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I'm out of my element here and I know it. As I run my eyes over my slim legs and up, past my abdomen, chest and to my dull hazel eyes, I feel myself starting to tremble. Why'd I agree? "Oh come on," I hear Piper's voice behind me and turn, scanning her body quickly. "You look great. I don't know why you feel so out of place." She did it again, read my mind. It's scary how she can do that sometimes, but what's even scarier it how much better she looks than me. Her chestnut brown hair is allowed to tumble in soft curls down her back and shoulders, her eyebrows are filled out, her face is devoid of blemishes, and her lips look luscious and full. A soft pink blush flares up her cheeks, her eyeliner is prominent and dark in its usual winged way, and her lips are vibrant with a red lipstick. Her six foot two height is amplified, with her wearing a strapless, smooth off-white dress that goes about halfway down her thighs, exposing most of her long legs. The skirt is covered in an overlay of black lace, and a shiny black bangle hangs on her wrist to match its color. She wears four inch, sleek black heels that amplify her height just like the dress. Her waist is slim in the outfit and her chest looks full. Everything amplifies her beauty and dark but not-too-dark tan.

"No, I don't, Piper. I look like I've hidden away in a cave for my entire life." I look down at my light pink dress, crumpled around my skinny waist with a thin, brown leather belt. The skirt extends down to just above my knees, and a small strip of white lace sits at the bottom. My feet are adorned with boots that extend up to just below the knee, the leather matching the brown of my belt. The boots are meant to hide the rest of my pale legs, and I feel they do their job well. My black hair is swept in a braid over my shoulder, and my face has practically no makeup: simple pink lipgloss, some blush, and a light eyeshadow that mostly blends into my skin. "I can't go to that concert like this, especially not with those VIP tickets."

"Well I don't have anyone else, Alyss, and if you don't go I wasted my money. So we're going and that's final. Don't make me regret buying two tickets." She gives me that pouty look she knows gets me every time, and I can't resist. Her face instantly pops back into a smile, revealing her perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. I wonder how she doesn't have a boyfriend with that face, but shrug the thought off as I walk outside after grabbing my keys and locking the door. We both climb into her Toyota Rav4, me in the passenger seat with her driving. "I assume you won't be drinking tonight? Since I'll probably get drunk." She smiles, laughs, and turns the key in the ignition. We drive off down the dark road, dimly lit by street lamps and moonlight.

"Do I ever drink? Just because I'm twenty-three doesn't mean I have to get drunk at every party I go to. And weren't we supposed to get there at three, for sound check? Um, we're going to be six hours late." She looks over briefly, vibrant blue eyes glimmering in the darkness, before turning her attention back to the road. Without an answer, I sigh and sit back, closing my eyes.

We drive for ten minutes before pulling up to a huge amphitheater. There's mobs of screaming girls and guys outside, waving signs around. Most say 'I <3 PTX', but there are some other weird ones in the mix "How do we get in?" I ask, gawking at the crowds.

"We go in the VIP line, duh. Come on." She gets out and I do the same, and before long she's pulling me by the wrist over to a window marked 'VIP'. After a short exchange with the woman behind the window, she hands over the tickets and we go into a door. As we walk, Piper screams and I feel like my eardrums shatter. "Oh my God!" She yells, running down the hallway. I have to sprint like an Olympian runner to avoid falling and getting yanked down the hallway, and I'm panting hard when we finally stop. "Scott, Scott Scott Scott!" Piper squeals, drooling over some guy. It's Scott Hoying, and beside him is a face I recognize from pictures and videos, Mitch Grassi. "I cannot, cannot, express how much I love you!"

Scott smiles and Piper gives a mini jump, squeaking. He laughs and says, "thanks, it's cool to see a fan." He turns to me and I duck my head, averting my gaze. Piper tilts my head upwards, grip on my chin annoyingly strong. I fight against her, but am forced to make eye contact.

"My friend's just shy," she explains, and I finally manage to pull my face away from her tightly clenched hand. "But I'm not, and you guys are my idols! Is Kirstie around? Or Kevin? Or Avi? Can I have an autograph, or a picture, or a..." she gasps before continuing, "or a song?" I roll my eyes, and Mitch notices. I feel instantly embarrassed as I catch his gaze on me, and want to melt into a wall. "Oh my God, a song would probably make me die! I love, love, love you guys and I have ever since I saw your performance of E.T. on The Sing Off!"

Mitch laughs, "thanks. What're your names?" His gaze is intentive on me, and Piper opens her mouth to answer but at that moment we hear a deep, resonating voice calling from the end of the hallway. Avi Kaplan in the flesh.

"Guys, five minutes 'till showtime!" He yells. Scott and Mitch nod and flash him two double thumbs up. Avi seems to see Piper and me and he begins moving closer, smiling. It's contagious and I feel a smile lighting up my own face. "Hey, two fans?"

"Oh. my. God. yes!" Piper squeals. She throws her arms around Avi and I pull her off, throwing her a death glare. She smoothes her dress, smiling as she apologizes. "Sorry! I lose my cool around stars."

Avi chuckles and turns to me. Our eyes connect. The world seems to slow, and I feel my heart flutter. I haven't felt that way in a long time, air leaving my lungs and heart going practically insane. "Alyss..." I murmur, extending my hand to shake his. He returns the gesture and I force myself to tear my gaze away from him, looking to where Piper is posing for a selfie with Scott. They're both duck-facing. I roll my eyes and turn, only to see Avi offering me a piece of paper. On it is a number.

"I gotta go. But here, call me sometime." He says, and I feel that weird fluttering in my chest again. Scott and Mitch say bye, and Piper gushes out good lucks and compliments. "See you guys at the after party!" Avi calls back, turning to wave as he walks away. Piper looks about ready to pass out.

"What. was. that?" My best friend turns to me, grabbing my hands in hers and jumping up and down like some kind of rabid kangaroo. "Did he give you his number? Oh my God I'm so totes jealous!" She gushes, and I roll my eyes again; she knows I hate when she talks like a thirteen year old girl. "You two like... ugh, did you see how he looked at you? You have such a strong connection!" She sighs dreamily, murmuring, "Mr. and Mrs. Avi Kaplan. I love it already!"

"We're not getting married. I doubt I'll even call him; I don't know him and he just offers his number? Doesn't that seem a little weird?"

"Oh shut up, Alyss! When is someone that hot going to offer you his number again? Accept it, see where it goes." She smiles and tugs me off to our seats, where we sit and watch as the crowd goes insane and Pentatonix emerges from backstage.

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