Capítulo 23

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Steve looked at Natasha and smiled, while the crowd was getting out from the courtroom.

S: At least clothes she'll have, if Sharon doesn't mind. I know she's not capable in the moment to judge, but I don't know if it would be disrespectful.

N: I think she would understand and I think she would want Sarah for her too. Look at that little face, she's so beautiful.

Natasha caressed Sarah's head and looked at her.

N: She's so tiny.

Natasha smiled and Steve too. Natasha held onto Sarah's hand.

N: Look at all those little fingers. It's very impressive.

S: Yes, it is.

N: I remember when I stopped to look at James right by the first time... I thought he was so perfect, I couldn't believe I'd done something so perfect like that.

S: We did...

Steve raised his eyebrows and looked at Natasha who looked back at him.

S: I'm joking.

N: It's true.

Sarah started to cry again.

N: Awn... What is it?

Steve shook her lightly, but this time it didn't work. Sarah turned her head toward Steve's chest, opened her mouth, and when she didn't feel anything, she started to scream.

N: Awn, she's hungry... She's trying to breastfeed.

S: I'll take her to the kitchen.

Steve turned his back on Natasha and walked down the hall, then he stopped and looked back.

S: But what if she has the same as James?

N: Intolerance to milk? What were they feeding her at F Wing?

S: I... I don't know, I didn't notice.

N: If she had any intolerance, they would have told you there.

S: But I'm not her father, they wouldn't have told me.

N: But you were responsible for her there.

S: Damn, I should have asked.

Natasha approached Steve and took Sarah from his lap and Sarah also tried to suck on her and screamed even more hungrily.

N: It's alright, sh...

Natasha looked at Steve.

S: I just remembered that the cooks have a spreadsheet with the food that each person here can receive or not.

N: Great, take her there then.

Natasha was passing Sarah to Steve's lap, when Steve's W.T. began to whistle. Steve answered the call and Hill was calling him at the command center and said it was urgent.

S: Hill, I'm busy right now, I just adopted a baby and I have to...

H: What?? Adopted a baby? That girl you brought from outside?

S: Yes, her name is Sarah.

H: Steve, we need you here now, you know that. Leave her at the nursery and come here.

N: Steve, I can stay with her, no problem.

S: Are you sure?

N: Of course. I promised I would help.

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