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Hey. I want you to suffer just like I did when I accidentally made this edit.

 I want you to suffer just like I did when I accidentally made this edit

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(It's two in the morning and Harry is crawling into his mummy’s bed. He shifts under the duvet, carefully moving closer to her, and pokes at her shoulder. “Mummy?”

Anne makes a small noise, stirring awake.


She slowly sits up, eyes squinted as she reaches for the bedside lamp, flicking it on. It’s a dim light that barely fills the room, a soft yellow glow. When she sees Harry, she feels herself tear up, looking at her son. She quickly sits up against the headboard, smiling.

“You remind me of when you were little and would get nightmares” she feels the tears slip out and Harry smiles at her from where his head's in the pillows. He shifts, moving so his head is placed in her lap, staring up at his mummy.

“I never thought I’d ever see you sneaking in here again at night.”

“You don't hate me, do you?” he asks shyly, feeling sad as he watches his mum wipe at her cheeks.

“Of course not, baby,” she scratches behind his ear, frowning, “I didn’t want you to ever leave, especially not for that long,” she twirls a finger around one of Harry’s curls, “but I had to trust that you knew what was best for yourself.”

Harry bites his lip, eyebrows furrowing.

Anne sniffles, “You’ve gotten so big, baby.”

“Stop it mum, gonna make me cry again,” Harry croaks, turning his head into her lap.

She laughs quietly, wiping her hands over his cheeks, “How have you been, Harry? Really?”

“Been good, mum.”

Anne rolls her eyes, pinching his ear, “You can’t lie to me.”

Harry's eyes widen, “I’m not lying!”

Anne sighs, tilting her head, “I know. I just want you to tell me how good things have been. Wanna hear you talk and see your handsome face,” she starts to tear up again, and Harry frowns.

“It’s been good, really,” he insists, “after I graduate uni I want to rent out this place over on the corner where the elementary school is. Gonna have my own bakery.”

Anne grins, “You’re gonna do so great,” she starts, “and the elementary school?”

Harry blushes, “Yeah, because maybe after school kids can sto-”

Anne rolls her eyes, putting her finger to his lips, “I told you you can’t lie to me.”

Harry laughs, looking away with pink cheeks.

“It’s because of him, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” he says softly, “he has already been speaking with the headmasters. They said that they are opening a day-care and he can run that, and then when a teaching job opens up he gets first call for it. They really like him.”

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