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A/N: I would just like to point out before this chapter begins, that suicide is not a matter to be taken lightly. In no way is this chapter meant to be a joke, or put a joking light on the subject. If you are depressed and/or considering suicide, there are sites you can go to and numbers you can call. Please don't leave because you think there is no way out, because there is. I know it sounds stupid, I know people say it all the time, but things will. get. better. I promise you. If you're depressed because of those stupid bitches at school, or someone close to you has died, suicide is not the way out. With that said, I hope you enjoy the chapter guys.

PS: I'd like to thank @Ptilopsis for giving me a few pointers on everything. I promise I won't go the cliché route, don't worry. ALSO, I'm focused on making Alyss's life total shit right now, which is probably why everything that's happening is... happening. Also, I regret to say that this will probably be the final chapter of Awake At Last. It's been fun. I know this was a short fanfic, but the reason for that is because there's going to be a sequel very, very soon. Probably tomorrow, honestly. <3


When I walk into the house, Avi runs to me and pulls me into a hug. Wait, what? His eyes are bleary. Piper is balling her eyes out in the corner, Esther is nowhere to be seen. What the fuck happened...? Avi sobs into my shoulder, holding my tight. "Don't leave me, ever." He says, his voice cracking. I narrow my eyes. Something isn't right here.

"I'll try Avi. What happened?"

"Scott-" His voice breaks. Oh no. "He... he's gone." Avi releases another sob, and I feel my own eyes start watering. Before long, we're both holding each other and crying like fools. My life couldn't get worse, could it? After we pull apart, he hands me a note. W-what? "Read it..."

To my dear friends and family,

There's so much I need to say, that I want to say, but that I can't say. People tell me that everything happens for a reason, and if that's true, than this isn't unwarranted. I've never told anyone besides Alyss, about my feelings for Kirstie. She was gorgeous, funny, kind, caring... I loved her. I still do. So I'm going to be with her. I love you all. My last wish is that you bury me next to Kirstie, with my grave facing the sunrise. Imagine this as a new beginning. As for the fans, tell them how and when you like. But don't lie. I'm not trying to keep this a secret. I've gone to be with my true love. Please don't think I don't love you. I do.

I'll love you forever. Please remember me.


A rough sob tears from my throat, I toss the note at the coffee table. Avi looks at it with a mix of regret and sadness. "He died thinking I-I hated him..."

"I'm sure he knew you could never hate him, Avi." I say. He looks to me with tears in his eyes. "But... what about Mitch and Kevin? Do they know?"

"No one has been able to get a hold of either of them. We've tried to call, Skype, text... nothing. It's like they both disappeared"

God, please don't let them be dead too. I can't handle this anymore. "I... need to tell you something." I begin. Might as well pile on the bad news.

"What?" Avi says. He's still staring at the note with that horribly guilt expression on his face. I can't handle the way he looks, so I avert my gaze. Everything is just too damn depressing.

"I-I..." I begin, but trail off. I'm not going to tell him. I can't. A plan quickly formulates, and I decide what I'll do. "I forgot, never mind. I'm sure it wasn't important."

"Oh. O-okay. I'm going to go get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright," I say. He kisses my cheek. Piper must've left while I was reading, because she's not in the corner anymore. No one's looking, so now's my chance. I wait twenty minutes, and creep into the bedroom. Grabbing a suitcase, I pull out a bunch of clothes, some shoes, and around seven hundred dollars. I've been saving this money since I was sixteen. Avi fell asleep already. I look at him sadly. Should I write a note? No. It's better if I go without a trace. I'll have to buy a new cell phone, of course, so no one from this life can get a hold of me. I'll change my name, and go on the run. Find an apartment. Maybe I can raise this kid right. I approach Avi and kiss him gently on the cheek, allowing one of my tears to fall on the other cheek. I hope his life ends up alright. I hope he finds the girl he deserves; I'm not it. I'm a failure. I couldn't save Kirstie, or Scott. I leave the room, casting one last look at him. Trying to memorize every centimeter of his face. Of course I'll still see him in videos -those haven't been deleted- but I'll never see him in person again. I think back to the day, almost two months ago, that he kissed me. "I'll never forget you Avi. Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me," I whisper, before turning away.

I walk down the hallway and leave the house. Glancing towards my home one last time before turning and walking towards my car. I throw the bag in and climb in after it. With a sigh, I wipe my tears off my face and pull out of the driveway, going quickly down the street.

Goodbye Avi.


A/N: Holy shit I'm actually crying. Well, it's been a great journey. Like I said, the sequel with be coming soon! You get to watch Alyss AND Avi deal with their lives, because I'm implementing POVs. So you're welcome. Anywho, hope you guys enjoyed this fanfiction. Peace! <3

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