Aren't you coming, Phyllis?" The boy asked, looking at Susan. ELizabeth's brows scrunched in confusion as well as the others, yet they grabbed their bags and ran inside the train, except for Peter.

     Peter took note of Elizabeth's panicked state the moment they passed the portal. Her grip on his hand was tight and he could feel her slight shaking besides him. He took note that she may not quite be aware of modern times anymore.

     "I better take Lizzie back home." He told his siblings, rubbing his thumb over ELizabeth's hardened hand to try to soothe her nerves. His siblings nodded with an understanding smile. With that, the train door closed and it started to move, zipping down the tunnel until darkness was all Peter and Elizabeth could see.

     Most of the people who were around them before had jumped onto the train, and those who got off scurried away someplace else. The almost empty tunnel seemed to quiet down and the loud breaths of Elizabeth echoed in her head.

     "Come on, let's go back to the Professor's. I'm sure he'd love to hear all about your time away." Peter smiles down at Elizabeth as he gently pulls her away from the tunnel and leads her towards the exit.

     "W-Who?" She asks him, a little dazed from the sudden rush of new events, but her breathing was calming down.

     "Professor Kirke, remember? We lived with him for a bit." Peter told her, and even though he answered as if it was nothing, he took slight concern to her forgotten memory.

     "Oh, yeah... and The Macready..."

     "That's right. Ms. Macready will be there, too."

     As the two leave Elizabeth can hear a faint roar echoing through the tunnels. She looks back quick, but sees nothing there. She took it as a reassuring sign.

     Elizabeth knew she would have to get used to her new life, new responsibilities and hopefully new adventures. As long as she had Peter by her side and Aslan on her mind, she believed everything would be alright.

Thank you all for reading!

~Willow Rosewood

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