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I take a deep breath. I need to find Piper and get her away from him. I need him arrested or- better yet -dead; he's already proven he can get away from the cops once. I need to get everyone over here. They need to know what's going on. This is important for all of us. I pull out my phone and send a text to Avi:

Get everyone over here. Come inside. Lock your car. Don't ask questions until everybody's here.

I'm pacing up and down the hall when I get the message back:


Good. A few minutes later, he comes inside with his phone pressed to his ear. I drag him in and start running around like a chicken with my head cut off, locking windows and doors and anything else someone could get in through. Avi hangs up the phone and gives me a pointed look, "now, what's going on?"

"I said no questions until everyone's here." I snap. He recoils like I've just slapped him. "Sorry..." I mumble. He pulls me into him and we kiss. It's soft and sweet, and clearly meant to calm me down. When we pull apart, we're staring at each other like idiots. It's quiet. Until someone bangs on the door. I open it and yank everyone inside, shoving them onto the couch.

"What's going on?" Kirstie asks once I've finished herding her into a chair. I read the note.

"So... what does that mean?" Kevin asks. Everyone looks scared out of their minds and, frankly, I can't blame them.

I take a deep breath. "So a few years ago, I got... involved with this guy named Marcus. He was the best. Attentive, sweet, never late for anything."

"He sounds fine." Scott says. I hold my hand up for him to stop. Marcus is the opposite of 'fine'.

"Yeah, well, turns out he was- is -a serial killer. He tried to kill me one night. Piper and I got away, told the cops, and he got arrested. This... this note is from him. Or one of his stupid friends. He escaped jail and now... he has Piper."

"We call the cops then." Mitch says.

"He'll kill her. And then Avi. And then all of you. It's not above him, trust me. We have to find her and save her ourselves." I look around desperately, silently asking for help. They all exchange glances and, one by one, start nodding. I feel the smile pulling at my face. "Thank you all so much! But we should start as soon as possible."

"Do you know where he might have her?" Avi asks, clasping his hands together. Everyone sits for a few minutes, clearly trying to think.

"There's the abandoned amusement park down at the pier," Kirstie suggests.

"Or the old warehouse downtown," Avi mutters.

"No, no. Those aren't Marcus's style. It's gotta be something old and creepy, yes, but it's gotta be in a location no one would think of. Something no one would expect a killer to be at. There's the library, the old one that no one goes to anymore. Or that one really old mansion just outside of downtown. A lot of places he could be." I say, plopping onto the arm of the chair that Avi's in.

"Maybe we should check all four." Kevin says, looking around. Everyone nods.

"I guess it's settled then." I respond. "We'll check the amusement park, the warehouses, the library, and the mansion. Those are our best bets, I'd say. So... buddy system? If we all go in pairs we'll be safer." I say. No one seems to be opposed, so I start talking. "Avi and I will check the library, Mitch and Kirstie you can cover the mansion, Kevin and Scott get the warehouse. If he's not in any of those, we all check the amusement park together. Text everyone if your pair finds them."

We split into our groups and head out. We have to find her. We will. Right?


A/N: It's short again. I was trying to get this out. I hope you guys enjoyed, though I was having some trouble with figuring out how to word this. The next chapter will definitely be longer. Thank you guys so so so so so so so much for over six hundred reads, that number is like... mind blowing. Like woah. Woah. Like... woah. Anywho, I'll see you all in the next part and... peace!

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