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One of you requested something a little new a few chapters back, and no spoilers, but I'm in the process of writing it for this fic, even though I'm new to having ever written that kind.


Dinner is simply barbecued hamburgers. Louis almost immediately knows that it was probably Niall who decided on that, because he loves barbecuing. Their last normal summer before heading off to uni, he held a barbecue for his boys. His only request was to bring random food items. He ended up with a few fires, and a few great treasures, trying to barbecue all the random foods. So okay.

They all gather around the farmer table, rectangular woodtop, small maps of scratches and marker stains. Louis smiles, taking out his phone and taking a picture of Harry’s signature on one of the ends, both ‘r’s backwards, letters completely lopsided. It's so cute, makes Louis’ heart jump and flip and squeeze, god; he can’t stop thinking about a little Harry with little chubby fingers, holding a blue crayon too tightly, little tongue poking out as he colours on the table. Small curls, and small dimples, and big, green eyes.

Anne watches him do it, take the picture, whilst the other boys make their hamburgers and pile chips on their plates. She sees his little smile, the way his eyes light up, pointer finger tracing the letters. She also sees her son, holding his plate at the counter, waiting for the other boys to get their chips, watching Louis. She sees his smile, the way he bites his lip and blinks his eyes, dimples caving in on his pink cheeks.

Harry’s hand finds his knee under the table as he finishes off his chips. It's obvious, it is, with the way Louis’ face lights up, eyes brighter, straightening up. They all make comfortable conversation, tons of snorts and laughs, and Niall spitting his food out from laughing too hard. It makes Liam groan and Zayn snicker and Anne laugh until there are tears in her eyes. Niall is cute. Cute and endearing and everyone loves him, no matter what. He chews with his mouth open, talks with food in his mouth, but it's okay with him, because he strangely makes it look adorable and boyish and perfect. All of their mothers loved Niall from the beginning, only accepting any type of rude behaviour from him and him alone.

Louis places his hand on top of Harry’s, squeezing it lightly. They’re all talking, and laughing, and arguing like this giant family, so comfortable with each other already. It’s so easy, Louis thinks, being here with his mates, and his boyfriend, holding his hand that is on his thigh under the table, right in front of his mum who his smiling and joking along with the boys. Everything with Harry is easy though, he just slips right into his life like there was an opening there for him the entire time.


“So, how long are you staying, Harry?” Anne asks, and the question was bound to be asked eventually. Harry looks to Louis, and Louis looks to Liam, because Liam has the keys, and Liam drove them, and because Harry shouldn’t be the one who tells his mum he has to leave early in the morning. He showed up, and then he’s gone. Harry shouldn’t have to say it, he shouldn’t.

“Oh, um,” Liam clears his throat, “a couple of us work on Tuesday, so we’re going to have to leave, uh, tomorrow.”

Anne bites her lip, holding in her frown. “I guess if I ever want to see you again in the next two years I’ll have to go to Zayn's art show, huh?”

“I would love if you could go,” Zayn blurts out, “I invited you, I mean. I really do want you to come.”

Anne smiles, head tilted, “Of course I’ll come, love. Wouldn’t miss it for the world, you seem like a very talented artist,” she clears her throat, looking to Louis and Harry, “and as long as these two keep me informed,” she raises a stern eyebrow, but all Harry and Louis do is grin, keying in on the fact that she referred to both of them, “I’ll be there.”

“Anyone you want to bring can come too,” Zayn adds.

Harry’s eyebrows raise, “Oh,” he says quickly, “how’s Robin?”

Anne smiles, “He’s great. We’re great, um,” she pauses, wiping her mouth with her napkin, “we’re discussing him moving in here with me.”

Harry beams, and he can feel Louis pressing his smile into his cheek.

“He can come then,” Zayn says, “be lovely to meet him, actually.”


After dinner, everyone becomes a bit sluggish. Long day of driving, and chatting, and now full bellies in a warm and comfy home, it’s inevitable. Zayn and Liam curl up on the couch together, taking the warm blanket Anne offered them and cuddling together under it. Anne already gave them the message on how lovely the two looked together, cooing with Niall over them.

Niall who is currently laid out on the comfy carpet, arms behind his head as he chats easily with Anne. It’s weird, really, how easily the two get on.

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