28 ○○○

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The fire is burning bright. No one ever bothered to clean up the pile of fallen wood, instead just dropping a lit match to the wood that they poured a bit of firewood ignite-ent on. A bunch of sticks and hotdogs are burning on the inside of the pile, from when Niall and Louis decided it would be a good idea to fight through the fire with their sticks and hot dogs, a waste really. An empty 12 pack of beer lays to the side, filled messily with the empty cans. A few yawns riffle through the air, the time of 9:36 p.m. dawning on them along with a long day spent wandering the beach.

Right now, Louis and Harry are stacking up the s’mores for everybody. Every once in awhile, they stop to feed one of the chocolate bites to each other in mock romance, fluttering their eyelashes, and licking their lips exaggeratedly. Smoothie shop boy is surprisingly still hanging out with them, still clinging to Niall as they chat (flirt, insists Louis) endlessly.

“Hey Ni,” Zayn calls, getting his attention, “how’d surfing go?”

The boy next to him laughs as Niall answers, “Yeah, well it turns out you can't learn to surf in one day, so-”

“-you sucked then?” Louis throws out, he catches a glimpse of smoothie boy nodding furiously.

Niall sneers playfully, crawling through the sand to snatch away a few of the s’more sandwiches. Louis rolls his eyes, looking over to Zayn to see Liam back from throwing some things away. He leans over Zayn, whispering, “You ever find out what you were gonna do, babe?”

“You ever find out what you were gonna do, babe- what ?” Louis says, interrupting in curiosity.

Zayn sighs, “Still have to do a pencil drawing for the art show.”

“You get themes like last year?” Louis questions. He misses where he is putting the top graham cracker due to not looking, and Harry catches his wrist to help him out. Domestic and shit.

Zayn nods, “Seeing things in a new light.”

Louis slinks back in confusion, “That's different.”

“Yeah I know,” Zayn shrugs, “It’s a lot deeper than last year.”

Louis hums in response, “You gonna give us a preview?”

Liam laughs, making Zayn look to him with a small grin. “Mate, I've been trying to get a peek at his final pieces since the day he got the prompt.”

Louis snorts, “Maybe if you blow him first.”

Harry turns away and tries to hold in his laughter, as Zayn turns to Liam, eyebrows raised with a questioning smirk.

“He’s pretending like I haven’t already tried that on him,” Liam rolls his eyes, grabbing Zayn’s hand and holding it in his lap.

Zayn turns pink under the yellow glow of the flames, biting his lip as he squeezes Liam's hand. Harry passes them some s’mores, and Louis glances to see how ‘Minnie’ are doing.

“Oh for fuck's sake,” he mumbles under his breath, watching as they try to throw little bits of food into each other’s mouths, “will you two just stop flirting and do the deed.”

He feels nails dig into his arm and he turns to see Harry shaking his head. He can tell Harry is trying to scowl at him, but there are two barely-there dimples present in his cheeks, so it’s a failed attempted, really, and they both know it.

Louis pouts just to indulge him, “I had to, babe.”

“What?” Smoothie shop boy asks, glancing to Niall.

“Go easy on him, he’s not used to things up his bum.” Zayn chimes.

“What?” Smoothie shop boy asks again with raised eyebrows.

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