Please Don't Go - Percy x Reader

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A/N ~ I got this idea from a comment made by @XxOnceAponAMemoryxX and I know I haven't updated in forever but I've been super busy and stressed so I will try to update more often that one every 3-4 months

Percy's POV
Y/N and I were on a quest to find some magical  object with a really long name that I can't remember. We were doing just fine until we tried to get near the object and a pack of hell hounds came after us. Did I forget to mention this object may have belonged to Hades and he was guarding it carefully. We grabbed whatever it was but then we were met with a problem. I narrowly avoided crashing into a tree while we were running through the woods trying to lose the dogs. Y/N and I were both littered with scratches from the branches of bushes and trees, running until we hit a cluster of trees so dense that no one could get through. We were cornered and did the only thing we could do. I opened Riptide and Y/N pulled out her two shortened scythes. We backed up to the wall and watched as the hellhounds came closer and closer. The first one kept at me while two more charged at Y/N. I stabbed the hound just in time to watch Y/N get tackled to the ground by another. I defended her from the others and finally she killed the ones on top of her. She stood up and as we both put our weapons away, a hound hiding behind the trees jumped out and swiped at Y/N while knocking me to the ground in the process. By the time I got back up I saw Y/N stab the dog, then look at me. I saw something in her eyes but I didn't have time to figure it out because she immediately dropped to the ground in pain. I followed and noticed multiple blood splotches on her shirt and pants. I opened one of the holes in her shirt to se a large gash that had blood coming out of it. I checked the other tears in her clothing to find the same thing.

"Y/N say with me. Please. I'm gonna make it better. I can get you to a hospital or back to camp. It's not that far. I think it's only a few miles. I'll carry you back. You'll be-" I saw cut of by Y/N shaking her head.

"Percy," she said in a whisper. "We both know how this works out. I'm not it the best shape to make it back to came and how are you going tk explain the to the cops." She was right but I refused to listen. I couldn't loose her. I had already lost so many people in my life and I couldn't loose the one girl who made me the happiest person in the world. "Percy, I want to you know that I love you and don't spend the rest of your life sad about me. You're one of the lucky ones who gets a longed life then most demigods. Get over me and move on with your life. Don't let me be a burden on your shoulders." She and I were both crying, and I stared to notice her breathing getting shallow.

"Y/N please don't go. Stay with me. I can't loose you. Don't leave me here. Please. Y/N PLEASE. I NEED YOU!" I was shouting at the end of this and when I opened my eyes I noticed hers were closed. "No no no. This can't be happening. She and I were going to be happy. Y/N NO! PLEASE COME BACK! PLEASE DON'T GO!" I sat there for what was most likely hours, crying snd holding her body. I finally calmed down enough to regain my strength and picked her up. I carried her back to camp, which by my estimate was probably one or two miles. I finally walked out of the forest and up onto the hill. I crossed into camp and her multiple gasps. I was covered in blood, mine and hers, and looked like I had just lost everything. I did. I kept walking until I got to the big house. Chiron and Mr. D were playing chess until they heard my footsteps. Chiron turned around and sadness immediately filled his face.

"Percy, I'm so sorry. She was a wonderful camp-" he didn't get to finish because I broke down again. I dropped to the ground and sobbed while hugging her body close. I had lost her and I couldn't get her back. I felt a few pairs of hands come around my waist and shoulders and they started to pull me away. I tried to hold onto her, screaming, kicking, and even threatening to pull out my sword but it did nothing. I finally game up and collapsed, curling up on the ground so I couldn't see anything. Those same people picked me up again and carried me to the infirmary. I looked up to see Jason and Nico carrying me along. I must have looked like a wreck because I could see the pity in their eyes. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, hero to the camp more than once. Everyone would always look to me when something went wrong and now I was acting like a pitiful coward. I couldn't take it anymore and tried again to get it of their grasp by elbowing Jason and rolling out of their hands. I jumped up and took of sprinting, looking back only to see all of my friends chasing after me. I ran back into the woods but didn't make t far until I tripped on a root and fell. I was so exhausted that the last thing I saw before I passed out was seven people standing over me with tears in their eyes.


I woke up in the infirmary a few hours later, considering it was about dinner time. I saw Will washing his hands in the sink and I sat up to talk to him before multiple people rushed in and gave me hugs.

"Percy, you're okay. Thank the gods. You were almost dead from blood loss." I heard Frank say from the foot of my bed.

"Yeah, when we found you in the woods, you were pale and still bleeding. What happened?" Leo said and they all looked at me. I took a moment to look at everyone who was here. Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper were on one side of the bed with Frank and the foot and Leo, Nico, and Jason on the other side.

"We were going to get the thing and Y/N grabbed, which must have set off some alarm. Next thing we knew, there was a pack of at least 5 hellhounds chasing us. We got backed up into a corner and fought. I though we had gotten them all when...another one jumped out and attacked Y/N, knocking me to the ground. When we both stood up she looked at me and fell. She was covered in cuts and I tried t-to keep-p h-h-her al-live but-but sh-she did-didn't m-make i-it." I was starting to cry again but didn't want to look weak so I help back the tears. "I carried her back her and when you guys tried to pick me up and take me away, I don't really know what happened. I got scared and ran. I hit a tree root and fell. Everything was a little blurry after that and then I passed out. I guess I forgot about my own wounds cause I realized as I was lying on the ground how much blood was coming out." I started to loose consciousness and things started fading in and out. I tried to stand up and shake the pain away. I needed to see Y/N. It was a little after dinner time so she must be at the campfire. They all tried to hold them back but I shook them off and yelled at them to let go. They did and followed me down the hill. I was limping and almost fell a few time but finally made it. Someone gasped and pointed when they saw me, which led to stares from the entire camp and lots of whispers. I took a seat in an empty area and sat in silence. Chiron carried on with the funeral and I watched as the fire changed to a black, representing the death of someone who was very loved. I left after awhile and went back to my cabin. I didn't want to heal myself with water so I just went straight to bed. I couldn't deal with the reality of everything. I couldn't deal with the fact Y/N was dead.

Third Person POV ~ Three Years Later
Percy never recovered. Everyone expected him to return back to his old self in a few months but it never happened. He rarely left his cabin and never went in the water any more. He told everyone he didn't want his scars to go away. He wanted them as a reminded of his failure. Most of the time when he went outside, it was to eat or train. No one went into the area while he trained, mainly because they were to afraid he would accidentally cut their head of if they made a noise. He didn't eat much and never slept. He would pass out every few weeks from dehydration, malnourishment, or lack of sleep. He stopped talking to his friends and everyone was worried. They knew he blamed himself and tried to tell him otherwise but he wouldn't listen. All he did was hide his pain from others. The worst problem was the fact that he was 21. He was at the drinking age. He could sneak out of camp and buy something alcoholic to numb the pain, so that's what he did. It's what he kept doing until finally he ended up in the infirmary with alcohol poisoning. He was kept their in isolation so he could get all the alcohol out of his system and was now never allowed outside of camp. He spent 90% of his time in his cabin or stuck in the infirmary when something was wrong. Everyone had slowly but surely given up on him, including his mother and father. He used to be known as Percy Jackson, the hero of the gods and one of the seven who stopped the apocalypse. Now he was known as Percy Jackson, the depressed guy who had lost everything and hid away his feelings. He was a stone wall and never spoke. Something went wrong inside of him when she died. Something changed. Something broke, and he was never the same after that.

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