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I wake with a groan. Rough rope holds my hands behind my back, and more is wrapped around my chest and torso. I move my tongue around in my mouth. It feels like sandpaper. I feel like I've been walking through the desert for weeks without water. My head is pounding and I feel lightheaded. How long have I been out?

"Good. You're awake." A single light flickers to life. It's a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, and Marcus is standing under it. His face is a smirk as he watches me struggle against my bonds. After a while I give up; I feel weak and lightheaded and struggling more might make me pass out again. "So, have a nice nap?" He moves closer, looking down on me with that smirk. If I had the strength, and if I wasn't tied up, I'd kick him in the shins and break every bone in his body.

I manage to spit out a single word, "bastard." The sting runs down my neck as his hand smacks my cheek hard. I'd cry out if I had the strength. "Let me go back to Avi and leave us alone, you mother fu-" I begin, but he smacks me again.

"I'd suggest learning to behave, Alyss. Rule number one, you do not speak unless spoken to. Am I understood?" Marcus hisses. I don't say a word. Another smack. "Am I understood?"

"Whatever." Yet another smack. "Yes! You're understood! Stop fucking slapping me!"

"Good. Rule number two, I will be addressed as Sir or Master. Am I understood?" What kind of sick fantasy is he living? There is no way in hell that I'm calling him 'Master'. I don't care what kind of torture he can think of. "You have two seconds to answer, bitch."

"Yes, you're understood." I growl. He slaps me once more, and I change my answer to: "You're understood, sir." I hate him so, so much. Avi, please find me. Please.

"Excellent. Rule number three, you will do everything I say or risk punishment. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir." My words are full of venom and hate. And no amount of slaps will change that.

"Alright. Everything is in order. If you're good, you'll get rewards. Such as water or food. If you're disobedient, you'll be punished. Have fun here Alyss. I'll be back with your dinner in an hour or so."

"Fine, you sick bastard. Avi is going to kill you when he finds me. And he will find me." I have to believe it. It's the only thread of hope I have.

"Oh, I don't have to worry about that puny idiot. Now, you stay here and wait like a good girl." He gives me a pat on the head, trailing his hand down my cheek. I snap at it, and manage to get a good hold on his finger. I shove my teeth into his flesh, and the metallic taste of blood floods my mouth as the skin breaks. He rips his hand away and lands a harsh blow square to my jaw. I feel a kick land on my shin, and my head snaps to the side as he slaps me. But it was worth it. So, so worth it.

"Do it again and I'll do worse than punch you," he hisses. I glare at him until the light flickers off and he leaves the... wherever I am. As soon as he's gone, I sag back into the chair and squeeze my eyes shut. I'm trying to keep the tears from falling, which is failing so far. I fiddle with my bonds, trying to untie myself. It doesn't work. I'm stuck here. What if Avi never finds me? What if I'm stuck here until I die? Stop thinking this way Alyss. I command myself. Avi will find me. He loves me. He does. He'll search until he collapses from exhaustion. I know he will. I just have to have faith in him. With this thought in mind, I drift into a semi-peaceful sleep.


"Alyss," a voice hisses through the darkness. "Alyss." I groan a little, not wanting to open my eyes. I'm somewhat comfortable and afraid that if I move I won't be able to find this position again. "Alyss!" Just leave me alone!

"Sir," I spit out. Fine, Marcus, if you want to get a fucking reaction. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Sir?" The voice asks, sounding perplexed. I now realize two things: this is most definitely not Marcus, and the voice is female. "Uh... Alyss... what're you talking about?"

I snap my head up, eyes flying open, and am greeted with a very familiar face: Kirstie. How the hell did she find me? "Kirstie!" I yelp. She urgently shoves a finger to her lips, and I shut up immediately. She crawls around to the back of the chair and starts to untie the bonds. They must be super intricate, because after five minutes of trying she still hasn't gotten there.

"I'm texting the team," she growls, pulling out her phone. We both stop dead in our tracks as the sound of a door opening echoes throughout the room.

"Oh, Alyss. I have your dinner!" Marcus calls. The light flickers on. He's holding a plate of some gross-looking food. Table scraps, most likely. He approaches me and sets it down on a nearby table. He pushes the table in front of me and smirks. "Now, if you can get to the food, you can eat it."

"Jackass." I growl, looking helplessly at the plate. Gross as it looks, it's food and I'm starving. "Y-you sadistic, sick, twisted, son of a bitch!" He clenches his fist and brings it up to punch me, but then his eyes fall on Kirstie. Oh no.

"You?" He yells, smirk twisting into a scowl. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Kirstie falls back, trying to crawl away from him. He lunges forward and grabs her by the hair, causing her to cry out. I struggle desperately, trying to get to her. "Let me go!" She yells, swatting at him. "Let us go!"

"I don't think so," Marcus growls. He punches her square in the gut, smirking as she almost doubles over. As she begins to sink to her knees, his grip on her hair tightens. I can't get the damned ropes off!

"Please just let her go!" I beg, giving up on struggling. It's quite clear that I won't be escaping any time soon. Not until Avi finds me.

"Fine then," He laughs, letting go of Kirstie. She crumples to the floor and he kicks her in the ribs. I try to get him to stop, but it's useless. I'm useless. With another laugh, he flicks the light off again. I can just make out Kirstie being dragged into the darkness.


A/N: YAAAAAY sick and twisted Marcus. Kirstie if you're reading this, I sowwy. Marcus is just kind of a jerk-off. :/ Anywho, yeah, this is chapter ten. I wanted to thank ya'll again for over a thousand reads. I know I thanked you guys last time, but it really does mean a lot. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter guys, peace!

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