Capítulo 31

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N: What's going on? Steve?

Natasha was on 4 and stretched a hand toward Steve to touch his arm. As soon as she tried to touch him, he turned abruptly and moved his arm to defend himself. Natasha wasn't hit for having a good reflex, she managed to step away.

S: Go!!!

Then Steve screamed loudly, and started to get up.

Natasha ran to stay a little further.

N: Steve, do you hear me? Stay calm, I can help you, but you have to control yourself. You are strong. Stronger than this.

Steve was standing, breathing heavily and head down.

Natasha frowned when she heard Steve laughing, a laugh that started to get low and then got loud and scary.

The sarcastic tone of his laugh made it clear that Steve was out of his mind and Natasha was trying to figure out how this could have happened.

She knew that, definitely, the cut provoked this new state of him, since no Pyron dominated him, he didn't face any Pyron, but how could he have been altered only by a piece of glass? Was it contaminated? Was it on purpose?

N: Steve? It's me... Natasha. Remember? Please...

Steve lifted his head and for a few seconds he didn't look at Natasha, then he turned his head slowly toward her, still with a macabre smile on his face.

N: Don't you recognize me?

Steve didn't respond, he just ran to Natasha and tried to attack her.

Natasha just deflected the attack.

N: Steve!

Natasha screamed and Steve stepped onto her again.

N: I won't fight you! You need to fight this shit back! Listen to me, please!

Natasha used her arms, to prevent the continued blows that Steve applied against her, and he is much stronger than her, so with each defense, she felt the impact of his blows more and more.

N: Steve! STOP!

Natasha had to move away from him in order to control him some other way.

Steve took the opportunity to grab a table and throw against Natasha, who crouched and rolled onto the floor to protect herself. Before Natasha could get up, Steve grabbed his shield and threw at her, who again had to dodge, tumbling, and doing some acrobatics stuff to escape from the blow.

The force with which Steve threw the shield was such that when it hit the wall, it got stuck on it.

After Natasha stood up, she looked shocked at the shield on the wall, it would have cut off her head if it had hit her.

Soon after Natasha concluded that it was better to take Steve's shield, because he is good at body combat, but with the shield it's almost impossible to stop him.

They both looked at the shield at the same time and Natasha was closer to where the shield had been trapped, she used the chair as a support to jump, climbed on it and took a big leap. Natasha collapsed on the floor, got up and ran to the shield, she tried to pull it from the wall, but it was stuck.

Natasha glanced briefly back and Steve was hurrying toward her and she gripped the shield harder and propped her feet against the wall to pull even harder.

N: Come on!!!

Natasha raged as she pulled the shield hard.

After a few seconds, the shield finally began to move and she managed to pull it out, and when she turned to see if Steve was nearby, she didn't see him anywhere.

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