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Where am I? It's the first thought that comes to mind as my eyes flutter open. I'm disoriented for a moment, before everything comes rushing back to me: the picnic, the kiss... was that a dream? No, because Avi's arm is still draped around me. He smells sweet, like honeysuckle. For a brief moment, I feel comfortable and at peace. Than I realize it's four in the afternoon and I've been gone for four and a half hours. Piper's going to think I got kidnapped or something. "Avi," I whisper, nudging him lightly. His eyes slowly open, and immediately they find mine.

"Hey." He murmurs. "We fell asleep." I chuckle a little as he states the obvious, and he does the same. "So I guess you need to go?"

I nod, and he shifts his arm so I can stand. I put the movie away and close the laptop, while he folds up the blanket, re-packs the picnic basket and takes the other stuff from me. We both walk back to my car, stopping on the sidewalk and looking over each other's faces for a few seconds. It's like we're trying to memorize each other, which I am. Trying to memorize everything, as I know it could easily go away; He's touring all the time. Is this even going to work? Maybe I can make it work. No, I'd have to go with him, which would leave Piper on her own with our house and our bills. She would readily agree to come with, I knew, but she'd never stop drooling over Scott or Mitch. Or any of them, really. "I uh... I should go," I murmur, snapping out of the thoughts haunting my brain. I lean up to kiss his cheek before getting into my car and driving off, leaving him behind to stand and watch me go.

"Why are you moving so slowly?"The voice comes from behind me as I open the door to go inside once I get home, and I scream, turning around as I jump into the house. It's Piper. How did she get there? Why isn't she inside?

"What the hell Piper?" I yell, cradling my forehead in one hand for a moment. "Do you mind not sneaking up behind me like that? Ever again?"

She laughs and takes a picture on her phone. I realize my face must be priceless. "I was checking the garden. So how was your little date with Avi?"

"It wasn't a date."

"Oh really? Because spending four and a half hours with a guy, at the park, on a picnic, qualifies as a date."

"Alright, fine, it was a date. Now will you get inside?" We both move over to the couch and sit. She curls her feet up and crosses her legs, while I leave mine to dangle over the edge.

She smiles, and I can tell she wants all the details. "So did you guys...?" She makes a hole with one hand and moves her other index finger in and out of it, to demonstrate. I throw a pillow at her, scoffing.

"Yes Piper. In public, at a park were there were children around. Where we would for sure be seen and recognized by someone, or at least he would." Sarcasm laces every word, and she giggles, hugging the pillow to her chest. It's like she knows we did more than just eat and watch a movie. "I mean, we ate, watched Pitch Perfect, kissed, and fell asleep." I throw in the kissed thing in hopes it'll blend into the rest of the sentence, but it obviously sticks out like a sore thumb. She squeals, squeezing the pillow so hard I think it's going to rip.

" knew you liked him!" She accuses, pointing at me like it's some sort of closely guarded secret. I give her a 'like you didn't know' look. "Spill it. How'd it happen, what led up to it?"

"Um... we watched Pitch Perfect, and at the end he said I reminded him of Beca. It kind of surprised me so I made a joke about her being all cold and reserved, but he said, and I quote, 'no. Pretty, funny, loyal to your friends. Someone who catches your attention.' Then he leaned in and... kissed me. It was nice. He smelled sweet, and he was warm and-" I realize she's looks at me with raised eyebrows and I've gone on kind of a tangent. "Sorry. But yeah, that's how it happened."

"Most romantic thing ever? I think yes!" Piper squeals. She sounds like she's the one that got kissed. "First, he compares you to Anna Kendrick-"


"-then he says you're pretty-"

"Which is hardly true."

"-then he kisses you! It's like a Nicholas Sparks novel! And stop interrupting me when I'm talking; it's not nice!"

"Okay first of all, this is not a Nicholas Sparks novel. Second of all, I doubt it's even going to work. He's always on tour and working with his band." She starts to talk, but I hold up my hand for her to stop, "I've already thought about going with him on tour, but I can't leave you alone with the bills we have and you can't come with me on tour."

"Why not?" Piper complains, and I suddenly imagine her as a whiny little kid.

"You'll only distract them and make them uncomfortable." I remind her, and she looks slightly offended, but I ignore her as I continue with, "Besides, we shouldn't be talking like this anyway because he hasn't even brought up touring yet."

Piper's shoulders slump. "Really? He hasn't said the L word yet?"

"Piper we've known each other for two days not two years."

"Yes, but a kiss on the first date is a good thing."

"It's a typical thing. How many guys have you kissed on first dates?"

Piper flashes me a seductive look, and I know her answer before she says it. "Oh I do more than just kiss the on the first date."

"Gross." I mutter, "thanks for that graphic image."

"Coulda said more. Anyway, what d'you want for dinner?"

"I don't know. Subway?"

"Good, Italian than. I'll go order the pizza." She rushes off and I roll my eyes. I guess I'm eating pizza tonight.

A/N: I know this chapter is pretty suckish, sorry about that. The next one should be better, so this is just more of a filler. Anyway, yeah, the next one will be more... interesting, I guess. I won't spoil to much but yeah, interesting. See you all in the next chapter, peace!

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