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Avi still hasn't forgiven me, and it's been a week. He won't even let me explain. Scott won't look at me. Piper's pissed at me. Esther thinks I hurt her brother. Mitch hasn't been on Skype, and no matter how many texts I sends him, he just... doesn't answer. Kevin isn't responding to my messages. I don't know what to do. What if something happened to Mitch? Or Kevin? More deaths that are my fault.

I'm not sure how much more I can take, before...

No. I can't think like that. Things will get better. Life will go on. I just have to wait it out, bide my time, and try to stay sane until things start to look up.

I kick my blanket off, feeling nauseous for the fiftieth time in the past two days. Since Avi pretty much kicked me out of our room -which, for the record, was once my own- I've been stuck on the couch. These symptoms are getting worse. Morning sickness, constant headaches, I always feel nauseous. It's almost the end of the month, and I still haven't had my period. Gross personal fact. Sorry.

Anyway, could I...?

No. No. Not possible. It can't be possible. There's just no way my luck could be that bad.

I look at the clock. Five am. And I feel disgustingly sick. With a small groan, I stand up and run to the bathroom. After three gags, I puke my guts out. Mm, nothing like the scent of throw up to wake you up. I think my doctor's office is open by this time... maybe the clinic will accept a walk-in if it's an emergency.

No harm in trying. I need to get out of the house, anyway.

I sneak into my bedroom, trying to be quiet. Avi's asleep, thank God. As quietly as possible, I open my closet and pull out the first two things I see. Avi snorts and rolls onto his side. I freeze. But he doesn't wake up. I grab a pair of shoes and rush out of the room.

Well fuck.

The clothes I got just... don't match. At all. It's my teal tank top from Scott's party -don't remind me how terribly that night went- and a pair of gray sweatpants. Great. I sigh and look down at my pajamas. Considering I'm not about to wear this outfit, I pull on the pair of boots I got, grab my keys, and head out of the house.


I pull into the doctor's office parking lot about fifteen minutes later. It's open, but I don't know if they'll take walk-ins. I sigh and hop out of my car, figuring I might as well look. I didn't bother telling anyone where I went. I doubt they would care, anyway. Maybe I won't go back... hm...

No one would care. What's the harm in just... disappearing?

Stop thinking like this, Alyss. Snap out of it.

I open the doors and head inside. The woman at the front desk smiles at me, and I offer a half-smile in return. "Hi! How can I help you?"

"I need to see Dr. Morgan, please." I answer. She asks me the usual crap. Do I have an appointment, etc. Finally, she tells me to wait until my name is called. I plop into one of the chairs and look at the woman sitting a few chairs down. She's got a screaming baby in her arms, who she's trying to comfort, and she's trying to watch another one who looks to be about three. Oh God, please don't let my suspicions be true.

"Alyss?" I hear a voice call. My head snaps up to see my doctor standing in the doorway that leads to the long, winding hallway of rooms and medical equipment. I smile and stand up, heading towards her. She leads me into a room and tells me to sit on a chair, so I do. "Now, what did you need today?"

"Well..." I begin my story starting from when Avi and I... 'did it', explaining the week, and leading up to now. I leave the fight out of it. She nods, writing stuff down on a paper.

"So, what we're going to do, is basically an ultrasound." She explained. "Please follow me." She leads me to another room and hands me a hospital gown. "Put this on and lay down, please." She leaves the room, letting me change. I do what she said to, and after about five minutes she comes back in. I'm hooked up to a bunch of stuff and told to relax. Dr. Morgan goes through a bunch of tests and tells me the results will be in in about ten minutes. With that, she leaves the room, and I sit there twiddling my thumbs.

Please don't let me be right.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

I'm not ready.

I'm not even married.

The kid won't grow up with proper parenting.

How the hell does one go about raising children?

I've lost track of time. Dr. Morgan comes in with a grave look on her face. Oh God, no, no, no! Please, no! "Alyss..." the doctor begins. I bite down another wave a nausea, but this time it isn't morning sickness. I clutch the fabric of my hospital gown. "The test results were positive. You're pregnant."



A/N: DISCLAIMER. I know nothing about being pregnant or giving birth. So this probably isn't how one finds out about it, but it's the best I could do.Yeah. Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys! Peace!

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