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Four more chapters till I start writing the sequel to this, thank you so much for all your love and support, your comments always make my day. I love you all ! 😙

The next day is spent out with their families. Harry and Louis meet them in their hotel rooms early in the morning, and they all go out for breakfast at Harry and Louis' favourite diner.

It's early morning chatter, and complaints of the hotel walls being too thin. They talk with their mouths full, and laugh too loud, and Harry and Louis keep giving each other this look, one that sort of splits the air molecules to spell 'forever' because that's all it feels like, like this could be their forever. Their families are together and it's all laughs and smiles, and it's like they already are a big family, really.

The twins have syrup covering their faces and fingers, and Gemma takes them to the bathroom and cleans them up like they're her own little sisters, fixing their hair back for them again and letting them put on some of her lip-gloss. They adore her, more than they adore even Harry and Louis.

After breakfast they go through town together, looking through the shops until its warmed up a bit, and they drive the half an hour drive to the reservoir. The beach area isn't too crowded yet, and there's only a couple of boats out on the water. Gemma and Lottie both sit on the dock, their feet hanging over the edge and dipping into the lake water as they talk like sisters.

Meanwhile, Louis has given in to the twins (and Harry's) pleads to let them bury him in the sand, and he is currently stiff in the warm powdery dirt, the twins packing sand over his shorts-covered legs. Harry is covering his chest with it, bathing in Louis' pleading looks to get him out. All Harry does though is flick his nipples and pack more sand onto him.

After Louis manages to free himself, he tickles all three of them until they're almost peeing themselves, and then he buys everyone ice cream, asking Harry for his family's favourite flavours and surprising them with the sugary sweetness.

They get hot dogs at one of the vendors at the reservoir for lunch, and spend their one day together relaxing in each other's company. Jay gets time to steal Harry away and she hugs him close and pets his curls, kisses his cheek and says, “Thank god Louis fell in love with a sweetheart like you.”

They have one last family dinner together, except this time it is just McDonalds at the park. It’s much calmer; quiet as they just enjoy the cooling end-of-the-summer air. The twins are fast asleep in the grass, and everyone else is yawning from the long day. It isn’t long before they are all turning in early from the long day, giving each other sad goodnight hugs.

Harry and Louis are exhausted from the busy day, and after they take a warm shower together filled with gentle kisses, they curl up in the bed sheets together, and go to sleep.

The next day is when their families have to leave. On their walk over to the hotel, Harry and Louis stop and buy a bit more than a dozen doughnuts for them, and they eat one small breakfast together in the midst of busy packing. It's a long drive home for both families and they all hug each other goodbye, Anne and Jay exchanging numbers, and Lottie and Gemma as well. Both Harry and Louis are on the verge of crying, saying goodbye to the twins, Daisy taking Harry’s face in her tiny hands and kissing his cheek. “You're my favourite princess.”

Gemma has a hard time letting Louis and the twins go as well, but an even harder time letting her baby brother go.

Anne and Jay both have tears in their eyes, saying goodbye to their boys, hugging each of them tightly and murmuring sweet messages into their ears, before kissing their cheeks and finally letting them go.

Harry and Louis walk home, hands in their sweatpants pockets and their smiles tired. It’s a bit of a soft day. A bittersweet melancholy that sits in stomachs wrong when you swallow it's flawed victuals. A day where when they bump shoulders, they don't glance up to each other, but keep their eyes to the ground, allowing it to see their shy smiles.

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