Chapter 10

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Elizabeth didn't bother taking the tunnels back to the How. She instead went straight from the forest into the backside of the How. Reaching it, Elizabeth slid off the horse and slapped its hip, sending the Telmarine horse off and away back into the forest for it to fend for itself. She then ran into and through the How to the front entrance.

     Reaching the little ruin that lay before the mighty temple, Elizabeth's stomach began to churn at the sight of Miraz tripping Peter. Peter left her sight as he fell behind a rock. Miraz then brought his leg up and stomped, a cry from Peter following.

     Elizabeth gasped, causing Edmund to turn behind him to see her. He was shocked, and held a look of confusion. Yet, he still nodded in understanding and turned back around when Elizabeth made it beside him.

     "Susan and Lucy?" He asked, looking back to the two fighting.

     "Soldiers were following us and catching up quickly, I took down most of them. They should be alright."

     The two watch as Miraz falls and then he and Peter both get up. Elizabeth catches Peter's gaze, and his eyes widen at the sight of her here.

     From Elizabeth and Edmund's peripheral view, another horse had emerged from the forest. Caspian and Susan were returning.

     "I hope." Elizabeth adds to her reply.

     Her focus then changed as she heard Peter's approaching huffs and grunts. He had reached the two just before Caspian and Susan did on their horse.

     "Lucy..." Peter gasped with worry.

    "She got through... with a little help." Susan said looking at Caspian.

     "Thanks." Peter said to Caspian sincerely.

     "Well, you are busy. Plus it wasn't just me." Caspian replied looking at Elizabeth.

     The girl looked to Peter and nodded, giving him a small smile. He gives a small nod before looking up to the How.

     "Better get up there, just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." Peter said to Susan. She hugs him and he winces.

     "Sorry." She apologized as she started to head to the How.

     "It's alright. I want you up there too, Liz." He turns to me.

     "Not yet. I want to be down here with you." Elizabeth tells him, her stern glance letting him know she wouldn't take no for an answer. Peter only sighed and nodded.

     Elizabeth felt bad for him. Peter looked so worn and beaten up already. How much longer could he last?

     "Keep smiling." Ed told him, looking back at the Narnians which Elizabeth could hear their whispers of worry.

     Peter raised his sword and gave a smile that looked forced. Yet it pleased the Narnians enough that they cheered. After he brought his sword down, Peter held his arm and groaned.

     "Oh Pete..." Elizabeth sighed in worry as Ed inspects it.

     "I think it's dislocated." Peter told him while sitting down. She knelt in front of him and grabbed his free hand, rubbing his trembling fingers to calm him down.

     "What do you think happens back home if you die here?" He says out of nowhere. Elizabeth's actions pause and she looks up at him in disbelief, tears begin to brim her eyes just at the thought.

     "You know, you've always been there. Both of you... I never really-" before Peter can finish he screams in pain as Edmund pushed his shoulder back in place.

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