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"Should I wait here?" Avi asks. We're sitting in his white Lincoln LS. I nod; if Piper's still in her 'mood' I'd rather not hang around her. "Alright. Tell me if I can go." I smile at him before climbing out of the car and walking up the pathway to my door. I unlock it and head inside. Piper's no where to be seen. Weird.

"Piper?" I call. No response. What's going on? I move slowly through the house, investigating each room before moving on. She's just... not here. This is so weird. As I enter her bedroom, I notice a note sitting on her nightstand. I pick it up and read it, and I swear I get so lightheaded I almost pass out.

Hello Alyss, darling.

Long time no speak. How have you been doing lately? You know, I really am curious as to how you two have hidden from me for so long. It's truly a mystery. Perhaps your friend here will be obliged to tell me everything. It's very interesting how much of a fight she didn't put up. I suppose chloroform will do that do a person, after all. She was very easy to carry out of your little house. Well, since I know you and your stubborn attitude, I know you'll be coming after her. So I suppose I should warn you. If I catch wind of you ratting me out to the cops, I'll kill her. And then I'll come after that little boyfriend of yours. And all of his friends. Oh what a delight this will be! Don't think you can be sneaky, either. I've got many friends who know your whereabouts. I guess that's all then. Ciao Bella!

-Your worst enemy

I read it again. And again. And once more. My worst enemy... no. Oh, no. No no. This isn't happening. It's not possible. He got arrested! He has Piper... no... no no no! "Dammit!" I yell, swatting furiously at the tears streaming down my cheeks. I hadn't even realized I was crying. Chloroform... he drugged her? "Who the hell does that?" I shout, voice shrill. He threatened to kill her. And then he'll kill Avi, and Pentatonix. I can't be responsible for six deaths. Friends who know my whereabouts. Damn him!

Time to get it together. I will find Piper. I won't let her die. I can't let Avi die. And I most certainly will not let him run free. It's time to wake up. And suddenly, it's all kind of clear. Like someone dumped a bucket of water over my head. I'm finally awake. After twenty-three years of stumbling blindly through life, I feel alive. More than ever. I'm awake. Alert. I know what I need to do.

Awake... it's bittersweet. But it's beautiful. It's amazing. Wonderful.

I'm awake at last.


A/N: YES! I know it's atrociously short. I know you're all thinking 'I waited this long for this piece of junk?' But don't worry, don't worry; this got my juices flowing again. This horribly short, horribly mysterious and unexplained five paragraphs of text has got me thinking 'how do I make this story better?' You won't have to wait this long again for the next chapter. 'Tis a promise from myself. In fact, I'd venture to say the next one might be up later today or early tomorrow. Maybe. Hopefully. Alright then, I bid you all farewell until the next chapter. Peace! :)

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