Chapter 12

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Elizabeth could only take down a few of the stragglers on the outer ring of the swarm of soldiers before they consumed her in their cloud of silver. It was becoming suffocating, but Elizabeth noticed a few other Narnians spotted in the silver storm fighting their best. Yet some got knocked down to the ground defeated.

     Elizabeth was out of daggers, and she can't use her duel swords so freely as she would like with the close proximity. It didn't take long until she was surrounded by swords pointing towards her. They either striked one at a time or two at once, and Elizabeth struggled to even defend their strikes while keeping an eye on the others.

     One soldier swung at her head, and Elizabeth grunted, pulling herself back just enough to get grazed on her cheekbone. She kicked the man down, sending him and the soldier behind him stumbling back. She was keeping her focus, but she knew she couldn't keep this forever.

     Suddenly a large rumbling was heard from beside her, and some of the Telmarines began to flee. A root from a tree sprouts itself from the ground and curls itself around a soldier beside her, she gasps as he goes flying into the air, and across the battlefield.

Oh, thank Aslan!

     "Lucy..." Elizabeth whispered to herself.

     Trees from the outskirts of the forest began to pull themselves into battle, whipping away any soldiers that neared their path. The remaining soldiers had scampered away from her and into the woods. Her spirits lift as she hears the roars and hollers of Narnians behind her.

     She turned herself towards the cheering Narnians and screamed a cry of victory herself. Sword in air, Elizabeth never felt more alive. She saw the catapults in the distance being ripped to shreds, and seeing the retreating figures of the Telmarines made Elizabeth realize that this battle was not quite over.

     "For Aslan!" She shouted, and Elizabeth charged after the Telmarines with the Narnians and hopefully Peter and the others following suit.

     Elizabeth and her Narnian warriors tailed the retreating Telmarines through the trees all the way back to the Fords of Beruna. She was willing to go as far as the Telmar territory to avenge the ones that have been lost back at the raid on the castle. That didn't seem to be a plan though as the Telmarines stopped and huddled before the bridge that they had built not days ago.

     She came to a halt before the crowd of Telmarines, and just barely over their heads could she see Lucy on the other side of the bridge. Elizabeth still held one of her swords up just in case a close Telmarine decided to strike, but they all seemed to be cornered by the Narnians.

Where is Aslan?

She found him didn't she?

     Peter and the others caught up to Elizabeth and halted at the front beside her. Elizabeth looked over to see Peter gazing at Lucy before quickly looking beside her and giving her a relieved half smile before looking back to his siblings.

     Elizabeth looked back to see a hue of gold beside Lucy. She gasped and her world seemed to be still again as she stared at the lion she so desperately needed to see again. A lion she hasn't seen since the day the Pevensies first left Narnia all those centuries ago. She barely heard the cry of charge from the Telmarine Lord, and she took no notice of the Telmarines charging towards the girl and lion that Elizabeth couldn't keep her eyes off of.

     It wasn't until Aslan gave out a roar that Elizabeth was brought back.

As mighty as ever...

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