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An extra chapter because someone askedbut some people are so impatient. 😤😤

(Jk love you)

Harry's breathing is ragged like water over river rocks, feeling Louis’ fingertips burning into his hipbones, his lips trailing down his neck and over his collarbones, sucking rough and dark lovebites all over. He brings his mouth up to Harry’s ear, nipping at it lightly, his hot breath making Harry shiver as he whispers: “You're allowed to touch me too, babe.”

He whines lowly, letting his eyes flutter as he immediately pulls Louis’ coat off with trembling hands as if he is holding a fault line during a 8.7 magnitude earthquake, feeling so overwhelmed. Louis laughs under his breath, kissing Harry’s jaw line softly before pulling his own shirt off himself, “What's the matter, Haz?” he smirks, watching Harry stare at him with glazed eyes.

Harry flushes, shaking his head quickly before grabbing Louis’ hand in his own and pulling him toward his bedroom. He carefully lays Louis down, breath hitching as he crawl on top of him, hips held down with Louis' hands as he licks into his mouth, kissing him frantic and dirty.

Harry is more gentle, softly trailing his fingers down Louis’ back, rubbing carefully into the dimples at the bottom of his spine. He wants to change this, he wants to make Louis feel how much he loves him so he won’t embarrass himself if he stutters the words out. He wants Louis to feel the same way.

Louis grinds roughly, both moaning loudly into each others mouths, breaths mangling together. He does it again, except this time Harry grinds down, making Louis whimper below him with fluttered eyelids and bitten lips. He sits up, pushing Harrys’ curls off his forehead with little breaths escaping his lips. His cheeks pink and pupils blown, “Lube? Condoms?”

“Second drawer,” Harry breathes, watching him dazed, adding in a shy voice because Louis hadn’t remembered, “I'm clean, though, so - I mean - if you’re - you don’t -” He stops himself, closing his eyes tightly, trying to get the nerves to seep out through his careful breaths. 

Louis smirks from by the drawer, rolling his eyes fondly at his pretty boy. Harry opens his own, flushing red, before standing up and quickly pulling off his sweats and boxers, sitting back down to watch Louis do the same, drinking up his golden skin and soft curves and pretty little body.

“Hands and knees?” Louis asks, crawling back on the bed. Harry nods, feeling the bed dip in front of him as he slowly brings his hand up to stroke himself. He kneads one hand into Louis' arse, the other reaching up and scratching softly down his back and over the pert skin, spreading him apart. The pad of one of Harry’s fingers carefully brushes over his entrance, making him whine and push back, looking for more, wanting something inside, but Harry's hand is gone. Instead, it’s replaced with hot little breaths, making his stomach flutter. Then, a timid lick. Louis jerks forward, squeaking in surprise, feeling Harry's breathy laugh against him. Then, hot, messy licks going over him again and again, making him moan and whimper and press back wanting to feel more, always more.

“Fuck, Harry, th-” his voice cuts off, feeling Harry's tongue press inside of him, feeling Harry's hum of a response vibrate in his arse, and his head falls between his shoulders, fingers digging into the sheets. It’s all he can do to not come already, cock leaking and barely touched.

Harry’s tongue quickens, fast and deliberate, Louis a moaning mess, spewing out words that aren't even words but feel right as they claw up his throat and out of his lips in desperate pants. All he’s able to think is come closer, please.

Then Harry's hothothot tongue is gone, cold air surprising him as he lets out a quiet hiss. “Fuck Harry,” he hears Louis, and then the snick of a bottle cap, “You’re so desperate for it, aren't you? Want it bad, daddy?"

Louis nods frantically, not trusting his voice because it will either sound so wrecked he will want to sink into the sheets and never face Harry again (he's the daddy, he thinks to himself) or he will spew out how desperate he is for Harry’s kisses,arse and cock and love.

He hears Harry laugh quietly, then there is a hand spreading him apart again, a slick finger rimming around him before slowly pushing in. His eyes flutter, looking between his thighs to see Harry on his haunches, biting his lip as he pushes another finger in, slowly, scissoring him open.

He leans in, pressing a hot kiss to Louis' arse, biting softly at his milky skin as he curves his fingers, making Louis tremble and choke out a low, throaty moan. Harry hits him there again and again, adding another finger and watching mesmerised as Louis whimpers and rocks back on his hand, back arched and skin covered in a thin line of sweat already.

“Haz, Princess,” Louis chokes out, “please, more.”

He curves his fingers one last time, listening to Louis sob as he slowly pulls out, kissing Louis' arse one last time, mumbling out something along the lines of, “Yeah, okay baby.”

He quickly slicks himself up, biting his lip as his eyes wander over Louis who is so wrecked before him, leaking precum onto their duvet that they didn't bother to remove, milky skin starting to bruise from his fingertips earlier. Fuck, so beautiful.

No, Louis.

Louis closes his eyes, breathing in deeply, willing himself not to think as Harry lines himself up. He's pulled  apart with one hand, circling his entrance with the head of Harry's cock, carefully pushing in when Louis hisses out his name, desperate to be fucked. Harry's eyes roll back, biting the inside of his cheek at the tight feeling.

Finally, Harry is nuzzled up against his thighs, Louis tight and hot around him, and it takes everything in him not to tear him apart and fuck him hard and rough into the mattress, make his daddy choke and plead. “Tell me when Lou. Tell me when to move.”

“Now,” he breathes quickly, trying to push further back onto Harry, “please, now.”

Harry laughs breathlessly, slowly pulling out only to slam back into him, trailing his hands up Louis' back and to his shoulders, gripping them tightly as he thrusts back in again and again and again. Louis slumps forward, dropping his head into his crossed arms on the mattress, curse words spilling from his lips with his eyes shut tightly and mouth hung open. He bites back a scream when Harry hits just the right place, choking on his tongue and air and fuck.

Louis trails one of his hands down his back to Harry’s hip, gripping it tightly, listening to Harry's moans, little ‘ah-ah-ahs’ escaping his own lips. He leans over Louis' back as best he can, trying to get closer to his ear as he mumbles out, “C’mon Lou, wanna hear you.”

Louis doesn’t do anything, keeps biting into his arm as Harry fucks into him, dazed and worried and so overwhelmed by the feeling. Harry digs his pink fingernails into Louis' hip further, though, pulling out slowly and then roughly slamming back in, hitting his spot and smirking when Louis' loud and choked scream fills the room.

“Close, close, close,” Louis rambles out, breathless with heavy eyelids and lips, wishing he was on his back so he could see,  as he feels him fuck into him again and again and again, Harry’s tightening grip on his skin where he’s sure dark purple bruises will be dancing on his skin for days.

Harry reaches around Louis, grabbing his hot and leaking and untouched cock into his tiny hand, pumping him quickly, leaning down again and biting into his shoulder, hotly breathing into his ear, “Come on Lou, daddy, come for me.” 

Louis shudders under the words, feeling his stomach clench as a strangled sob leaves his lips at Harry biting his ear, coming all over his duvet and mattress. Harry bites his lip, closing his eyes tightly at the feel of Louis clenching around him, then falling limp. He slowly pulls out, pumping himself fast, faster, spilling all over Louis, a line of profanities leaving his lips as he falls beside Louis.

Harry smiles lazily, feeling warm and tired and what he imagines it would be like to be made of honey, smiling wider as he glances over at Louis who has flushed cheeks and glossy eyes and bitten lips, and fuck. He looks even more beautiful than last time. He sighs contently, wanting to wrap Louis arms around himself and be pulled into his chest. Louis mumbles, "I'm tired." and spoons Harry, pushing his curls back to press a kiss to his forehead. "My baby boy."

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