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The concert goes on for two hours, with Pentatonix cycling through various covers and original songs. All the while, Piper doesn't let up on her screaming. After about a half an hour, I sit with my head cradled in my hands as I try to deal with my throbbing headache. I never like concerts as a kid, and now I remember why; the loud beat, or in this case Kevin and Avi, the flashing lights, the screaming fans... I have the biggest headache and, unlike everyone else, I'm glad when the show ends.

Piper leads me to the nearest exit, rambling about getting to the band before all the other people. She doesn't seem to understand that we're not the only people here as she shoves her way through the crowd. I almost fall off the balcony one time, and I feel my heart leap dangerously into my throat. "Damn it Piper, calm down!" I yell after she pushes past some little kid, and she stops to look back at me. "Would you relax? Be happy we're going to the after party anyway!"

"Right, sorry." She responds, stopping. It doesn't matter now; we've already arrived at the exit. I roll my eyes, knowing she's only calmer now because we've reached her goal. "Come on!" We run out, rushing towards the place where Pentatonix will be exiting and signing autographs. Well, she runs. I'm pulled, feeling like my shoulder is going to dislocate at any second.

There they are, the band. Seeing all of them up close surprises me, and I feel my heart flutter as Avi's gaze seeks my own. Or maybe I'm looking for him. Either way, I'm satisfied as our eyes meet and he gives me a wave. The band is wearing matching outfits: the guys in black blazers with dark purple shirts and matching black ties underneath. Their pants are the same, black, and they all wear black leather dress shoes. Kirstie is breathtaking in a purple, sparkly, loose-flowing dress that extends to around her knees. She wears heeled black boots that go up to the tops of her shins, as well as a black sweater that matches the loose, flowing feeling of the dress. Her hair is in its normal style, and looks surprisingly close to Piper's. From what I can tell, her makeup is fairly simple, close to mine. If you combined Piper and I, actually, we'd probably look something like this.

I hear Piper scream for the millionth time tonight, and have the sudden urge to slap her, but I restrain myself as Avi makes his way over. He smiles at me, that contagious smile of his, and I feel it spread to my own mouth. I catch my best friend giving me a jealous stare as he tucks a stray strand of hair between my ear. It's weird, how he treats me like we've known each other for years, when in fact we've talked for exactly two minutes. "See you at the after party?" He asks, practically yelling over the noise. His voice resonates in my ears, and I nod. He takes this as a yes and joins the rest of his group, waving to everyone before ducking into the limo with Mitch, Kirstie, Scott, and Kevin.

As they leave, a big crowd of fans takes off after the limo, and I roll my eyes. "Idiots..." I growl, moving the hair that Avi tucked behind my ear back over my eye, liking it there more than kept back. Piper shrugs and we head over to her Rav4, walking for a long time before we finally find it amongst the sea of people and other cars. We both climb in and let out huge exhales, and the sound of two seat belts clicking into place is heard before the car peels off.

"That was amazing!" Piper squeals, happily bobbing her head to some melody only she hears. "Did you hear the note Mitch hit when they did Can't Hold Us? God I wish he would just-"

Knowing where this is going, I quickly begin speaking so I don't have to hear the words she's about to say. "So Avi, why do you think he's so obsessed with me? I'm hardly impressive."

"Love at first sight?" Piper says, heaving a shrug. "Stop selling yourself short. You're beautiful!"

"Compared to what? Gollum?"

"Hey! I said stop selling yourself short! No more negative talk." I shake my head and roll into a somewhat comfortable position, closing my eyes and trying to think away the time it takes to drive to the after party. We arrive a while later. Twenty minutes? Thirty? I'm not sure.

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