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A/N: I can't stop. O_O


Really though. I need to stop singing stupid songs.

What? I need to stop writing this? Hell no.

PS: If you're wondering where the depressing theme of last chapter came from, I had PTX's Say Something cover on repeat. And on full blast. #BlamePTX

PSS: Kirstie, girl you ROCKED that lead. And Kevin, SING MORE DAMMIT.

PSSS: I'll go now. Enjoy the chapter.


I wake up the next morning. Clothes are strewn all over the bedroom floor, the blanket is half on and half off the bed, and Avi's face is burrowed into my neck. I look over and gasp as I see Piper next to the bed, hands on her hips, eyebrow raised. I let out a scream, scrabble to get the blanket, elbow Avi in the chest, and pull the blanket up over us. "Piper! Get out!"

"I came" she says, putting extra emphasis on the word 'came'. I roll my eyes, "to tell you that Mitch is leaving soon. You two have to come say bye."

"Fine. We'll be out in a few minutes. Go away." She gives a small huff, turns on heel, and leaves the room after making a comment about my 'escapades'. Avi and I exchange and glance and roll our eyes and the same moment.

"She's..." He says, and trails off.

"She's something alright," I finish for him. He nods and we both climb out of bed. I need to a shower, to put it bluntly. Did I just say that? Ew...

We both pull on some clothes and head into the living room, where Scott is hugging Wyatt and smothering him in kisses and baby-talk. "Do you have to go so soon?" He asks, clutching the cat to his chest. It breaks my heart to see poor Scott, who loves that cat so much, have Wyatt ripped out of his arms. Mitch sighs and nods.

"I wish I didn't, but I have to go." He says. Reluctantly, Scott hands Wyatt over. I don't even realize that I'm balling my eyes out again. Tears slip silently down my face as Wyatt claws at his kennel, trying to get out.

Life is such a piece of shit, if you think about it.

Mitch and Scott hug, and I'm pretty sure I hear one of them sniffle. Or both. Who knows? Everyone's crying at this point. Mitch turns to Avi and I. We all hug. "Bye guys. Skype y'all soon," He says. He picks up his bags and steps out of the house. The door shuts behind him with a clang.

Scott plops face-first onto the couch and Avi and I exchange another glance. I sigh. Will anything ever get better?


Ten pm and everyone's just laying around. Kevin left a few hours ago. Piper and Esther took an early night, and are hanging out in their room. They might be sleeping. Scott, Avi and I are lounging around in the kitchen. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" Scott asks, looking at me. I nod and follow him into the living room.

"What did you want?" I ask, trying for a smile. I'm trying to be soft with him, supportive. He's really taking this hard.

"I just need to tell someone," He begins, "how I felt about... about her." I feel a pang in my heart as he wipes away a tear. "How I still feel about her. I-I loved her, ever since I met her in high school. I was working out a way to tell her when..." he sniffles.

I'm not sure why we had to talk about this alone. But he's heartbroken and upset, so I decide not to say anything. "I'm so sorry Scott. If only..." I begin to say 'if only I hadn't cause this', but stop. I have to bite my tongue. I can't let them know how I feel.

Suddenly, before my brain can even process it, Scott grabs my waste and pulls me towards him. I feel our lips mash together, and try to push him off. For a minute, I can't, until finally I overcome the shock and shove him away. He looks embarrassed and ashamed, and starts stuttering out apologies.

"What the hell was that?" I hear a voice yell. I whip around to face a very, very pissed off Avi.

"Avi!" I cry, rushing towards him. "Please, it isn't what it-"

"Save it! How could you?" He starts storming down the hallway, leaving me to rush desperately after him.

"Avi, please wait, just listen to-"

"Forget it Alyss!"


A/N: :O DRAMA. SO MUCH DRAMA. MUAHAHAHAHA. Anyway, yeah, this was shorter. But I'm tired. So... yeah. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. The next chapter(s) will have a few more bombshells in store. See ya'll in the next part. Peace!  

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