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They all go out to dinner afterwards, reservations made by the university at an Italian restaurant. It’s a tight squeeze, but they all manage at a long string of tables. Niall sits with Gemma and Lottie, arguing with them over the latest fashion trends, whilst Jay, Anne and Niall's mum sit with each other. Robin, Louis’ stepdad, and Liam's father all make easy conversation, and Liam and Zayn's mums are both caught up in some internet hoax. Zayn sits between his sister and Liam, listening to them coo over his artwork to embarrass him.

Louis and Harry sit across from Gemma, Lottie, and Niall, Daisy and Phoebe back in their arms. The four of them order make-your-own pizzas off the kids menu. Each of them gets two crusts, one for a dessert pizza and another for a normal one, and they giggle as they make them together.

“Harry,” Daisy draws out, “you can’t put mushrooms on pizza,” she wrinkles her nose, and ignores her own pizza to start picking off the mushrooms Harry had put on his.

“What, why not?” Harry laughs, tightening his grip on the girl's waist as she squirms in his lap and tries to reach further to get the last ones.

“Because mushrooms are gross,” she says incredulously, dumping all the mushrooms onto Niall's plate who isn’t even paying attention to it, too busy with his conversation.

“Yeah, Harrryy,” Louis says in a high pitched voice, “mushrooms are gross.”

Harry looks over to his boyfriend to see him and Phoebe dumping chocolate syrup all over their dessert pizza. He gasps, “Why are you making the dessert one first!”

“Haven’t you seen Remember Me?” Phoebe says, scrunching her little nose up just like her big brother, and Louis snorts and gives Harry the same look, agreeing with her.

Daisy looks back to Harry and turns in his lap, “Don’t worry,” she whispers into his ear, “they’re gonna be jealous when we’re making ours. It’s gonna be lots better.”

“Lots more?” Harry asks, eyes widening.

Daisy nods and giggles.

“Secrets, secrets are no fun! Secrets, secrets hurt someone!” Louis shouts at them, and Jay glares at him from where she’s sitting down the table.

“Louis, shut up.”

Harry snorts at him, and Louis pouts. “Secret, secrets are no fun,” he mumbles under his breath, dumping white chocolate chips onto the dessert pizza, “secrets, secrets hurt someone.”

“Harry, Harry,” Daisy draws his attention back by pulling on his bow-tie, “want me to show you something cool?”

Harry’s eyes widen again, “Something cool?”

The little girl nods, “Gimme your hand.”

Harry offers her his hand, and she takes it in her little tiny one.

“Okay, so what you do,” she starts, eyebrows furrowed, “is you…” she trails off, trying to shove an olive onto Harry’s fingertip.

She tries again and again, each time the olive breaking, and her little tongue that's poking from the side of her mouth withdraws. “Something’s wrong with you.”

Louis cackles.

“Why are your fingers so big?” she asks, confused.

“Yeah, Harold,” Louis teases, flashing his dainty hand, “something’s wrong with you.”

Harry fake pouts, watching as Daisy still tries to shove more olives onto his fingers.

“Hey,” Niall says, looking at his plate confused and then up at the group, “where’d all these mushrooms come from?”)

A large hotel string is one of the university art show sponsors, and to help out they offered all travelling family members a two night stay. So Harry and Louis finally part ways, going to their own families hotel rooms to visit for a while.

(Jay has Louis wrapped up in her arms in the hotel bed, her baby boy's head tucked under her neck as she rubs his back. “You’re in love,” she whispers softly, kissing the top of his head.

“I am,” he replies softly.

“I knew you loved him, but not this much.”

“Is it that obvious?” Louis whines, a blush filling his cheeks.

Jay snorts. “Oh yeah, it’s obvious."

Lottie agree from the bathroom where she is taking her makeup off, and Louis groans.

“C’mon, give me some details,” Jay teases, pulling back to see his face, “who tops?”

Louis chokes, “Mum!”

“What,” she draws out, raising her eyebrows, “it’s just a question!”

“I’m not answering that,” he mumbles embarrassed.

“Well, fine then,” she pouts, going in a different direction, “is he good to you?”

“Obviously,” Louis says blatantly.

“Okay,” Louis mum shakes her head, “is he different than the others?”

“Obviously,” Louis says again, giggling.

“Boobear,” his mum says, “this is when you're supposed to tell me all about him.”

Louis groans at the old name, and he hides his face. “He’s great.”

“Great?” Jay says in boredom.

"Yeah," Louis mumbles, "and really sweet, and he's pretty," he pauses, "and soft. He's really soft," he pauses again, "he's smart too. And funny, even though I tell him he isn't. And he's warm," he sighs happily, "he's very warm."

Jay smiles, her eyes crinkling the way her son’s do.

"Very in love," she murmurs.)

(Harry settles on the bed, a pillow in his lap and a smile on his face as he officially meets Robin, who has an arm wrapped around his mum.

He smiles and laughs, and suddenly Gemma is tackling him and pinning him to the bed.

"He's so cute!" she teases, tickling Harry’s sides.

"Gemma!" Harry shrieks, "stop!"

"Nope, give me the details!" she laughs, settling on his lap, "is he a good kisser? Toucher?" She gasps, whispering, "How big is he?"

Harry blushes, turning his head into the bed and mumbling, "Yes, yes, and very."

Gemma smirks, "He tops doesn't he?"

Harry groans, but nods, and Gemma snickers, kissing his cheek before rolling off of him and pulling him close to her chest, "My baby brother found the one, how cute! I can already tell you want Daisy and Phoebe to be flower girls!”

Harry chokes, "What are you talking about?"

Gemma rolls her eyes. "Mum already told me, idiot. You're madly in love."

"Mum," Harry groans loudly.

"You know I can't keep secrets from your sister."

"Speaking of secrets," Gemma starts, "where did you two run off too during the art show?")

When they finally do return home, it's with pleased smiles and hands entwine. Harry presses Louis into the mattress and kisses him soft and slow, whispering over and over again how much he loves him.

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