Chapter Six

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I get home before Alfred puts the bread on the table and take my seat next to Jason and across from Bruce. Tim sits beside Bruce, his nervous blue eyes flitting from me to Jason like we're going to come over the table as a unit and whomp him. It bothers me that he sees Jase and me as a united front against him; not that I ever go too far out of my way to take Tim's side on things. Maybe I should try to; Tim needs it, but Jason needs it, too. The tug-of-war tide of sour acid is starting up in my stomach again.

Dinner is a romaine salad, pot roast, green beans and mashed potatoes, but it all looks like mud and gravel to me and I know better than to try to eat it. I push meat and gravy around on my plate and glance over at Jason who's doing the same. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are dull, like someone who's all cried out and hollow. Does he know?

"After dinner, we're going to have a meeting in the Cave," Bruce says. "We need to talk about some things." His words are clipped, like he's biting down on each one. Dammit, Bruce, if you don't really want to axe Jason from the team, then don't.

I jump at the sound of Jason's fork clattering against his plate. My brother's staring at Bruce, there's no anger or hurt in his eyes, just loss and sadness. "We don't need a meeting in the Cave. We can talk about it right here. Go on, Bruce. Whattaya wanna tell me?"

I put my fork down, too, and watch Bruce and Jason. Tim has gone very still and he looks like he might run away.

"Jason, here is not..."

"Here is as good as anywhere to tell me I'm fired," Jason says, his voice void of everything. He's flat as a soda shaken up too much. "You want me to turn in my mask? The cape?"

"I'm doing this for you, Jason. No one here wants to see you hurt," Bruce says, keeping his voice even and not breaking gazes with Jason. Bruce looks honest and caring, but Jason... Jason just looks dead. Who knows if he's even hearing what Bruce is saying to him.

Jason nods. "Okay. Sure." He breaks eye contact with Bruce and looks at his plate.

"Are you all right, Jason?" Bruce asks. Jason's quiet reaction isn't sitting right with him. I know it's not sitting right with me. Something's wrong...

"Just tell me one thing, Bruce," Jason's reply is a hair above a whisper. I lean in to hear him, while Bruce sits back, arms folding over his chest. "You gonna resize my suit for that little bastard next to you to wear?"

The table goes silent, no one breathes.

"Jason, apologize to Tim..." Bruce starts but Jason's standing. He's sneering at Bruce, and God that expression's ugly. It's mean and jagged, ready to cut someone.

"I ain't apologizing to that. He came in here looking to push me out and you just let him. Well, newsflash for you, Brucie, he ain't worth shit on the streets. First bullet in the back you get is your fault."

"Jason." Bruce's voice is cold fire. "Apologize to Tim. Now!"

"Eat shit."

Bruce is on his feet, glowering at Jason and a rush of fear makes me take a deep breath. That's a Bat glare. He's pissed... he's really pissed. I get up, too. Sometimes, Bruce gets so mad he can put his fist through a wall. He doesn't hit us, he's never hit us, but... when you get that mad shit happens.

"What did you say?" Bruce demands.

"Eat shit and go to Hell!" Jason yells. "I hate you and that little fuck you brought in here! Take that half-trained twat out there, get him killed, and then think about the fucked up choice you just..."

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